Speak English FLUENTLY in 30 Days: The Truth

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Hi, I'm Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com.   Are you ready to learn a  secret? Let's talk about it.  Today, you are going to learn the number one  secret guaranteed to help you speak English   fluently in only 30 days. That's right, in only  30 days you will know everything you need to know   to be able to speak fluently, and dazzle  other people with your amazing English skills.   Are you ready to learn the number  one secret? Stay tuned to find out.  Okay, here it is. Are you ready? The secret is...   What did you think I was going to say? Is there  a secret to learning English fluently in 30 days?   No, there is no secret that can  guarantee that you will learn English   in only 30 days. A lot of programs make this bold  claim so that you will purchase their product,   watch their video. And, frankly, it's quite  dishonest. In English, we have a phrase,   maybe this exists in your native language too, "If  something is too good to be true, it probably is."   That means if something seems perfect, there's  probably a problem with it. It's probably lying   to you. Sometimes this can be really frustrating,  especially if you spend a lot of time and money   hoping that that bold claim will be true. But hold on, I'm not here to figuratively rain   on your English learning parade. It may be true  that perfect fluency is not achievable in 30 days,   but that doesn't mean that you can't become  fluent. It just means that your English journey   is going to take a little longer or look a little  different than you expect. And that's great.   There's no perfect way, no set time frame, or  exact learning style that's going to work for   everyone. I'm here today to help you break  out of that mindset and also to help you   along on your English journey to fluency. But do you know what? Let's use a different   word than fluency. Fluency feels  like there is a definite end point.   Like when you take an exam, the exam is finished,  and you receive a grade, and that's it. You're   finished. But learning a language isn't  like that. Instead of achieving fluency,   I want to use the word confidence. To achieve  confidence speaking in English, because this   is something real, something that you can feel.  You can feel your confidence growing the more   that you learn and the more that you practice.  So, you'll know that you're actually improving   when you feel your confidence improving too. Do you remember when you were a kid and you   tried to ride a bike for the first time? Or  roller blade or roller skate for the first time?   You were probably a little bit wobbly and  uncertain. You probably fell a lot. Probably   got hurt. Hopefully, not too badly. Well, this  takes time, and a lot of practice and effort,   also making a lot of mistakes. Falling  down and learning how to balance yourself.  Well, learning English is quite similar to  that, except you don't need to wear a helmet,   I don't think so. If you are a beginner,  now, it will take you longer to be able to   speak English confidently. If you are an  intermediate or advanced English learner,   well, with daily practice speaking weekly with a  teacher, or some other English learners it will   take less time for you to be able to feel like you  can speak English confidently. A big determining   factor is how much time and effort you put in  to exercising those English speaking muscles.  Do you know this fable or tale of The Hare and The  Tortoise? Or sometimes we say The Tortoise and The   Hare. The tortoise is a turtle. A hare is a wild  rabbit. In this story, they're going on a race,   and the rabbit or the hare is so certain  that he's going to win. Rabbits are fast,   turtles are slow, it's just a fact. So, the hare  starts running and running, and then he thinks,   "I can take a nap. It's fine. I'll stop. Maybe  I'll go eat some lunch. I'll take another nap,"   and he gets distracted. But what does that  tortoise do? The tortoise just goes slow   and steady, never stopping, but is determined  to make it to the end, slow and steady.  Can you guess who wins the race? Well, of course,  the tortoise wins the race. And I think that this   is a wonderful example of what it means to learn  English. If you are steady, you are consistent and   dedicated. "Every day, I'm going to do something  with English. Maybe it's just listen to a song in   English because I don't have much time today.  Or maybe it's watch one of Vanessa's lessons.   Or maybe it's watch a full movie in English."  Doing something dedicated consistently in English   will help you achieve confidence much quicker. The problem with the promise fluency in 30 days   is that you feel so much pressure. All right,  I need to achieve fluency in 30 days or else I   lose. And it kind of feels like after 30 days,  you won't need to do anything else ever again.   Well, this can feel like a lot of pressure because  first of all, like we talked about, it is not   possible to become fluent or speak confidently  in 30 days. But also, that feeling of, "I lost.   I failed at learning English because  I couldn't learn it in 30 days,"   that is a terrible feeling and will absolutely  not help you to achieve your goals in English.   