Complete Ecwid Tutorial For Beginners - Create an Online Store with Ecwid - Best Shopify Alternative

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hello everyone and hope you all are having  a lovely day today we will be looking at a   very cool and new e-commerce platform we are  talking about ecwid ecwid is an e-commerce   shopping cart platform that lets you set up  and create your online store quickly and easily   on top of that a great feature that ecwid  offers is that it allows you to integrate   its shopping cart onto an existing website how  cool is that let's begin by quickly looking at   what pricing does ecwid offer to open ecwid click  on the link in the description box below this is   an affiliate link and will open equip for you how  affiliation works is if you happen to create an   online store on a paid plan with ecwid i will get  a small commission from that and this will help me   create more awesome content like this in future  so if you want to support the channel please use   the link in the description box and subscribe  to the channel if you have not done it already   okay once on the ecwid website we will click on  the pricing tab on the top once on the pricing   page we can see that ecwid offers four plans  for the free venture business and unlimited   let's scroll down and compare these four plans  in this video we will be comparing the free plan   and the business plan because being a 35 plan  this is a closer plan to equity competitors like   shopify and big commerce so let's compare the  free plan and the business plan the free plan   being zero dollars which is absolutely free  um and the business plan being 35 dollars um   shopify takes 29 for its starter or basic plan  the transaction fee is zero dollars for all the   four plans which is a good thing because shopify  if you don't use their own shopify transactions   or basically the transaction links uh they they  charge a transaction fee and and that can grow   pretty massive you know once you have people  coming and buying on your on your selling platform   in the free plan you get the online store and  you can create products and categories and push   them on the online store and apart from that  you don't get the facebook shop shop platform   you don't get the instagram store platform whereas  you get all of these things in the business plan   these are basically a way to send your products  to to these selling platforms as well uh along   with your online store so in the basic one you  just get the online store apart from that you   get a responsive shopping cart you get 10 number  of products whereas you get 2500 in the business   plan you cannot sell digital goods that option  is gone and otherwise you can you can sell 25   gb per file for those 2 500 products if you have  you know a digital store you can you can have 25   gigs of of data per file uh all of these are the  same you can connect a facebook pixel to advertise   and and track you know which products are getting  hit and all that you don't get discounted coupons   in the free plan uh that's important because you  know you have to lower customers with offering   coupons you don't get the advanced seo tools and  abandoned cart emails are not present even in the   second plan and this is pretty important because a  lot of times you'll see customers adding products   to the cart but eventually not buying them so  getting back to them via emails and offering them   a little more discount uh so that you know that  changes their mind is is a pretty important thing   in e-commerce business so that's an important  thing so that is offered in their business plan   whereas in shopify you basically have to uh  you know connect to some other application   to do that along with that all these other  variations like product filters product variations   you can't do in the free plan but uh it it still  is a is a good way to start seeing your store you   know you can set up your store you can set up 10  products and see how it looks like and then once   you have changed your mind you can just quickly  change to the business plan so now that we compare   the plans uh let's scroll down to the bottom  and click on the plan that you want to choose   for this video i will be using the free plan and i  will click on the sign up button uh it'll take me   to the registration screen where it's it's options  are to fill the details over here or you can   connect to one of your google facebook or apple  accounts directly so i'll i'll give my full name my email address and my password and i will click on next to set up my store  once the registration process has has started   you know i'm as you can see i'm on step one of  four uh you can mention the store name i will say   ecwid demo store if that is available i  will choose my location and my currency so   i'm in new zealand at the moment so i'll  choose new zealand and get the currency   as new zealand dollar but you have other  options here to select from and click next i will also add a company address to get paid  and set up delivery uh and i basically can skip   that and there's a few more questions to hear  um that says do you haven't already have an   experience selling online um i'll say i'm just  getting started what type of products will you   be selling there's different categories uh  let's say i've choose home and furniture   for this one or even even better apparel shoes  and accessories are you setting up a store for   someone else i'll say no but you can choose yes if  you are a developer for somebody else click next   do you already have a website i would say yes if  i have an existing website but there's no online   store so these apply to people who have uh an  existing website that you know your customers   know about like you have a physical store but you  don't have a website to operate um you would click   yes and you know follow that but for this  video i would click no and this would be my   temporary url and i'll click on finish and proceed  to dashboard once you're all done you'll be taken   to the dashboard page for your ecwid store on  the dashboard page you can see a list of to do's   that would be required to set up your store  completely we'll have a look at this later   on on the dashboard page you can also see a site  navigation bar which has a store management tab   which has a dashboard which we are currently  on my sales which will show you the orders   the abandoned carts customers and and other  things we have a catalog of products we can   create categories