How to start a free online store || ECWID

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in this video we're going to create an online store for free using the equity tool so your store is going to look like ours nice clean looking and funky looking with all sorts of nice cool features that you can implement especially now with covet so let's jump in and create your online store welcome entrepreneurs and content creators my name is annelise and this is african multi-design a channel dedicated to make your business thrive online so the first thing that you're going to do when you are creating your online store is to access google but before we jump in onto google i just want you to be aware that all the links we're going to be using today are going to be on the description below so what you then need to do is to go and search for egg weed and you you um press enter and it is the so you click on and the website looks like this so it does say you can get started for free you just click on get started for free [Music] and um they would need your full name email and password or you could log in or rather register using your google account or apple or facebook so i'm going to use zippo's account because he's our customer that we're creating a store for today and then it logs in like this so his store is going to be an escort online store and he's in south africa so you're going to be doing step one of four to complete your registration with ecwid then when you click next it will take you to step two where they would like to find out the company address and where the escort place is going to be based so let's just call it springs i don't know which princess code and we go next and they ask if you would like to give them a little bit more information so that they can set up the store for you with the information that you give to them so they asked do you have experience in selling they ask a simple and you can select one of these if it's brand new he's gonna say new um what kind of products is he going to be selling online he's gonna be selling food and um is it him that's setting it up or not then you would answer this these questions as you go along and you click next and then the last step is they want to find out if he already has a website so with this example i'm going to show you how to create one without a website so we're going to change it to no because ecwid can set up the website for you and then this is the website that they set up for him and the name of the store is escort online store dot company site so this means this is his address this is his free website that he's going to get from ecwid one thing you need to know if you do have a website already you can select the platform that your website is currently held so if it's wordpress wix um whichever one it is you can select it there and then you you can get a code that you take from ecwid and you go pluck it on wix for example but wix uses the the app so with wix you would download the app um and then set up the ecwid in the website at weeks with google site for example you take the code from ecwid and then i'll show you the code and you go paste it at google site and then the store is going to be set up from there for our example we're taking the freebie we're going to click finish to proceed so that they can set up the store for us and there you go this is the dashboard of how the store looks like and this is where you're going to be managing everything on your store and adding products and adding delivery and etc etc and i'm going to show you how to set it up um with the session that we're having right now so they welcome you and this is the name of the store if you want to have a look click on there to go look at the store and if you want to see the website settings you you see them there and these are the tabs that you need to complete in order for your store to be ready and up and running at the moment we're sitting at 17 so once the store is running you're gonna look at sales very important for um business people to see how many orders etc but we're going to start with the catalog because with the catalog this is where you're going to load the products that you would like to sell and via the online store you're setting up so take note that ecwid allows for up to 10 products on the free option if you go over the 10 product they will ask you to upgrade the plan to a paid plan so and these are the plans that are available so we've chosen the free it's 10 products and then it moves on to venture business and unlimited and you can see that with the venture option you need to pay 15 a month so for now because we're starting out and we're new we're going to stick to the free we're going to go back to product so the system is very user friendly and it has already given you templates that you can work on that you can edit that they've added for us so we're going to edit the first product by clicking where it says edit product and it shows us the name that they've given which we can edit and change so because we're not selling dresses you just click and delete all of the information that you don't want and you just click on the plus button in order for you to go access your pictures that you would like to add on the store and as easy as that that's how you set up um or load pictures of whatever you want to sell so this product that we've added now is the hamper that um sipo is going to be selling and is selling this for 300. friends and the name of the the hemper is called um executive hemper so i'm just showing you how to set it up exam executive hemper you delete the the name that they've given us and then the the sku would be the number of the product that if you have 10 products you would have sk one two three up until ten so i'm gonna leave this one as an eight and then over here you need to put a description of what your customers are going to see when they click on this actual product so we've made a copy of what we would like to add on our executive hemp and i'm gonna paste it there so that when our customers open it and they have a look they can just view what this hamper includes and that's how you do it you add description you add a ribbon if you want to add a ribbon for example this is free shipping or whatever you can add product subtitles if you also want to do that and once you've done capturing the information on this actual product you can now click on the save button and the executive hemp is added and it's saved successfully you saw that message that said saved successfully and that's how you edit the product on weeks on ecwid i'm going to fast forward now and add the three products so that you can see all of them lined up and remove the products that they've given to us so that you