This is your journey. I want to help you  to continue to slow and steady feel and   more confident in English without feeling  like mistakes are a problem. Mistakes are   important. They are inevitable. You cannot avoid  mistakes. That is an essential part of learning.  So, while 30 days may be too short of a  time for you to become a confident speaker,   30 days is a great amount of time for building  daily habits. If you do something for 30 days,   great, it will become a normal part of your life.  So, I would love to give you some suggestions.  Suggestion number one, schedule a certain time  each day for English. Make sure that this is   realistic. You cannot say, "I will study for four  hours after I come home from work every day." Do   you know what's going to happen after one week,  maybe less? We call this burnout. You will burn   out. That means you will become so exhausted, and  you will be annoyed at learning English. You won't   want to do it anymore. So, make sure that you set  a realistic time, 15 minutes, 30 minutes. Set this   time aside and make it the most important  thing that you want to accomplish that day.  For that 15 or 30 minutes, you can play a podcast  in English while you are commuting to work.   If you don't commute, you could listen to  a podcast while you're cooking breakfast,   while you're folding the laundry, while you're  taking a walk around your neighborhood. You can   just spend that time doing something with English.  Or you could subscribe to my YouTube channel,   I have over 300 English lessons. Maybe  you have not seen all of them. So,   you could watch one lesson per day, that's  about 30 minutes each day, immerse yourself   in English and learn something new. Great.  And I hope you will enjoy it at the same time.  My first tip was to set aside a specific amount  of time every day. My second tip is to surround   yourself with English. Even if you're not in an  English speaking country, you can still do this.   You can find fun and creative ways to immerse  yourself. Here are some of my suggestions.   You can change the language settings on your  phone, or on your browser on the computer.   That means that just as you are looking at  news articles, or as you are reading a recipe,   whatever you're doing on your phone, all of  the text is going to be in English. Simple,   effective, and doesn't take any extra time. You could also take some sticky notes,   or little pieces of paper with tape and put  them around your house to label different items.   Write a full sentence, and this will help you  to be able to see English and have your brain   switch over to English for that moment. You could  read your favorite books in English. If you need   any recommendations for good books in English,  I love reading, so I have made, I think, four   videos about book recommendations. You can check  out this one up here, which is beginner books.  Or if you have never read a book in English before  I recommend starting with those books. You can   check out that link up here to get some ideas.  Or you can check out the link in the description,   which is my Amazon storefront. I have listed on  there, all of the books that I recommend, and you   can just click on them and purchase them. I think  I get like 10 cents from each purchase. So, it's   not really that much for me, but it's just a way  to show you the books that you can read and give   some recommendations and where you can get them. And finally, of course, you can watch some TV   shows or cartoons in English. Sometimes children's  cartoons are a great way to get started. They use   simple language for kids and they speak slowly,  you can see the action developing. It's a good way   to start to immerse yourself more in English. For  some other ways that you can speak English just by   being at home you can check out this video I made  up here, which goes into that topic more in depth.  My first tip was to schedule a certain amount  of time every day. Second tip was to surround   yourself with English. And the third tip is, can  you guess? Do you got it? It is to speak. I didn't   think that you could improve your speaking without  really speaking, right? If you spend all your time   listening to podcasts, watching TV shows, watching  my videos, but never actually speaking in English,   well, you're going to have a lot of head  knowledge, but you won't be able to use it.   So, I want to empower you to be  able to use what you're learning.  If you are like most people, the thought of  speaking in English gives you some stage fright.   Stage fright means anxiety, you are nervous about  speaking in English. Well, you're not alone. Let   me give you some tips to help you get started.  If you have a pet speak in English to them. You   can narrate your day. "This is what I did today. I  went to work and when I was talking with my boss,"   blah, blah, blah, blah. Or as you're cooking, you  can narrate what you're doing. "I need to crack   the eggs. And I need to mix them together. And  chop up some cheese." You are like the star of   a cooking show and no one else is listening.  Or if your family's listening, tell them,   "Don't judge me. I'm doing my own thing." And you  can speak out loud about these daily activities.  I know it's really important to have vocabulary,  to be able to do that, so you can check out   this video that I made up here about specific  words that you can use for daily conversation,   for daily life. It's really great to be able  to look around the room and name everything,   and talk about everything that you see. These  are real things that are in our daily lives.   