How to Split AUDIO into Different Tracks in OBS | Game + Mic + Discord

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hey guys and welcome to another OBS tutorial today I'm going to teach you how to split audio into different tracks in OBS to split things like your game sound your Discord your microphone so that when you're making your final video in your editing app like Adobe Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve something that is Advanced enough to use multiple audio tracks you're able to adjust the volume let's have a look at an example here this is a made-up scenario where I'm going to show you the benefits of having control over different sounds so this is the base file I'm just going to play a little bit of it this is all three sound files all at once real pity if somebody would be talking over my audio right now when I'm trying to do some massive gameplay effects and things this is the best clip ever that I'll ever get now you can see why that clip is not something you'd want for your footage and I'm sure you've had situations in the past where you had a perfect gameplay clip and some sound whether it be the game your microphone or the Discord that just kind of ruined the clip in this case we can change it so we're in Adobe Premiere Pro right now and obviously this has to be in an editing program that supports multiple audio tracks so you can see here three tracks below my video file the video file is the top one we got track one two and three if I go ahead and right click and I unlink it we can actually go ahead and change them regardless so this first track over here is my game sound the second and track is my microphone the third track is my friend Jared yelling at me through Discord on Purpose By the way now in this case with this clip Jared was really loud and like in my face about everything right you heard him going concon and it was it was super annoying but if I go ahead and I mute this or even delete it and I go play back this clip this is what it sounds like now mixing things here here so when I'm trying to shoot this I'm shooting this here this is the best clip ever that I will ever get this is great look at now you can see Jared's voice has been omitted from the file so we no longer have him yelling stuff like this which could be frustrating but if you want to go a step further and you actually want to have no microphone no columns you just want roll gameplay you can have it look like this instead by muting the microphone as well as the Discord audio tracks over here or deleting them or adjusting them editing them the way you want you can also change the volume as needed and go ahead and listen this is just roll gameplay foreign so in this case if I wanted to add a voiceover I now have the ability to do so without having the original audio ruining the clip now let's get into how this works on OBS now before we change anything drastic on our settings and stuff on your main profile and scene collection that you have right now we're actually going to go ahead and make a new one and if you followed my previous video with what OBS settings I use to record YouTube videos and you have that profile or your main profile that you record with you're just going to take this one have it selected and then you're going to duplicate it and we're going to call this one test or three times audio four times audio or something call it what you will click OK it's going to make it you can see in the headline it says profile we're on test and in profile test is selected which is perfect so we're not breaking our old one if you want to go back you click here to go back to your original now we're also going to do the same for scene collection right so the scene I'm on right now has laptop screen and capture card but we don't need that we're just gonna go for test you can duplicate it if you need it but we're just going to go like that and then boom we're on this scene over here if you ever want to go back to different scenes you can swap just like this I recommend using this system for having different setups for Maybe YouTube recording YouTube streaming and maybe even Twitch streaming or something else whatever you're doing both for your profile and your scene collections okay so now that our profile is on tests and scene collections on test let's get into how to separate all your different audio so the first thing and main thing that you'll probably have to deal with is in your settings and this is why we made a new profile because we're changing base settings so we're going to go here into settings we're going to go to the audio section over here and Global audio devices in this point here you're going to want to take your desktop audio and you're going to want to disable it because this thing records everything that your PC makes sound for so if Discord is on if your game is on if you're watching Netflix or YouTube on the side all of those sounds get recorded into one file through this we don't want that we're going to separate them a different way so set that to disabled your microphone however can be said to the microphone of choice that you want to use so go ahead and select the exact microphone you want for example we're just going to use this one over here this will be the main microphone you use once you click OK you should see in your audio mixer over here in case you don't have this you'll find it in docs over here and you can make sure audio mixer is selected and you can drag it to the setup you want now to test if this microphone has audio all I have to do is speak and you can see this bar is moving this is using the laptops microphone this is not what I'm speaking for right now so this is not calibrated at all ideally you don't want your green line to ever really go past this yellow or it must at your loudest only go into yellow so this is way too loud already to adjust this you can always do it like this or change it directly in your microphone settings if you do have microphone settings so that it doesn't peek into that red at any time at all otherwise it's too loud and the audio will sound very scratchy alright so the next thing I'm going to do is open up the game I want to play or the sound file that's going to be making sound that I wanted the tab has to be open on your screen okay so the game's open now we're just gonna hold Windows key and D to go back to our desktop go open up our OBS so that we can see our OBS over here and what we're going to do here in the sources panel right now this image is just it's just a picture of that we can actually delete that for now because in your case you're going to have your game so add we can have game capture over here so we're going to game capture click OK you're going to select the