How to spray TIGHT BLENDS and amazing CLEAR COAT!

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howdy howdy everyone Chris here and welcome back to garage noise today it's paint day we're going to be painting a fender and a bumper cover I'm going to share with you how I like to do a tight blend we're also going to talk about clear coat I've got all the tips and techniques you need to lay down a beautiful looking clear coat finish with a low volume low pressure paint gun so let's get in the garage and make some noise all right we're going to wash this real quick I just got some spray with glass cleaner we're just doing a kind of a preliminary wash on this before we tape it up we're going to paint it right here so I blew all the dust off of it I blew all the dust out of the engine compartment but there was a ton there's a ton of stuff in here all right let's just tape this up okay so now we're going to mix up some color we're going to do a spray out card this is the spray out card basically what this does and these checkered lines in here they're going to show you how many coats of color you need to cover those so once you can't see this and it's transp it's not transparent anymore then you know you've got it covered so you just count the number of coats so you know how much it's going to take to cover it but we want to check and see how close this color is as well stir this up we're going to strain it I'm hoping we got a pretty decent color match here because there's a tight blend on that Fender I'm going to show you how we do a tight blend on it this mixes up two to one so two parts paint one part reducer so we'll find our two to one mixing ratio here and then we'll put in the amount of paint that we want of course we've got the spray IQ disposable cup system with our liner in here it's always good to strain these heavy pearls or heavy metallics because they don't always get stirred up real well and sometimes those some of those pearls Clump together and they'll spit out of your gun as a white Speck okay so we'll mix our one part reducer in here give this a little stir lock on our lid make sure it's all sealed locking the collar I just got a magnet here on this paint stick I think I glued it or something anyway just slap that on there now we can spray with that the R500 for our Base today let's cut this in you're gonna let that flash a little bit there's three coats it looks like it's going to be four coats I can still kind of see through it so yeah we can still kind of see through this just a little bit I don't know if you can see that on camera if it's coming through it looks like four coats is gonna cover it so I did spray a little clear on this so we have a good color match this is the stuff I used 2K clear coat after your spring so I just use it for these it comes in handy for this and then when you're done you just turn it upside down and you hold that button still it's till material stops coming out and then you're good for the next time you want to use it now I would probably not recommend this for painting a fender or a hood or something on your vehicle it's good for this but I don't know about that because it doesn't really spray very smoothly not like the not like the spray Max 2K clear that sprays really well we'll let this just dry up a little bit and then we'll check the color here's the color I don't know how it looks on camera but it's really blendable it's not an exact match but it's really really close we'll wash down the parts with isopropyl alcohol and then we'll be ready to go okay we are ready to paint Darris has got that bumper all cleaned he puts some adhesion Promoter on those tight areas in those uh fog light pockets and things I'm going to tack rag this off make sure everything's taped down well and I'm going to show you how we're going to blend this now this Fender has some Stone chips that are up by the hood up by the door but we cannot repair those because we can't blend into the store for this repair um it's not part of the estimate and it's not something they wanted to do so we're going to do a real tight blend right here and what we're going to do is we're going to start by spraying that way we're not going to be spraying this way we're going to cover this Edge and work our way that way we'll do that until the primer is completely covered then we'll just do a light drop coat just on the edge here to get it to transition into the old paint it's really tight we're not going to get a bunch of color up here we just want to get this primer covered and then just a little coat here for the transition R500 I'm going to start out with two turns out from close I'm going to dial my fan pattern way down I'm going to turn my air pressure way down until I get this covered about there let's see what what air pressure is at 14.7 okay I'm not going to pull the trigger all the way I'm going to feather the trigger as I as I start this blend all right let's get a coat on this bumper all right [Applause] okay we'll let that flash off we've got a couple coats of base on this okay it looks nice and dry let's go ahead and Tack It Off real quick we're doing this nice and silky smooth you can see we have a very short window here for a blend now this is basically covered not quite entirely before we get to this let's put another coat on that bumper now I'm just going to back up from it a little bit and do my blend here foreign let's put another coat on the bumper we've got what I feel like is going to be a pretty good blend right here first I'm going to tack this off real quick just lightly tack this off in case any dust has landed on I've let this set up for about 15 minutes now a lot of guys don't like to tack off in between coats of Base but if you