The PERFECT lvlp spray gun to paint your car at home.

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howdy howdy my name's Chris and welcome back to the channel today we'll be painting a Toyota tri-stage pearl white I'll be sharing with you step-by-step instruction on how to seal paint and clear coat with a low volume low pressure paint gun this is the patient for today's video it's a Toyota SUV the door had a little bit of a hiccup On It originally I was going to replace this door but it was on National backorder so I played a little bit of whack-a-mole and banged it out but I'll give you all the details to that repair in the next video first thing we need to do this has been sitting overnight we're going to wash this with some isopropyl alcohol one more time before we start laying our sealer before we wash it I'm going to go ahead and mix up my sealer so let's do that now the primer sealer we'll be using today is the U-Pull 2253 and the standard hardener 2323 this is a high Build primer that is a direct to metal primer and also can be reduced and used as a sealer so the mixture for sealer is four to one to two four parts primer one part activator and two parts urethane reducer this is the savito Disposable cup system I'll be using today I've started using this in replacement of the 3M Products which are quite expensive but it comes with this standard cup here you get liners 50 lids with a micron filter and this is the collar here now it doesn't have a mixing ratio of four to one to two it has four to one to one so we'll put four parts primer in one part activator and then we'll do two parts of urethane reducer depending on how much primer or sealer we want to mix up we're going to go to two here we'll put in two parts of primer this two for activator and then we'll go to two for the reducer so we're basically filling up from here to here with reducer and then we'll put another we're just going to have to eyeball it and put another part of reducer in there mix it up and we'll be ready to spray cap I always like to lift this up make sure everything's sealed tighten up our ring and the gun we're using today this is a low volume low pressure gun this is made by a bunch of different companies that's been rebranded but it's an R500 so you can find it under R500 I'll leave links in the description this is a low volume low pressure paint gun that operates with 3.5 to 3.9 cfms of air so you can use it with a small compressor so if you're painting your entire vehicle you can use this to paint your entire vehicle without a bunch of fluctuation in your air pressure which is really beneficial considering a lot of you guys are spraying out of your garage with smaller compressors I'm going to use this today it produces a beautiful looking finish and we'll show you here in a minute lock it in pop it and then turn now you're locked in we want to wash this with isopropyl alcohol and then we'll tack cloth it off gently I'm going to put some gloves on before I even get near this surface you always want to wear gloves you don't want oils from your fingers to contaminate the surface before we start spraying product we're going to put our sealer on first over the primer area only any areas that we've broken through we're going to add our sealer so you can see on this Edge there's a little bit of a breakthrough we're going to add sealer there right here we've broken through into some glazing putty here we're going to cover that with a sealer as well okay so I've got my gloves on I've got my isopropyl alcohol and I've got a brand new microfiber towel I'll wash all the blending areas first the door the top the quarter panel and then I'll go over the primer because if there's any dust on that primer I don't want to spread it over the rest of this white vehicle foreign just before we seal we want to tack off these panels I've got a new tack right here because this is a white vehicle I don't want anything transferring to this so we're going to lightly tack over this vehicle remove any dust that may just be have landed on these panels and I already picked up a little piece of dust right there we want this panel as dust free as possible to get the best finish in our clear coat and our base coat okay we're ready to seal this let's talk a little bit about the gun settings on this R500 this is the fan knob here we're going to adjust this to wide open and then I'm turning it half a turn back or a full turn back to narrow that pattern just a little bit because I want to be very precise where I put the sealer I don't want sealer way out in this door or way out in that quarter panel this is the fluid knob here we're going to adjust that to three turns out from closed so we'll screw it all the way in turn it three turns out now the air pressure I'm going to run this at about 20 psi for sealer now this gun only uses about 3.5 to 3.9 cfms of air so you need to adjust your air pressure a little bit higher than you would on a conventional gun so just because I'm adjusting my air pressure up does not mean that this produces more overspray than conventional guns it actually produces a lot less and it's going to save you a bunch of money in materials as an example this week I sprayed an entire Hood with two coats of clear coat with this gun with eight ounces of clear now typically it takes me that much to spray a bumper cover because this is very thin sealer I'm going to put on two coats to make sure everything's covered now my first coat a light to medium coat just to introduce this sealer to the surface in case there's any kind of reactions and then I will put on my second coat and that'll be a medium coat we'll let this flash off for about 10 minutes and then we'll put on our second coat okay now to soften the edge of the sealer we're going to use this U-Pull blend number nine this is just basically reducer in a can and we're just going to spray this over these edges to soften these it'll help smooth out the sealer edges here we'll let this flash off for about 10 minutes and then we'll apply our first coat of Base while we let that sealer flash off we're going to go ahead and clean our paint gun we want to clean it before in between sealer and base in between base and clear coat I'm just using a little uh pipe cleaner here with some thinner some wash thinner we're going to run it through I'm going to mix up the base color this is a tri-stage finish so we're putting a base white on first and then we'll put our Pearl on I think this is this color is 051 so there's the base this paint is nascent XL I find it has a pretty good color match it's reasonably priced and I can get it pre-mixed at my local O'Reilly's of course two to one is the ratio put our cap on check it sealed put our collar on and then lock in our gun ready to go now I'm not trying to do the blend right now I just want to cover this area and the primer or the sealer same gun settings foreign that's the first coat we're going to let