How to Speed Up or Slow Down a Video Clip in Shotcut

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hey everyone in today's shortcut video i want to show you how to change the speed of any video clip so you could make things go faster or you could slow things down let me show you right now so i have my clip here i'm going to drag it down here just to my timeline if you don't have a timeline it will create one down here for you and if i press play this is playing in regular speed to change it go ahead and right click on this clip and there's an option here for properties click this and right over here you show speed by default is just 1 which is the standard so if i change this to 5 and press enter 5x let me go ahead and press enter on that it takes a second and if i press play now it's gonna go much much faster and you can see it changed the duration of the clip it was like 12 seconds now it's just about two two and a half seconds if i want to slow it down i have to do less than one so 0.25 for example and if i press enter that is going to be quarter of a speed 0.50 is going to be half the speed you could see it made it much much longer so now if i press play on it you could see it's going really really low here and it's not rendered that's why it's a little bit choppy here and the option that says pitch compensation if you have sound and you reduce something that has sound you'll need to click the pitch compensation here so it doesn't make you sound like a chipmunk if you make things fast or really slow if you change things it's gonna try to keep the pitch of sound but i don't have any sound here so it doesn't matter so that's how you change speed on shot cut and i have a more complete tutorial on this application too for editing for completely free on mac and pc so i'll put that in the description if you want to check that out thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 35,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Speed Up or Slow Down a Video Clip in Shotcut, how to speed up a video in shotcut, how to slow down a clip in shotcut, shotcut, tutorial, shotcut speed up video, shotcut tutorial, shotcut video editor, free video editor, shotcut speed up clip, how-to, fast forward, howfinity, shotcut tutorial for youtube, shotcut video editor tutorial
Id: 0BuSbnT6O8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 47sec (107 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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