and we can also create gift  cards if you are on that plan uh the marketing tab   has google ads facebook ads coupons and and  other kinds of discounts and marketing stuff   uh we have a report section down  below we have a tab for sales channels   for the free plan you can only get the website  one but otherwise if you are on a different plan   you can basically or you can basically upgrade to  sell on facebook you can upgrade to a higher plan   which has that option and you can then push items  or products to your face facebook shop as well   and similar to that the mobile and other  channels like ebay amazon and instagram   here are a few other configuration  things for your website like you can   have the image size as large or medium or small  and what proportion or aspect ratio you want your   images to to have uh and then you can have your  payment set up over here uh you can you have to   basically set up your shipping so that you know  when when people move on to the shipping page   what value to the select from there or is it  just free uh you have other settings like general   taxes legal notices and and invoicing and  stuff so let's go to the dashboard again and   let's see what ecwid has created for us by  default so i will click on this to open my website and by default because i said no to ecwid  that i don't have an existing website   i could create it in a website  for me with its default theme   on the top i have the name of my website or  you will have the name of your website i have   a calling button which gives a number i have an  email icon over here a search functionality and   my cart icon so that people who have items in the  car can just click here and see what's in there   these details can are editable so you can you know  change your headline you can change your title tag   and then comes the products list so for example  this demo store has 9 to 10 products people   who are coming to your store will just click on  the product it will take them to the product page and then on the product they can see images  they can click on them they can zoom it they   can click on the next or previous button  they can close it by clicking over here   and they can scroll through images from here as  well over here they have the sizing variation   and these are the sizing and variation but you  can also have a color variation if you want   for example if i want to select medium i will  click over here and click on the add to cart   button and it says wine item has been added to  the bag do you want to go to the checkout or   we can do that by clicking this icon over here  it has a product details tab over here and also   shows the material color print and you know good  information about about the product over here   and it has in mind account and a track  orders tab and basically the shopping   back button which is the same as this one so  i click over here to see what it looks like on the cart it shows that you know i have  one item of this product added uh the total   is listed here uh do you want to continue shopping  or do you want to check out let's say for example   i have given my email address and i want to  check out so i'll click on the checkout button   the only payment option uh here by default is the  pay by cash because we have not set up any other   payment uh details uh in in our in our dashboard  uh it's giving the default of pay by cash so if i   place the order and an order will be created for  this demo store and and you could see that in the in the orders section over here back on the  ecwid dashboard under the catalog section we   have the products page on the products page we  can see there are some default products that   have been pushed by ecwid um so that we can see  what the website looks like but we don't want   these items we want products of our own so we can  delete these items by selecting them and going to   this delete selected button and we can click on  that and yes we would like to delete and that's   how you delete products you can edit an individual  product by clicking on edit and then you can   remove images you can change the name you can  change the description and stuff like that so   we want to just go outside and try to add a new  product we'll do that by clicking this button   and another way to do that is by clicking import  products if you have a very big catalog and you   have a csv but for this video we will just click  on the add new product button and here we see   that you know we can insert images we can insert  the title for our product uh we can insert a skew   the weight of the item and some description to it  so let's do that by clicking on the upload images   i have a few demo uh images for the product  that i would like to insert so i select all of   them and upload it and if you want to change  the order of the images you can just drag   to sort them and let's say i want to keep this  to the front so that this becomes my main image   i will give a description to this product let's  say floral tea for women you can give any skew or   i guess you can just skip that as well but for  this one i would say abc 123 it's 250 grams um   and then in the description i would say this is a  cotton t-shirt for women in a lovely floral print   and you can add more the more description you  add the better the product is uh so that the   users coming to your website can you know read  this description and uh read about the material   used in in that product you know or different  variations to it then i go to the options   um i would add a new option the option name for  this type of product would be let's say a color and do you want it to be a radio button a  drop down list size or check boxes let's   say for this one i would add a drop down list  and i would add a new option value so i can add   an option value of red and let's say blue and what  else did i have over there blue and black so let's   say i've added a black as well and i would add a  new option here as well which would be the size   and i would give it a drop down list as well and  the options for this one would be let's say small medium and large um and let's see what else i  can give the files is only for the digital goods   which i can't do in the free uh plan taxes  and shipping we can also go to this taxes and   shipping uh tab over here shipping and pickup  and set up your uh shipping for for like that   um seo related stuff for for your product  but this is an advanced feature as well not   available in the free plan uh and  you can also tag related