got a silky smooth you shouldn't have a problem now I'm not pulling the trigger all the way I'm backing away from it just a little bit foreign that's good that's ready for clear the bumper is ready for clear so let's go ahead and mix up some clear we'll use this gun for clear okay so let's mix up some clear coat we're going to use the aeropro a610 this is basically you know what it is it's the R500 it's a low volume low pressure paint good works really well for low over spray low air consumption and low material uses usage really so this clear coat we're using today is the U-Pull spot panel clear coat mixes up four to one ratio so we're going to find our 401 mixing ratio on our housing here and we'll put in four parts of our clear coat we're going to use some slow activator since it's uh it's a warmer day out today lock on our cap and we're ready to spray now as far as our clear coat we're going to set our air pressure at 30 PSI we're going to turn our fluid volume all the way in and then we're going to turn it three turns out from closed so one two actually and I'm going to do a half I'm going to have the fan pattern wide open remember there's four things that are important when you clear coat your air pressure your fluid volume your speed and your distance so your speed and your distance are going to affect how that clear coat lays on this panel if I spray typically I spray about five to six inches away if I spray five to six inches away and I see that it's a little bit dry I can open up my fluid volume and get a little bit more material coming out of the gun or I can decrease my distance just an inch or two and that'll also do this have the same effect so there's a lot of different adjustments you can make by just adjusting your speed and your distance I'm just going to start out here and I'm gonna okay now I didn't pull the trigger all the way see how nice and smooth that is foreign okay that's the first coat of clear look at the blend see that blend that's beautiful it's actually very very flat as well put a coat on this bumper foreign now I'm going to go a little bit closer I'm going to show you how that works out all right see this is about four inches away now I'm pulling the trigger all the way here foreign [Music] spraying techniques on this Fender and this bumper so on this fender I didn't pull the trigger all the way and I was going pretty slow so my speed was reduced and I was being very cautious how I was spraying and look how flat this is okay it's nice and flat Beautiful Finish I had it about two and a quarter turns out from closed on the fluid volume like five to six inches away and I was going relatively slow Feathering the trigger according to what it needed on this panel now over on the bumper and when I got over here what I did is I moved in closer and I increased my speed now don't mind this bumper this bumper is full of stone chips imperfections in this bumper cover okay this bumper cover we were just doing a courtesy coat on this cover as you can see the Finish came out real nice but there's two those are two different techniques I changed the way the clear coat sprayed on the panel just by the distance the speed and Feathering this trigger a little bit so I'm going to spray this the same nice and slow and I'm going to feather the trigger foreign let's do it the same way on this bumper cover I'm going to spray it a little bit quicker and a little bit closer and we'll see if there's a if you can tell the difference foreign foreign so that technique all the gun settings were the same 30 PSI two and a quarter turns out on the fluid volume our spray pattern was wide open and we were five to six inches away we just slowed down and we controlled the finish with the trigger now I'm not trying to confuse you guys I just want you to understand how these things affect the way the clear coat lays down now on this one what I did is you saw me go get closer to the panel and spray a little bit quicker now you may not think this looks as good as the fender and it has a little bit more texture but it's also a really pitted bumper cover so you're seeing all the imperfections but as far as the clear coat finish it's nice and smooth and it was a different technique the technique was quick and close all the same gun settings but with just a different spraying technique okay for beginners do not recommend that you opened your fluid volume up all the way and start spraying use your fluid volume to adjust it to a manageable amount of material coming out of the gun and then you can control the way that clear coat lays down and the way you're finished lays on the panel with your speed and your distance and Trigger control I hope you found this video helpful if you did or if you have any questions leave them in the comments below if you want to get notified of my future videos please subscribe and hit that Bell notification listen if you want to learn more about paint and body repair you can click on one of these videos now I appreciate each and every one of you watching and we'll see you next time on garage noise
Channel: Garage Noise
Views: 11,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clear coat techniques, how to spray clear coat, how to paint your car, garage Noise, how to, paint and body, auto painting, R 500, lvlp paint gun, secrets to spraying clear coat, diy auto paint, eliminate orange peel, budget paint gun, paint gun for snall compressor, auto paint, auto paint repair, low cfm spray gun, the best low cfm budget paint gun for painting your car, how to spray tight blends and amazing clear coat, paint tight blends, base coat blends
Id: rtqN_nIoXQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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