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hey nice co-op stream do you know what would make that super awesome if i could see your teammates on the stream at the same time i noticed that a lot of people were playing online with their friends and having co-streams but you couldn't see those teammates live in that one twitch stream so i decided to have a look at how we could make that happen [Music] [Music] i'm bex at bexness and recently i've been streaming over on twitch with cooperative stream so that is where i'm playing with a friend and you can see and hear them live on my stream once i did this quite a number of people asked me how did i do it that's what we're going to look at today now this is actually way easier than you think it's going to be so i'm pretty sure that most people can set this up chances are you're already using the tools that you need i'm going to be using obs and discard specifically we're going to be using the voice channel within discord to do this i figured it was best to use discard in today's tutorial because i would imagine that's what most gamers are using and most streamers for sure so hopefully that's what you're using too but if you're not you could actually use zoom teams google hangouts you get the picture pretty much any online conferencing or meeting software will do the trick now if you're already thinking i can't even get my own face onto my stream because i don't have a webcam you'll be pleased to know that i've also done a tutorial on how to use your mobile phone as a webcam if you're streaming using a pc so if you want to check that out i'll drop a link in the description so first things first we need to head over to obs so if you're not familiar with obs do let me know down in the comments if you would like a full tutorial on getting started with obs i'm more than happy to put that together for you but for now i'm going to assume that you're already familiar with the basics of creating scenes and sources we're going to create a brand new scene i'm going to go ahead and name that co-op streams and hit okay it's giving us a nice blank canvas to work with so we need to add our sources the first source i'm going to add is the game so for me i use window capture and i have one existing let's choose destiny 2. so you can see that's brought that in nicely for us so the next thing we want to do is to go ahead and add to the first camera so for me i do that using scenes and if you're not familiar with using embedded scenes to capture your camera do let me know and i can make a tutorial on that one as well that will go into details of why i've done that but when you're adding multiple cameras and you're wanting to crop in differently in different scenes it's really useful to do it that way so i have one here called main cam and that's what i'm going to choose and there we can see my camera so we just need to make that a bit smaller because that's more like a just chatting kind of scene so let's shrink that down a little bit we'll pop me just here now to be honest that's a little bit big and we've got a little bit of extra stuff around here that we don't really need to see so a top tip for cropping this in just hold alt on your keyboard and grab one of the little squares and you can use that to crop in just nicely i'll bring my managers to touch there and a little bit more so if you're using an overlay you can use this tool to just make sure that it fits perfectly to whichever overlay you have so that's the easy bit done hopefully you're all really familiar with that already so how do we go about getting maybe a second third or fourth or however many people you're playing with into here so i'm just going to do adding a second person but of course the same method will apply for adding as many people as you like so this is where we have to head over to our online meeting software i'm going to be using discord because that's pretty much what all gamers seem to use so it's probably the one that's most familiar to you as well but you could use zoom google hangouts whichever what you'll need to do is open discord and within there just go to one of your chat channels i can see there are two people connected now sasig here is my mobile phone just to enable me to grab my own camera for the purpose of this tutorial but what we're looking to do is to use this as a new source and we can use that cropping method that we just looked at to make sure that we're only grabbing the camera area that we want so let's go ahead and do that now back in obs we need to add a new source and this time we're going to choose window capture i'm going to do a new one let's call this sausage cam so what we need to choose in here is which window are we grabbing you can see i've got all kinds of stuff going on here but in this case there is a discard and that's the one that we need to choose so if you were using zoom for example you'd need to choose the zoom window there we go we can see we've now got our window coming through there infinitely looping don't need to worry too much about changing these i always tend to put them to window title must match just in case i load something else up but i don't know it's just my preference but you don't have to change that okay so now that we're back over in obs we can see i have my camera showing in here so now we can see that we've added our sausage cam sauce so what i'm going to try and do next is to use that same cropping tool that we used earlier holding alt on the keyboard to just tidy this up and make sure that all we're seeing is sausage cam and in this case it's just an orange box click on here hold alt grab that little dot and bring it right in so we've got our little sausage cam lovely and once we've got all of that trimmed we can then just resize that if we need to so let's pop it's around about it's a little bit bigger but we'll pop that one over there so that would effectively be our second person on there so you could actually do this for as many people as you could fit in your say discard or zoom or whatever software you're using to capture their video what i found as well is that the audio will pull through if you are capturing your desktop audio in one of your sources and there's no lag on there so it looks really sharp so if we were to also be using an overlay here let's see what that looks like so in our sources i'm gonna go ahead and add one of my browser scenes and you can see i have a co-op overlay from when i was doing a co-op with mr chuggy c so what you can see within my overlay i added a second camera border just to make it look a little bit nicer if you have a really clean stream which i know most people do these days you might not want to do that but if you do have a nice little board there you'll want to get these matched up all we need to do is just make sure that we align these nicely remember you can go ahead and use your alt to make any little tweaks that we may need on there so that's looking pretty nice i've fallen off there terribly so let's put me back in i've overshot on the cropping just a touch there and that's it we've now got our two cameras embedded what i'll show you now is what that looks like actually on the live stream you'll notice that we're both there we're both nice and clear you can see my gameplay as well as the reactions from chuggy c and you can also hear chuggy c as well which is exactly what you want people here red targets be honest oh a gold komodo oh commodore's good now what i've found is that this is a much nicer experience for your viewers so they can see everybody who's playing in your party i would 100 recommend giving this one a try please let me know down in the comments if you found this video useful are you going to give it a try if you do drop your twitch link down in the comments and i would love to check it out if you want to come hang out some more be sure to check out my twitch i will pop the link down in the description it would be really great to see you on there we have lots and lots of fun i stream every wednesday friday and sunday do keep an eye on my schedule because it may have changed if you're watching this say two years into the future i've also just started a brand new discord and in that channel we're going to be talking about all kinds of things related to cameras streaming and youtube so if that's your kind of thing i'll put a link for that as well it'd be really great to see you there so a nice quick one today that's all there is to it all that's left to say is thanks for watching and i'll catch you in the next one motion tracker oh god [Music] no problem robot jesus christ i'm necessary
Channel: Becki Lea
Views: 147,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multicam, livestream, twitch, gaming, obs, discord, live stream, live streaming, multicam live stream, live stream setup, how to, 2 camera live stream, multi-camera live stream on a computer, multi-camera live stream on a computer with obs, live stream with multiple cameras, how to use 2 cameras on obs
Id: ohGJgyCZNSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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