products   like if there's a t-shirt here you can add you  know the matching shots or or jeans to that and   you know embed this product on your website if you  have a different source um you can just you know   get the link from here and embed it to another  website and it will get redirected uh to your   website so by doing that i will also give the main  thing and the price so let's say this is 44.50   and i'll click on the add new product and once  i've done that i would go to the products page   and see our our new t-shirt have been has been  added to the store if i go to the store again   we should be able to see our our new  product on the website live and working and   here it is if i click on that to  see if everything has come through you can see the images are perfect you can scroll  through images people can zoom on to it and the   pricing has come through there are two options  this t-shirt is available in red blue and black   and the sizes are small medium and large  and once the user has selected the values   you can click on add to bag go to  the cart or go directly to checkout and then they can add or remove items from here  give their checkout information and then proceed   to their desired payment method another  important thing that i want to show you   is how to edit your website and how to change  the theme of your website so in dashboard under   the sales channels you can see website over  here clicking on that you can click on edit   site or you can click on site appearance both  of them take you to an uh your website editor   where you can see you have  different blocks and you have   information you can visually see you know what  it is so a header blog represents this one   um and you basically have a cover section  which i have deleted but i will add that soon   so this is your storefront and below  that is your customer testimonials   uh there's an about us page and there's a contact  us page there's also a collection um and you have   two different cover pages so let's start by  reordering these to reorder a block of section   you have to go to settings and then reorder blocks  and then you can basically drag and drop items on   top of each other so below your header i think  this fits perfectly well and this cover that   we had we basically don't need it so i go back  and delete this cover open that and delete block   so now i want to basically uh give it a name uh in  header you can you can go to the site logo you can   have a text or you can have an image like a  logo that you have prepared for your website   i'll just use an ecwid demo name and uh in  the header you can have contact information   for phone and email and you can  give the values that you would want under that we have a cover page and it says  a tagline of parallel and accessories which   fits perfectly for the store but you might want to  change to something else it is just a text input   whatever you change gets displayed over there and  below that is your main headline and a description   about what your store is is for uh and there are  two action buttons this is the primary action   which takes you to the catalog which kind of seems  right and there's an instagram one you can have   that or you can have you know a go to contact  us page thing uh depending on what you want   um yeah and you can basically then if you don't  like this kind of an ad block uh you can click on   this one and go to intros and covers and see there  are a few different kind of uh things available   for your intro page you can have in half and half  one and two action buttons uh depending on what   look you are after then there's the customer  testimonial things uh you know that feels right   you have an image you can change the image  you have a description and title as well and if you go back uh you have the collection  over here and you have the store over here   to manage the catalog you would basically  have to go back to the catalog section   and edit the products or categories   and there are a few other settings to the  website which fall under the design section   uh here you can basically size your images you  know of your images to look large on the screen   or medium sized or small size and it shows  you a representation of how it will look like   this is the ratio of the images the aspect  ratio do you want it to be in landscape mode or   in portrait modes like these and darken  image backgrounds this is by default enabled   the content to be centered or to the  left like this i think center works fine and what information of the product do you  want to show on the category page uh like   do you want to show a frame like that it looks  good why not product name i think that's a must   product price is depends on uh depends upon you  um sku it's not that important for the customer   um buy now button you can either have it  as show or if you have options and you want   the user to view the options you can just do not  show over here so that they click on that go to   the product section uh read the details carefully  and then choose their options and you can have   the category preview as well display category  names on the images yes display category names   below the images works fine so you can have a few  options to play around and you can play around   with the page layout as well do you want to have  it as a two column product description is on the   right hand side uh that is uh by default how a lot  of e-commerce platforms have so i think switching   to uh that would be a good option because you know  otherwise it may get confusing for the customer   so yeah uh you can have a play with these ones as  well and there's a lot to edit but that's that's   just one one time uh modification to your website  and you know creation of products and once this is   all done your website is ready to go live and  you know ready for the customers to view them
Channel: Sameer Saini
Views: 6,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecwid, ecwid tutorial, ecwid vs shopify, ecommerce, online store, online business, what is ecwid, ecwid review 2021, ecwid pricing, how to use ecwid, ecwid online store, ecwid features, shopify alternative, ecwid demo, ecwid free plan, ecwid store, ecwid ecommerce, ecwid for beginners, ecwid tutorial for beginners, ecwid shopping cart, shopify alternative free, e-commerce, how to sell online, woocommerce alternative, ecommerce shopping cart
Id: -8inemqctwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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