How to speed up your Synology DS920+ NAS? These are my 5 TOP tips!

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hey everyone and welcome to a new video on bite of geek today i'm going to be going through five things that you can do to your synology a ds920 plus nas to help speed it up so let's check it out [Music] so some of these items that i'm going to go through you may be able to do those now you may have already gone past the point of being able to implement some of these some of them hardware related some of them are software related it really does depend upon your particular circumstances so just bear that in mind as i go through first item on the list is hard drives and getting the right hard drive for your nas units now it's also easy to you know get your new nas and wander off to somewhere like amazon or something like that and go and buy four of a particular uh you know now specific hard drive if we take for example the seagate ironwolf four terabyte drive pretty decent drive you know most people will be more than happy with that uh it's only 5900 rpm and it has a okay-ish cache size for the size of the drive now if you step up a level if you go to something like the eight terabyte drive then it's got 7200 rpm and has a considerably larger cache size so you know the difference here is approximately 20 performance difference between those two drives and you know something like this is really easy to kind of overlook and just think okay you know i'll go for the the cheapest option we're actually you know okay you know there is a considerable difference in price but the the performance difference that you'll have on these drivers is as much as 20 so you know obviously you can go with other brands you can go with something like toshiba or something like that which are a little bit cheaper and are still as fast as those um seagate 7200 rpm drives so you know something really to bear in mind before you go and fill uh fill your nas unit and obviously be aware of this you know if certainly if you're buying a pre-configured nas unit where the supplier has already gone and installed you know the four bays full of drives a lot of these are pre-configured with uh seagate ironwolf uh four terabyte drives so you're probably not getting the best performance from the nas out of the box so item number two on the list is to do with the software settings now synology's thought behind this setting is that rather than the system having to go to the disk all the time to go and get the information they would rather kind of like compress it and store it in memory now that's all well and good and um you know in theory it should work fine however obviously you know it uses some of that system memory you've only got four gigabytes as standard on your system and some users have reported uh kind of usage where it's it's kind of ramped up the cpu usage as well to almost 100 percent uh use more memory than probably it should be using so you you need to go into the control panel and into hardware and power and there's just an option there at the top just to um on mine on dsm seven it's it's ticked as enabling the compression so you can just untick that and then you'll just get a little confirmation dialogue pop up about that and that's it really so probably give that a try out and see whether that adversely affects your performance if it does i would turn that back on maybe it's it's absolutely fine on your system but uh you know it's always the kind of the general consensus is to turn this option off so the third item on the list and this is quite closely related to the second item and that is the amount of memory that is in your synology nas now by default out the box you've got that four gigabytes of ram and i think for you know for general use of the system that is probably more than enough you know if you're just copying files across every now and then but at some point in time you're going to want to do more with the nas um you know you may well want to have kind of like vms running or something like that and they're all going to need more memory on that the more software you've got running on it the more memory it's going to need and at the end of the day you know you bought this nas unit with this fancy uh operating system and the ability to run all these things and you pay more for that than probably a bog standard nas unit so you know it seems strange to kind of like the system with just the four gigabytes of ram now the ds920 plus has a one additional dim slot uh in just inside the uh the drive bays as it were it's just inside the front of the unit a little bit tricky to get to i'm sure they could have probably put this in a more convenient place similar to where they put the ssd cache slots on the base of the unit but nevertheless that's where they put it so you know as a kind of like a standard configuration the system officially will support an additional 4 gigabytes of ram that's what i've got in my unit you don't have to go and buy synology branded of ram i use a stick from crucial however there's plenty of reports out there where people who've got um you know 12 gigabytes of ram running all the way up to 20 gigabytes of ram running in their system one common thing that i've seen on a lot of those where they've gone a lot further so all the way up to kind of like the 20 gigabyte it's the the um highest uh success rate has been with samsung branded ram um that seems to be highly uh compatible with the synology nas units so it's just something to bear in mind there but obviously you know even with an extra four gigabytes you will you know as you start to use the system more uh just like with windows you know as an operating system you will start to notice the benefit of that extra memory within the system so the fourth item on the list is to do with the network port on the back of the synology nash unit now the ds920 plus has two one gig ethernet ports on the back and really you know most people will either have the pc connected to a switch and then off to the nas unit and they'll just connect up to one port or they'll have their pc connected to just one port by itself and you'll be absolutely fine you know you've got one gig connection going to a one gig port now if you've got more than one pc that's actually using this then certainly if you've got um a switch connected to your nas unit if you're only using one of those ports then you are very much effectively bandwidth throttled between those two units now you can go down the route of paying out more for a fancy switch which will allow you to do link aggregation but what you can actually do you can do this within the software of dsm and it's really really simple and straightforward and just takes a couple of minutes to go through and that's basically to go and bond the two ethernet ports together so to get this working all you need to do is to go into your control panel in the dsm software and into network and there's an option there to create a bond on your ethernet ports and you just basically just follow the defaults all the way through as i say take a couple of minutes and basically what you'll end up with instead of two individual ip addresses for the ethernet port you'll end up with one ip address that effectively covers both of those ports so once you've done this well what is the effect that you'll get well effectively what you've created is a two gig network port now that doesn't mean to say you know your individual pc is going to be able to suddenly transfer two gig across onto your nas unit because it is still limited by the pc however if you've got your nas connected to a switch and you've got multiple pcs going through that switch then your nas will be able to well it basically just won't be as bottlenecks as it was before because now it's got double the bandwidth to be able to play with so you'll actually see a faster throughput of your network traffic to the nas so my fifth and final item on the list is populating the nvme drive bays on the bottom of your ds 920 plus so underneath your nice unit on on the base of it you have two slots available and you can put in a couple of nvme drives there you can just put one in if you want to but it is better to have two um i have already done a video on this there's a link up above if you want to go and watch that as to the overall benefits of this so your mileage might vary with this option um but it is something you know if you um after watching that video you think that is actually going to be beneficial to you then i would definitely have that as the fifth thing that you should do to help in overall you know improve the performance of your nas unit so guys that is my list of things to help you improve the performance of your synology ds920 nas unit now some of those will work on other synology nas units and even other brands of nes units so you you can always bear that in mind but let me know your thoughts down below in the comments uh you know is there something else that i've missed off that list that you think actually you know that will be just as good or even better than what i've gone suggested let me know down below in the comments i'd love to hear your thoughts um you know but if you've enjoyed this video then hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you're not a subscriber already but as always thanks for watching the video and i'll see you in the next one bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Byte of Geek
Views: 20,483
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Keywords: how to speed up your Synology DS920+ NAS, synology ds920+ ssd cache, synology ds920+ cache, synology ssd cache, synology ds920+ performance, synology nvme ssd cache, synology nas, nas server, synology, speed up ds920+ nas, speed up synology nas, nas drive, qnap nas, synology nas guide, make nas faster, make synology faster, make qnap faster, upgrade synology, upgrade qnap, nas upgrade guide, nas hardware, nas memory upgrade, nas memory upgrade guide, cheap nas upgrade
Id: j5detk2dJQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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