How to Handle Domains and Hosting for Clients (And Earn Passive Income too!)

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if you're a developer or you build websites for clients and you're not also handling the hosting as well you're missing out on a huge stream of revenue i watched this video by living with pixels recently and he makes a couple good points but overall for the most part i just i disagree with him he talks about how you shouldn't handle domains or hosting for any of your clients just because it's it's another thing that you have to do it's another thing that can go wrong and i 100 completely disagree with him right now i have over 75 clients that i manage all of the hosting for and the reason that i do this is because it makes me over a thousand dollars a month in pure completely passive income and the reason that i say it's completely passive is because i'm not exaggerating on any given month i spend maybe maybe 30 minutes dealing with clients managing their website making tweaks little changes here for the most part i do nothing once the website is set up running ready to go it really is passive okay so jumping into this video in order to have a website you're gonna need two things you're gonna need a domain name and you're also going to need hosting if you're not a big nerd like me in in simple terms a domain name is just the name of your website so or this is the name that people are going to type into the browser in order to find your website the second thing you're going to need is hosting and i i could get super technical but just in layman's terms hosting is where your website lives any website that you hit is located on a server uh typically it's a public server located in a sub big data center somewhere with a bunch of other websites now you can have public servers you can have private servers let's say i have a private server i would never want to put my website on a private server because then nobody could access my website the point of having a website is so other people can find it and so you need to put your website on a public server now that public server essentially what you have to do is you have to pay your rent for the internet you're just paying a small monthly fee to be able to keep your website right there and typically speaking i mean it's it's really inexpensive it's about four to five dollars a month and then also a domain name is very very inexpensive in most cases it's about 12 a year or a dollar a month so for the domain and the hosting if you if you go with one of the super cheap companies you can pretty much have a website for about five dollars a month now that's on the cheap end of course if you need lots of crazy uh speed lots of crazy disk space you know there's there's different tiers that can go up from there but like i said for the most part you can get a website for about five dollars a month okay now this is where i disagree with that other video that i referenced earlier in that video he says you should let your clients deal with all of the domains and the hosting themselves that way everything is 100 on them so if there's any problems with the domains or with the hosting it's it's not on you it's not your fault now i i kind of understand that i i get what he's he's talking about if you're a web developer or a designer you may not necessarily want to deal with the technical side of things but i promise you it's not that difficult and it makes a lot of additional passive income that you're probably missing out on right now there there's a reason why most of my clients come to me in the first place and why they stick with me that reason is that they don't understand the technical details they don't know the nitty-gritty how things work how it's connected and they don't want to know they don't care they'll all they really care about is they just their company their business they know that they need a website and they want you to take care of it for them obviously that's why i have this business i want to take care of that for clients because it's a need and so obviously i'm going to charge for those services so i'm not charging five dollars a month for a hosting instead i'm charging 15 20 35 50 sometimes 75 depending on the client my goal is to be a complete one-stop shop for all of my clients they can come to me and say bryce i need a website they said great i will take care of the domain i'll take care of the hosting i'll take care of the development i'll take care of the upkeep i will do everything just pay me the monthly fee and it'll be done now that sounds like a lot but i promise you it's really not so as far as the hosting goes i am my own hosting provider i know a lot of people go to hostgator or bluehost or all these different companies that are out there to build their website or to host their website the thing though is i rent my own server and it's not that difficult it's not that expensive and it's not as complicated as it sounds i spend anywhere it's typically about thirty dollars a month to rent this server and then on that single server i put as many websites on there as i want when i was first starting out doing this i didn't have a thirty dollar a month server i was like at ten dollars a month but as i've gotten more clients i've needed more space and more power and so i kind of ramped that up but you can start doing this i'm serious for about ten dollars a month you rent a server and you can throw as many websites on there as you want and now like like i mentioned before i don't charge the four to five dollars a month that they could find by going elsewhere i charge 35 or 50 or 75 because they're paying me for a service that i'm providing them i'm not trying to compete with these other guys i can't stay in business for five dollars a month per website if that's what they want then they can go to somebody else but i'm providing a service where they don't have to know any of the technical details any of the nitty gritty i take care of all of it for them now with just one single client one website that i host i cover all of my expenses i cover the server rental and then every additional client above and beyond that is pure profit in my pocket so i've got one client that pays 35 a month great my server is paid for as soon as i get client number two that's money in my pocket if you're curious to hear more about how i do this how i rent the server i've built out a playlist for free you can see it here on youtube i'll link it right here it goes step by step by step how to buy a server how to rent a server how to set everything up how to add websites how to deal with billing you name it check it out right here and it's i promise you it's not that difficult it's so easy and it really is an incredible source of passive income okay now going back to domains this is kind of where i i agree or maybe disagree i've i've had clients that have kind of done everything underneath the sun i've had clients who have come to me and say hey bryce i already have my own domain can you work with that i say yes that's great i've also had clients on the other side who say bryce i don't know what a domain name is i know i need one will you take care of it for me so this is my thought on domain names i personally i'm not able to mark up domain names very much money where they're only 12 dollars a year then i can maybe mark it up 20 so maybe i can make a dollar or two per month per domain it's there's really not that much money in it it's not worth it to me to try and make any money off of these if a client doesn't know what a domain is and they want me to buy their domain i'll buy it and then i'll just wrap it into their monthly hosting fee so it's kind of behind the scenes they don't even see it if i had my choice though i would for the most part let a client buy their own domain name the reason for that is because one they handle all the billing so when that comes due every year they just take care of it but two the domain name is kind of the gateway into their business let's say for example that a client comes to me and they're so unhappy with my service they are like they're so angry they want to move away let's say i own their domain now i have to deal with an angry client i have to transfer their domain all the while they're upset with me and then there's a transfer fee and all this kind of stuff i just don't want to deal with it if they own the domain name from the get-go they can choose where to point that that domain name to which server that points to so if i've got my domain name over here i've got my hosting right here my server if these two were connected but they own the domain let's say later on they want to sever that connection they can take that domain and point it to a different server over here and then that's great because now they're in charge i am completely out of the picture if they want to move away from my hosting which has never happened i've never had a client be upset with my hosting but if they wanted to they have the keys to the kingdom and they can do that so that's my opinion i think that clients should handle their own domains but i think you should take care of the hosting because it's a really good source of income if you're not handling the hosting i think you're missing out on a huge huge opportunity to make passive income for months or years in the future again be sure to check out the playlist that i'll link here and down in the description below talking about how i host those servers and how you can use it to make money for yourself thanks for watching i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Bryce Matheson
Views: 60,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reseller web hosting, best web hosting, best hosting provider for wordpress, hosting websites for clients, web hosting for clients, hosting sites for websites, hosting websites for free, free domain for wordpress, wordpress free domain, wordpress hosting, wordpress cheap hosting, wordpress hostinger, wordpress hosting godaddy, wordpress hosting free, wordpress hosting comparison, website hosting and domain, website hosting explained, website hosting cost
Id: 1yi3d8s10ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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