How to START a Podcast for Beginners

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these aren't tips to starting a podcast this is actually how you start a podcast first you'll need to identify what the heck your podcast is even about if your podcast is on conspiracy theories then come up with a great title and podcast cover that's easy to understand and will stand out in search when people are choosing what podcast to listen to we actually have an entire video about this on our Channel Next is actually recording your podcast it's good to have a few episodes under your belt before you actually go live with your podcast so you have a backlog of episodes going live while you're recording new ones don't make it too complex at first just get yourself a good microphone a webcam and use Riverside to record your podcast to make your life while editing super easy lastly is choosing a platform that will host your podcast there are plenty of different options out there to choose from but this will make it easy to upload your podcast to the multiple platforms that offer podcasts like apple podcast Spotify Amazon and YouTube you can expect to pay between $5 and $25 a month for a service like this but there are a couple of limited free options available as well
Channel: Riversidefm
Views: 18,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wVVB0b8w6eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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