How to Start a New Life: Forging Documents, Friends and a History

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hello everyone my name is bradley and this is some sub a channel about how to survive in the online jungle now about a year ago i made a video on how to disappear without a trace how to effectively erase your digital footprint and also the crumbs that go with it right that might help to eventually track you down now this video was watched by over one and a half million people and to be honest i didn't actually expect such a huge response but what's more i actually stopped this video before the most interesting part could begin so today i'm going to figure out how to start a new life in a world where every single step you take leaves a digital footprint so vivid it may as well be fossilized and kept in the british museum maybe it's not too late to run away and start all over again i gathered all of this information from open sources across the web and i also verified it with some sub specialists and yes we have them now remember please do not take any of my advice directly okay my aim is to effectively explore the hypothetical and not to see federal agencies mi6 or the tax authorities so like i said before my name is bradley but i think this name will have to go i mean look at this for instance according to the office for national statistics 310 474 boys were born in britain in 1998. i actually never thought before about how my name was so unique but that's pretty bad if i keep it it'll be far too easy for someone to find me and therefore let's use the same statistics here to find myself a more common name so in 1998 almost 10 000 boys were born who were named jack and second and third places were james and thomas there were about nine and a half thousand of them and in the top five most popular names were also joshua and daniel there are actually about seven thousand of them it's at this early step that inexperienced schemers often make a mistake the fashion for names is changing rapidly if you type in the most popular names in the uk in 2021 well the results on google be completely different oliver george arthur noah and muhammad will appear in the top spots whereas in 98 none of these were popular at all and therefore it's worth choosing a new name that takes into account my age based on statistics from the end of the last century i'll select a surname from the five most common so my name is taylor james taylor and today i'm going to tell you how to start a completely new life leaving your old one behind so let's go now first of all do you know how much it actually costs to change a name 42 pounds and 44 pence to be precise that's about 50 if you're one of my us friends and that's how much this totally legal procedure costs and the process is actually very simple too you just need to fill out a small questionnaire pay the fee and in three or four weeks you'll be able to use your new name legally unsurprisingly more than 85 000 britain's change their names every year using such a practice of course in this case it's not only the government or the police that have access to the information about your old name because all entries are published on the gazette website and they're easy to find through a simple google search too and yet real criminals still use this opportunity to change names in recent years more than 900 convicted child sex offenders have undergone name change procedures and have subsequently been able to get jobs in schools kindergartens and hospitals and therefore if you have suspicions about the people around you don't be lazy check the history of their name on said sources similar procedures exist in other countries too for instance in the united states you can legally change not only your name but even your social security number american law actually makes it possible to replace your ssn in the case of identity theft and this law is sometimes used by scammers who put their own data out there and then declare theft the procedure takes longer than in britain but ordinary people can become completely new people through these procedures but these of course are just legal ways to change your name real hardcore off-gridders go even further let's bring out the dark web burner computer now on the dark web you can easily find hundreds of ads for the sale of fake documents i'm talking driver's licenses passports birth certificates even fake degrees which is something we'll talk about later and the price of such documents depends on the credibility of the seller the degree of reliability and also the country of issue of course in this video i'm not going to transfer money to the owners of these sites they're all criminals right regardless of whether they're scammers if they say want an advanced payment and then disappear with my money or whether they're forgeres if they really hand over the documents at the end of the day but let's imagine that i was willing to take a risk send say a couple of thousand dollars and i would actually receive my order well a couple of passports in different names driver's license and even a degree in something like horse forensics could quite easily be acquired so now i can travel around the world like a real secret agent right unfortunately not take a look at the cover of my british passport we've got here you see this little thing down here well what do you reckon that is this icon under the word passport it actually means that a chip is located there that contains a variety of different information and the principle is similar to the nfc chips i talked about in the last video the chip stores all of my personal data my biometric information and even a digital copy of my passport photo and this is all in encrypted form so it's almost impossible to fake all of this but the interesting thing here is the only time we really face a comprehensive passport check like this would be at the border it's really unlikely that your employer or say your apartment owner will check your passport using biometric scanners most people don't even know these things exist and therefore fraudsters usually travel using real documents and it's only once they're in the country that they begin to use the fakes now usually because of this the documents are bought locally it's too dangerous to carry fake