see the whole picture of how it looks like so give me a little bit chance let's fast forward and i'll join you just now when i'm done editing the products back so let's have a look at how our products looks like uh the last product we added was the econo hemper so you can preview the product to see how it's going to look like and what your customers are going to see and it looks like that and if you are happy with everything you can add more than one picture and it i think up to 10 pictures if i'm not mistaken but you can try the system won't break if you add it will tell you if it doesn't want so that's how you add a product the next thing that you do is to fix the product with things like shipping with um the sizes if you are selling apparel you need to show people apparel and sizes and things like that then you're gonna go through all of these tabs and fix that to show people how they can buy in terms of sizes etc so some of the functionalities are not available because we're using the free option but with the shipping you can tell customers that they can um order it and you will post it or that they can deal i mean they can pick it up from your store if you do have a physical store and if you want to set up your seos so that the store shows up on google then you can do it here but if you want to improve it then you need to upgrade your brand you can put in related brand you can put in a buy now button as well so that's how you set up the products the last thing with adding a product that i want to show you is how to delete one of these options if you don't want the product that they've given you as a sample you just click on this drop down you click on delete and then um it just takes it away and that's how your product are set up and you're good to go and um the next thing that you would like to do is to have a look at this product that we added earlier on i just want to show you the options the options on on the first product that we added it was the executive hemp the options on this one this is what i want to show you when we were on the general tab for the executive hemp and we click on preview it shows us that there are sizes and these are the sizes i was mentioning so if you are selling just the one size fits all there's no need to have sizes you can just delete them or if you would like to add them you would go to options and then you can have different options that are available that you can add so because the meat there's no it's one size fits all you just click on the dustbin and you take it off and it's deleted or if you just say delete option and everything is gone and then you click on save button and that is how you add products you have an option of adding categories you have an option of selling gift cards so there's so much that you can do on um free online store and there's marketing that i encourage you to go spend time on your marketing because you can advertise on google promote on facebook and the other platforms that are available in order for you to market your product things like creating a newsletter and creating a an email list so that you are talking to your customers and you're getting their emails so that you can sell to them when you have a brand new product that you want to share with your customer then the option that i want us to go look at is the website option because if you click on overview for the website the our store is on there and we can view the stop by clicking on preview to have a look at how it looks like right now and we're gonna go in and edit it at the moment because this is how the store looks like they've given us um a template and you're gonna edit this template to suit you and these are the products that you just added just now you're gonna click on buy now and your customers are gonna click on buy now and they're gonna see how it looks like and that's how the product looks like so it didn't take off the size but if they are happy to buy then it is such a nice nice nice um way to start your business they can just click on buy now and they go to checkout they just need to put in their email and then they click on checkout and it takes them through to the checkout using their bank card so you can link your store to pay fast or you can link it to paypal so these are the things that you need to set up in order for your online store to be successful again do your due diligence in order for you to set up so now we are happy we want to see we've seen how it looks like now we're going to click on edit the stop and we're going to adjust it and suit it and tweak it so that it suits our brain very very easy because it uses blocks that when you scroll down these are the blocks that you are going to adjust and tweak so that it suits you so the first block is the header so you click on header and it asks you what is your site name so this this is that what your site name that you see over there his is escort and you click on back and the contact telephone number you change the telephone number you put in your cell number where your customers are going gonna get all of you one two three four five six seven and you put in your email address uh over there in for it [Music] you go back and when the customers click on there it takes them to the email and they can email you so that's how you set it up so when we go back we go to the next block this is the cover that we're going to edit so at the moment you can put in a tagline hemp is always available or whatever tagline your company has you would put there as a tagline and it would show on your landing page and your site name or your site title so that is how you tweak it and you would put in your description of um what you sell can i just give you a tip here make your site all about the customer and not you so the the the word we us should be out of your vocabulary when you're creating your website it has replaced it with you because you're talking to a person that you want to order now so you don't want them to be thinking you're selling yourself and about you and it's not about you it's about the customer so please change of the vocabulary when you're setting up your website so that it talks to the customer why did they land on your website it's because they wanted to buy um hempers no it's not about you how you change the image you click on that button that says change image and you go find an image and you load it there there you go that's how you set up your cover and you do exactly the same thing with the store we've done the store back at our dashboard you do the same with customer testimonial about you you put in your details of who you are this is the section about you so you do that in there about you where they can contact you and then lastly the footer so you do also