How to Stand Out in Your Industry | Simon Sinek

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there are many people in your industry who talk a good game they talk about relationships but let's be honest it's they just want to make the transaction and move on and uh they pretend that they care and they pretend it's you know that they care about their relationship when the reality is it's one and done and on to the next and that's what happened to me i i had a mortgage broker uh he sold me a mortgage he was recommended to me that's how most of us meet somebody you know uh and he was very nice and charming and was there with me and then my my my sale went through and he called me up to congratulate me and i was feeling all warm and fuzzy towards him and then as soon as he congratulated me said and if you could recommend me to anybody else i'd be really grateful like and he wasn't calling to congratulate me he was calling to remind me to put in a good word for him somewhere else like if he actually cared about me and my house then he would have just called me really excited that i got my house and if he wanted something from me he would have waited a wee a week or two to ask the favor but the gu it became abundantly clear to me i'm in the human behavior business yes he never called me because he cared about me and by the way i will never ever recommend him because it was never i realized that i was just a number on a spreadsheet and so if you actually care about building relationships then actually build relationships you know i remember when i was starting out my career i had a young ma a little marketing consultancy and i came from an industry that pretended that they were good at everything the marketing world like literally they pretended they were good at everything whether they were or weren't and when i went off by myself it was important to me to be honest and clients would come and talk to me and say we want to hire you to do all these things and i'd say i'll do that one i'm really good at that pretty good at that i like doing that that i'm mediocre on that i suck at i highly recommend you hire another company to do that and i'm happy to partner with them and it made them want to do business with me more because you said no because i told them what i was good at what i was bad at where i was super honest yeah and we've all had that experience where you want to hire somebody and they go you should let me introduce you to something it happened to me recently yeah i wanted a is it like something silly yeah you know i needed wallpaper yeah i he highly recommended i called him up he came he gave me a quote he's like you know what i'm not the best at this thing and he gave me the number of somebody else yeah now all i want to do is work with him again and i keep giving out his phone number to other people even though i actually never did work with him because what builds a relationship is an honest broker honesty is such a hard thing to get especially in a transaction business especially in a commodity business because it is just volume in numbers yeah and that when you actually find an honest one all you want to do is help them build their book of business even though you may never do business with them and that's what a lot of finite minded folks in your business don't get yeah which is you may never sell me a mortgage but i'll become your biggest [Music] champion you
Channel: Simon Sinek
Views: 351,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simon sinek, start with why, inspiration, motivation, leadership, career, inspire
Id: ttVQ9WCEgkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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