documents in your luggage for instance and if they're found at customs you'll be immediately taken into custody however there's a very big difference here between counterfeiting and forgery sometimes these documents are assembled from a myriad of different parts of different documents and sometimes fraudsters will actually take stolen documents and replace the photos of the owners and here there's really no way you can choose a random name so maybe i'll have to become some kind of pedro jimenez now as a more complex alternative fraudsters can take a blank passport and enter the required information directly either that which has been stolen from real people or that which is simply fictitious like that of james taylor and all of this will determine the price of a fake the more complicated and expensive fake is the more useful it can be for more significant activities so let's get back to my new life i'm not planning to commit any financial crimes here i just want a fresh start and therefore if i decide to move across borders i'll use my real passport and then and only then i'll use fakes moreover if i decide to move somewhere like america then instead of using one dubious passport i'd be better off buying a fake driving license an ssn card and also a college diploma all in the same name for everyday life these documents look more authentic and besides even a really good fake it's unlikely to save you from a rigorous police check and therefore i actually won't be driving around i don't want the attention of say traffic police the driving license will only serve to confirm my identity at work and also when renting a house taking out a loan or a mortgage won't work either i don't want to get involved with a fake credit history because well i don't need to draw that extra attention to myself if i have any problems with the law oh well i'll have to use my real passport it's better to have problems with an expired visa than say accusations of document forgery importantly i haven't actually decided yet whether i'll move to a different country or not but i know for sure that i'd preferably get lost in a big city no one will pay attention to a new person in chicago or liverpool but in castle rock or derby someone will definitely be interested in the past of a certain james taylor but in any case a little work will have to be done on the biography of said character now this is where things get interesting [Music] in the era of the total dominance of social media to be without a facebook or instagram profile invites unnecessary questions and therefore i'll have to take care of creating a new social media persona and first i'll sort out my appearance i'll have to radically change my hairstyle i mean i'll either shave my head completely or wear wigs until my hair grows out i might combine this with a beard too something i've actually never worn before this will obviously only change my image but it will give me the possibility to increase my age by 10 years and i'll explain why that's important a bit later and surely you've noticed that i tend to frequent the old savoro suit alas they will have to be forgotten now i'll dress in the style of i don't know jack reacher i'll use secondhand clothes from army stores right army boots work pants with a bunch of gadgets in my pockets and under my long sleeve shirt i'll wear weights and all of this will eventually change my gait and overall image i'll move slower with heavier steps and i'll just simply look different alternatively i could go for maybe a hipster image with long hair and a beard i might lose some weight wear some baggy shirts and necklace and maybe get a myriad of very noticeable trendy tattoos either will work and also in either case i will wear glasses i'd buy a pair with weak lenses probably around 0.5 or 0.75 because they can actually be worn by a person with perfect vision and they won't really cause unnecessary questions or discomfort to the wearer now my new image is finished i'll deal with my facebook page and this is quite an easy part i won't buy a stolen profile or imitate someone else's life on the contrary i'll create a socially new one now i'm using my fictitious name but i'll change it slightly for example i'll use a shorter form and insert a nickname so james taylor will turn in something like jim duke taylor and this will hide me from those who are looking for the real james taylor and at the same time i'll be able to show my profile to new friends or a realtor for the avatar i'll use a photo in my new style but my profile picture won't be your straightforward headshot i'll actually take a picture of myself against a noisy background i'll reduce the photo to 300 dpi and i'll save it in low quality i will of course remain pretty recognizable to my new acquaintances but if a photo catches the eye of people from my past they won't recognize me at all now these steps are going to help to hide some of my characteristic facial features all that remains is to protect the photo from an image search and to do so i'll use a cloaking algorithm this will imperceptibly distort my face so that facial recognition systems won't be able to compare it to other photos either the first and so far the only post on the profile will be the information that my old profile was hacked and that i decided to start a new one this will explain the recent creation date of my account as a finishing toucher i might add some friends uh university that according to legend i graduated from and perhaps one or two places of previous work the university of course will be real well the one that's listed in my fake diploma but the friends and the workplace are completely fictitious the random users service will help me to generate the faces of my friends and i will create the names and logos of employers using [Music] remember i said to you i'd choose an image that would make me look say 10 years older will i need this so that there are no well unnecessary questions about my facebook profile so just like that in the eyes of marketers i'll belong to a completely different bracket of marketing indeed i'll copy the habits of stereotypical introverts at beginning of the 2000s and i'll email more often than i'll use messaging apps maybe i'll reminisce openly on facebook about the good old days and recall phrases from