have an option of um putting the google map where it says get direction so you can set up that so that people can come to your store once we're out of coffee and after you're done you click on the save and publish and then your so your store will be saved and your store will be published and when you go to your panel and you want to go view the store the store would be up and running and it will look like this setup when people want to buy they click on buy now and it takes them to the section where they can buy and they can add to their bag and they can buy so if you want to use the ecwid and plug it to your existing website then you're going to go to overview and then you're going to scroll down until you find this custom website and you click on learn more and then you go copy this code and then you go paste it to wherever you would like to paste it and then you can plug it in so there's an option for wordpress and there's an option for weeks and weekly and so on so let's quickly look at the payment option as well as the shipping because that's important so payment option uh there's cash where people can come and collect order come collect and pay you cash there's paypal so you need to enable your paypal um with the account that you have that you've opened with fnb and you can enable paypal so that people can buy from your store using paypal if you're in south africa you see fnb if you're in south africa fnb if you're in wherever country you use that method and then there's a manual payment mesh method that you can add manually and the one that i'm interested to show you is the option for south africa the online option that's available for us in south africa if you're not in south africa you would have chosen the country that you're at if you're in india for example then you can i hope i'm saying it correctly my indian guys please don't kill me it's rupees hey anyway so then you would select the option that's available in that country for south africa you're going to choose any one of these that's available i use pay fast as a payment method then you would put in your merchant id you put in your key and then it would activate it and then you'd have it pay fast and it looks like this so if your payment option is set up and you're comfortable and you've activated all three pay first would have your email address and the paypal will have your email address rather and you pay fast settings are there once you've set it up it will show that it's active and the details are there so the last thing that i want to show you is shipping and delivery so if you are selling and you're going to be sending stuff via shipping or people are going to pick it up or you're going to deliver you can set it up on the shipping and pickup so the button that you click is add shipping and you choose the method that you would like to set up if you're using the mds or the post office you can if you want to set up a different carrier you can like reuse pep a lot in south africa pep taxi and you just click on there to set it up so i'm busy setting up a pep pexy and if you wanna don't let your customer pay you can set up a free shipping or you could set up a flat rate or you could set up also conditions of the um posting of the goods and services and you can add conditions uh over there if it is a flat rate you go on flat rate i think at the moment it's 60 rents for 10 days you put in the 60 rents there and you click on save there's additional information that you can add and you can edit but that's how you set up shipping if you want to set up the um aramex as well you can all again go back to shipping and put in rmx and then you set it up like we've just done and that is the shipping of um us setting up the settings of the dashboard are over there where is also very important that you put in your correct store name and this is where you can change your store name and this is your website address this is where it's located under your settings and the company name the email address for the company the address of the company and this is also where you put in your social media accounts and that's where you set that up the other thing are the original settings to whichever country maybe you're in trinidad and tobago you can change the currency over there with the original settings so that it suits the country that you're currently at and there's your cart you can set up that there and then you can track and look at your analytics um if you've set it up the google analytics you can also set that up and that is how you create a store on ecwid so the last experience i want to show you is if customers click on buy now for example we have a live course that we help our small business owners with if you can also set up the privacy notice especially with all the laws that are in all of our countries to keep people's information private you can set that up on your website but if the customer wants to buy for example then they click add to back and they go to checkout you see there's two options that they can check out but the system wants their email address and then they can check out whichever way that they want to check out and if they want to check out via paypal or credit card they choose one or buy cash they can just do that and they place an order buying online using this app is as easy as that so this customer has just bought this course from us for 100 she's gonna pay cash and she's gonna get an email from us the store saying that thank you for the order um we're gonna be in contact with you soon and as easy as that that's how it's um client the client experience for for this tool is so amazing so good luck with i'm setting it up i am on social media if you need help you can join our group if you want to be part of the group i'm very excited to roll that out and thank you for joining me um on the session today good luck with your business i can't wait for you to let me know how awesome you're doing with your business out there and let's keep on crushing it yes let's not forget to subscribe and i'll see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Learn with Zar
Views: 582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: online store south africa, online store, online store business, online store ideas, online store ideas 2021, online store website, online store business in south africa, online store india, how to start an online store, how to create an online store, make an online store for free, make an online store, make an online store website, make an online store with ecwid, ecwid, ecwid tutorial, ecwid tutorial south africa, ecommerce, ecwid review, what is ecwid
Id: TEb98rAFa7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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