that flash off for 10 minutes I am going to tack rag this in between coats I see a couple little particles of dust I want to clean up before we put on our next coat it's important to inspect after each coat if you see dust let it flash off try and Tack those off or or eliminate those you may have to even sand those out a little bit if you have a fine sandpaper like a 600 or even 800 or a thousand you can lightly sand those out and then put another coat of base on it so if we look closely here you can see there's a little particle of dust right there the lighting's not working very well here so right there there's a little particle of dust there it's just a little lint we're going to tack this off before we apply our next coat so I went ahead and I put that second coat on a little bit heavier since we had our first coat on WE introduced the paint to the surface we could apply a little bit more paint put it on a little bit heavier on the second coat to get better coverage now we'll do one more wet coat on this I'll move out just a little bit farther and then I'll do a drop coat to do the blend foreign to blend this base white I'll blend about a quarter of the way into the door and then we'll cover that with our pearl white and remember we have to go past the base white when we blend our Pearl so the only thing I'm going to do for the blend is I'm going to move a little bit farther away from the panel and then I'm going to do it in kind of like a cross pattern we're now ready for the mid coat of this tri-stage finish which is the mid coat pearl white I'm going to go ahead and put one coat on I'm going to blend out into the door and blend out into the quarter okay now I'm only going to wait a couple minutes in between coats we only need two coats of this pearl white it doesn't need to flash off real long and it doesn't really change the color that much we just want to make sure everything's covered I'm spraying with the same air pressure I sprayed with my sealer and my base white we're using about 20 to 25 psi of air I've got my fan pattern wide open and my volume is three turns out from closed and you can see there's still very little overspray with this budget R500 paint gun after the second coat of pearl all that's left is to blend out the quarter panel and blend out the door just like we did the base white the only difference is we have to go a little out a little bit farther to make sure that base white is covered with our Pearl this gun lays down the pearls and metallics beautifully I've had no issue with modeling or the way those metallics lay comes out nice and silky smooth okay we're ready for some clear coat we've got this pearl white silky smooth check it out some light on here nice and smooth ready for some clear setting up the R500 for clear coat I'm going to turn the fan pattern wide open that's the top knob we'll do the fluid volume and we'll turn that all the way in and then we'll turn it three turns out so all three turns out from closed now as far as the air pressure settings I like to turn it up to about 30 PSI I think that atomizes it perfectly and it's going to give you that flat finish I'll put two coats of clear coat on this the first coat we're just introducing that clear coat to the surface we're not trying to make it absolutely perfect the reason I'm bringing this gun to your attention is because it's benefited me in the garage and I want to share that with you so it can help you out at home like many of you I'm not using a paint booth I'm spraying in an open garage so I want to do everything I can to minimize overspray and this gun helps with that it also helps in material savings you can use it with a small compressor it's easy to spray and it's very inexpensive at around 65 dollars and I want to be doing a review video on this gun if it didn't produce a beautiful looking finish but I'm going to let you be the judge check out the finished product at the end and let me know down in the comments what you think of the finish some painters are not fond of low pressure low volume paint guns because they tend to be a little bit slower but when we do our second coat of clear here I'm going to show you a technique that'll help you speed up the process you can spray it just like a conventional paint gun and get the same type of finish a couple clearing techniques with this gun you want to overlap 80 percent you really want to focus on that overlap that's going to give you a really flat finish don't be concerned you're not going to run it this gun is really easy to use as long as you keep a consistent distance from the panel and a consistent speed you're not going to have any problems with running your clear let's go ahead and finish up this first coat of clear and then I'll share with you a technique that's going to help you speed up the painting process if you like to spray quickly [Music] thank you [Music] foreign check out the clear after the first coat slicked out beautifully I'm ready to lay on the second coat I want to hit it a little bit harder on the second coat get it a little bit Slicker put more material on the panel let it flow out just a little bit better now if you like to paint quickly and you think a low volume low pressure paint gun is just too slow for you you can change your Technique just a little bit and it'll spray just like a conventional gun the way you do that is you move closer to the panel and you move quickly so I'm about three inches away from this panel now I can move quickly across this panel I'm getting more material on that panel letting it flow out a little bit better and getting a flat finish and ultimately speeding up this gun if you want to use this technique you got to be careful because you have to be consistent in your distance and three inches away from a panel is pretty close so you have to be really consistent in your distance and your speed or you could run it but this is just a technique that's going to speed up this gun so you can spray it like a conventional gun and still get the results that you're looking for [Music] foreign check out the results of this R500 low volume low pressure paint gun at 65 dollars I believe it's a bargain let me know your thoughts on how you think this gun sprayed and if you've used this gun before let me know about your experience with it listen if you want to learn more about paint and body repair check out one of these videos now I appreciate each and every one of you watching and we'll see you next time on garage noise
Channel: Garage Noise
Views: 65,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budget paint gun, lvlp paint gun, paint gun for snall compressor, auto paint, garage Noise, how to, auto paint repair, spray it paint gun, low cfm spray gun, paint like a pro, hvlp, lvlp spray gun, GARAGE NOISE AUTO BODY ACADEMY, spray gun, spray painting
Id: 5k395Togjg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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