tv store ads i don't know [Music] but any real deception here is easy to uncover even through the most minor of inconsistencies the more details involved the easier it is to make a mistake any professional detective will confirm that this is you and therefore well i need to draw my past with as many long strokes as possible with the brush i was born in a working class neighborhood on the outskirts of london my mother wanted me to go to university so i had to study when she died suddenly i gave up i tried to enlist in the army but i wasn't accepted for health reasons so i argued with my father and left home i got a tefl qualification and i moved to india hyderabad to pursue a relationship with the beautiful daughter of a maharaja and i'll definitely have to work here even if i do have a well-lined wallet with bitcoin from my previous life it will be very difficult to explain this to the owner of a rented apartment your money can and should be earned online of course if i'm going to disappear well i can't be a presenter on a youtube channel anymore that'll have to be left in the past and in general it's not advisable to attract more attention to yourself therefore i wouldn't even consider a career as say a business coach or a binary options consultant i would generally prefer not to meet with customers or colleagues in person and i'd certainly prefer a small number of tasks from different companies to say one large project from one company performers of small tasks for lots of different companies attract less attention so i need to find a modern version of say seasonal fruit pickers but the answer for me here is quite obvious copywriting now according to statistics from the pay scale website a novice copywriter can expect an annual income of around 42 000 to start a modest new life that should be enough i mean well of course i have a rich vocabulary i have experience writing scripts and a few marketing tricks up my sleeve but you know of course i won't be able to present some subscripts even under an elias and well to get an order to get my first orders i need a portfolio and therefore i'm going to work exclusively on my portfolio for the first couple of months and no i'm not going to be writing about cryptocurrencies and it in general the sphere of my interests will have to be something different more straightforward and mundane for example the power tools market but to form a portfolio knowledge about cyber security will actually be useful to me for instance the first articles that i write let's say market reviews life hacks comparisons well i'll just buy them for myself and write reviews and to do this i'll use other people's accounts which are easy to find and acquire on the dark net and through these accounts i'll buy orders for myself and of course there will be no profit here on the contrary i'll actually lose money on commissions but my rating will grow on the copyrighted exchange and this technique actually used to be often used by new hotels on booking sites through fake people they booked empty rooms and then wrote good reviews and gave high marks and airbnb have already learned how to deal with this but still works on some digital platforms for copywriters and i'm obviously going to choose these smaller copywriting services that you know conduct as few checks as possible on their user base and also those that allow say anonymous money withdrawal and i think that in maybe three or four months be able to create a good reputation for myself and get my first real orders and beyond that well it all depends on my brain i reckon in a couple of years i'll be able to reach the level of say 50 to 60 000 a year and that should be enough for a single guy living in a big city now the people watching this might be thinking what if i can't write well well i would recommend in any case looking to a variety of different freelance professions remember you've got that fake diploma right but look is all of this really worth it i mean i thought a lot about real ways of disappearing in preparation for this video but in the end i realized that i would probably never use these ideas you can never completely get rid of your memories i mean what drove you out of your house in a previous life is really likely to make an appearance again and the life of a fugitive is pretty lonely hiding your past from others is also extremely difficult small mistakes gestures hesitations all of these are inevitable unless you're really jason bourne here people just end up not trusting you relationships will be difficult in order for the legend to last longer then it's expiry date you'd have to communicate with other people as little as possible it's unlikely that you'll be able to create a new family i mean imagine if you met the right one i mean what are you going to introduce yourself by will you ever be able to tell the truth about yourself will they even believe you if you do in an attempt to run away can also result in serious monetary losses and you will inevitably run into trouble with the law on the dark net no one guarantees the quality of forge documents you're not going to be able to submit a claim and return the purchase in any case i mean chargeback doesn't apply there and what if you're caught with a fake passport or driving license i mean the penalty is prison in all countries over the world buying a forged document is effectively already a crime well my name is bradley i mean james taylor and even if you do disappear make sure to reappear with a new youtube account and subscribe to some sub once more at least you've now got the advice needed to do so i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Sumsub
Views: 654,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a new life, how to start over in life, how to start over in life with nothing, how to start over, starting a new life, how to disappear, how to disappear completely, how to change my life, how to change my identity, can I change my identity, can I start a new life, escape from my old life, change a name, how to change my name, how to change my social security number, fake passports, NFC chips, how to make fake social media accounts, fake driver license, Sumsub
Id: Ca6VBZe9qlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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