So, you need to be able to talk about it.  Well, that's one way, to speak in your home.  The next thing you can do to help yourself feel  more comfortable speaking is to record your voice.   The most important thing to know here is that  you don't need to share this with anyone.   You can record your voice, listen to it and  delete it immediately. You don't need to   share this with the internet. You don't need  to share this with a teacher. If you want,   this can be just for you. And that might help you  to relieve a little anxiety, but it's good to be   able to listen to your voice, listen to how  it sounds, be kind to yourself. And also,   hear if there are specific sounds that don't sound  like my voice, well, if you're trying to imitate   the way that I speak, it's a good thing to be  able to improve your pronunciation based on that.  I have a couple videos about shadowing  pronunciation, that's what this is called.   Listening to a native speaker, repeating it and  recording yourself so that you can hear it. You   can check out that lesson up here. I'm mentioning  a lot of previous lessons today. You can check out   this lesson up here about repeating, and saying  some of the most important phrases, or most common   phrases in English. This will help you to be  able to speak out loud and build that confidence.  My final tip for speaking is to just do it. The  first two are a little easy. You talk with your   pet, talk while you're cooking, record yourself,  that's a little isolated. But you can find someone   to speak on Zoom with, to speak on WhatsApp  with, to speak on Facebook Messenger with,   to speak on Skype with, to be able to contact  someone. It could be another English learner,   it could be an English teacher, but just being  able to speak with someone else, even 10 minutes,   simple, straightforward, have a very clear  conversation just a couple minutes can help to   let go of that stress, and to realize guys, "Oh,  I can do this. I have a lot I need to improve,   but I can do this. Okay, just do it." If you don't know who to speak with a lot   of students in my course, The Fearless Fluency  Club, speak together each week, sometimes three   or four times per week. They can learn the  same lesson material that I send to them.   But they can also connect on Zoom, Skype,  WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and talk   together. They can ask questions about the course  together, practicing that vocabulary, and grammar,   and pronunciation. Or they can just get to know  each other and really deepen those friendships   with people around the world in English. So, if you would like a good place to   start for meeting other people, this is  a great place. Everyone is so kind and so   understanding about what it's like to learn  English and feel nervous. So, I hope that you   will be able to join me. You can click on the  link up here, or in the description to join me   in The Fearless Fluency Club. The first month,  if you use the coupon code NEW, if you write the   word NEW in the coupon code box, the first month  is $5. This is like a trial price. The normal   price is $35 per month. But if you like it after  the first month, $5, great. You can continue in   the course. If you don't like it, if it's not  a good fit for you, no problem. You can just   cancel. And it is easy peasy, as we might say. Well, I hope today that I was able to impart some   courage to you to give you some information,  and also the strength to know if you didn't   learn English fluently in 30 days that's okay.  In fact, that's impossible. So, I hope that you   will be able to be realistic, take some of these  tips today and go forward on your English learning   journey. I'm here to help you. It's my goal.  I'm your teacher. And I would love to help you.  And, now, I have a question for you. In  the comments, let me know what is another   tip that you would give about learning English  on a daily basis, or how to become a confident   speaker? What are some tips that you would give?  Make sure to read each other's comments, so that   you can learn more and expand your knowledge. Well, thank you so much for learning English   with me. And I'll see you again next Friday for  a new lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye.  The next step is to download my free ebook, Five  Steps to Becoming A Confident English Speaker.   You'll learn what you need to do  to speak confidently and fluently.   Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel  for more free lessons. Thanks so much. Bye.
Channel: Speak English With Vanessa
Views: 979,458
Rating: 4.9329991 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, english conversation, speak english, english pronunciation, speak english with vanessa, Speak English With Vanessa, english with vanessa, native english teacher, american english, phrasal verbs, fast english, how to speak english, real english conversation, speak fluent english, speak english fluently, learn english in 30 days, english in 30 days, 30 days of english, fluent english, english fluency practice, english speaking practice
Id: bIAa95IKMj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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