specific window that you want and we're going to select sea of Thieves for example click OK if you want to record your desktop screen instead you can go add and do display capture which is just going to record everything that you see on your screen just like that this is okay as well you can choose if you want your cursor to show on screen or not generally I do leave it on click ok so both of these game capture is only going to show my game whereas display capture will also show the desktop in case you're recording something from your desktop screen now the main thing you'll notice here is that neither of these are actually recording audio because we set the default audio to zero we disabled it so you now have to set specific audio besides your microphone because right now it's only recording your microphone so what we're going to go ahead and do so in our sources panel over here we're going to right click we're going to go add and at the very top you'll have application audio capture beta click that now you're going to name this the game that you're playing for example game or this could be a specific program that you have in the background that has sound that you want to record so click ok now you'll see here in the window that it selects here we can select sea of Thieves it's going to select ones that are currently open so sea of Thieves so anytime it has that we'll make sure it has this middle option here or you can use the bottom one it's fine it should be okay and now you'll see in your audio mixer that the game is doing this thing here and that is because of the background music on the sea of Thieves in the background it is recording if this thing is empty then you have a problem you need to make sure you need to try and make game sounds like like sounds in the game and see if this green bar moves if this green bar doesn't move you have a problem it's not moving then and you've done something incorrectly right now we've done it perfectly and this is just a sound input file so this is only here to record the game sound now the next thing we're going to add is Discord sound or something if you're using like something else like team speaker I don't know why I'm even saying the word TeamSpeak nobody's even heard of that anymore but you're going to want to make sure your Discord is open so have it open because any sound that is going to come through Discord you want to be recorded right so anytime you're in a voice Channel or a call anytime somebody speaks is going to be recorded separately into a different audio track through OBS that's what we want so keep Discord open and then we're going to go here in our sources again we're going to right click we're going to add application audio capture beta just like that type Discord I'm just going to call it that click OK in the window we're gonna go ahead and look for discord.exe right so that one over there it doesn't matter what the rest of it says it just has to be discord.exe and it's just exactly that one we're going to click OK and now Discord will be recorded anytime somebody speaks this will go up so if you're testing it with a friend in a Discord chat have them speak to see if this green bar moves now you're not done yet right now if we had to record this will all go on one audio file which is not what we want there's two very important things that we still need to do first we're going to go to settings on our main settings here we're going to go to Output in output we're going to go to recordings in recordings you're going to want to select as many audio tracks for a different files audio track one we want for the game audio track two we want for our microphone audio track three we want for Discord if you have a fourth one you can add it in here I should let you know that if you're playing any Netflix or movies or something through like your Mozilla tab or your browser it won't be recorded in this because our game sounds are specifically only for sea of Thieves so again this is game sounds microphone and Discord sounds you can always add more later in case you have more sound inputs we're going to go ahead here and click apply click ok now you're going to want to tell obas which tracks to record these three audio files onto and to do that you can press any of the three little dots here at any of these files here click them like that you're going to go to Advanced Audio properties click it just like that and you'll see it open up this screen over here now what you're going to do is you're going to see the names on the left like we've got Discord we've got game and we've got microphone and you're going to look all the way on the right hand side and you'll see those track numbers again one two three four five and six and more check marks now here's we're going to select which ones these are recorded to Discord we remember we only want it re-recorded on track number three so we're gonna deselect everything else just like that so Discord sounds will only be recorded on track three then we're gonna go to game sounds game sounds we want on track one and we're going to deselect two three four five and six so so you can see game only Records On Track 1 microphone Records On Track 2 and Discord records on track 3. then you can click close it will save and you see in your settings here in your output in your recordings those three tracks are selected if you have this setup just like this it will work however you should know if you record this file and you play it on your desktop with VLC or Windows Media Player it will only play one audio track at a time because you have to take it into an advanced editing app like Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve something that will show you these three lines of track the biggest thing you'll need to remember though is in your sources file on that game one this one is only linked to one thing at a time so if you're playing sea of Thieves it works here in this case because we selected sea of Thieves but if you suddenly play valorent you're going to have to come here go to game go to properties and change this exe file to valerint while valorent is open so do make sure that you always change those in those cases if you want your audio separable in a perfect way I hope you guys enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching
Channel: ConCon
Views: 2,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concon, obs, recording, split, how to, audio, track, game, discord, mic, tracks, microphone, know, need, what, record, profile, settings, volume, calibrate, tips, tip, important, adding, add, application, sound, sounds, setting, setup, source
Id: Xe9FlAB7OEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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