How To Stack, Cut, and Reinforce ICF Walls

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Welcome back to the hilltop project. In this episode, the builders have poured their footings, and they are now ready to start stacking the ICF block for their basement. Here's where the benefit of those even interval height steps come. This piece, I can drop in. Lock it in, and I'm ready for the next piece, good to go. The hilltop house has a circular tower on the corner of the site. To construct this, the builders use special BuildBlock radius block to create the circular structure. As the blocks are being stacked, the builders add in the horizontal rebar reinforcement as specified by their engineering. After stacking all of the blocks for the basement walls, the family then braces and installs scaffolding on the walls for the pour. The builders then use the scaffolding to install the vertical rebar reinforcement. Here we are looking down the wall. Not sure how well this camera flashlight will help you see, but see we've got the vertical rebar running in between the two courses and the horizontal rebar runs on the inside the outside overlapping or alternating every course. Alright so here's a long block that I've cut horizontally, ripped it on the table saw, that works really well for slicing this top layer to hold the BuildDeck Now I just like taking a sawzall, cut the top web. Make sure you cut the web on the same side put your notch. Don't waste blocks like I did. Now, in my case, my table saw blade is just not quite tall enough to get these last few webs. I like to just clean it up with some nippers. Now I didn't go all the way through the bottom web, I only cut off just this top triangle right here, just enough to get it loose. You can still see full thickness of the web right here attaching it, that's an important part. So, in this house, the basement is going to be nine foot four, and then I'm going to have an 8 inch BuildDeck poured on top of that. So, you can see I have seven full courses of block stacked here, and then the eighth course, we've actually trimmed. So you look in with me here, you can see we cut this. We showed some video that earlier, here we've cut this down to it's just four inches high right here, and then the build deck is actually going to set right on top of this. If you would like to see more of the hilltop project, or more build block content, make sure to subscribe and turn on our notifications by clicking the bell icon.
Channel: BuildBlock ICFs
Views: 152,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: icf, insulating, insulated, concrete forms, concrete, construction, buildblock, energy efficient
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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