70 Common English Phrases and Vocabulary Words to Speak Fluently on the Telephone | ChetChat

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hey everyone so do you procrastinate over important telephone calls and probably you're a student and you might need to make calls to your teacher or your coaching Institute or maybe you're organizing your college fest and you might need to call a sponsor perhaps you're looking for a job or an internship and you might need to make several phone calls for that as well chances are you're reluctant to make that call and you're hoping that a whatsapp message might just suffice but don't worry because today I will give you 70 common English phrases and vocabulary words to help you speak fluently on the phone and these phrases can be used in many different situations some of them could be the basic situations of the phone for example making a call receiving a call taking a message talking about network issues putting someone on hold etc and some of these phrases could be for more interesting situations like rescheduling or canceling a chance calling up a teacher to get more information volunteering for an activity and many such situations that you might face on a daily basis in fact you can use these phrases not only on the phone but even in face-to-face conversations and on your whatsapp chats as well so hey this is chase na and you're watching chit chat and press that subscribe button and the bell icon right next to it and give us a thumbs up because then we know what kind of videos you want us to keep making and in this video I'm gonna give you three things 170 common English phrases and vocabulary words to help you speak fluently on the telephone - I'm gonna tell you a sandwich technique to give bad news in a positive way and three I'm gonna give you seven bonus tips to make you that telephone superstar okay let's start with those 70 phrases and the first situation is about making a call let's say you have to make a call to an office number this is not a mobile number yet this is a landline number of an office may I speak with mr. Deepak please could I speak to miss Seema Kapoor please I'd like to speak to mr. Aakash Kumar please the tip here is to use words like good wood and may instead of being more direct like can now what if you go through that IVRS machine and the operator picks up the phone could you connect me to mr. Sharma please could you put me through to mr. Srinivasan please now what if you're calling someone directly on their mobile number am i speaking with Miss Kaveri hello is that miss Devika okay now that you've established that first line and you figure out that you are speaking to the right person how about the next line this is Jade na Vasisht from chit chat the reason I'm calling is to request for leave today on account of this is in connection with the football class tomorrow just a quick call to get an update on the dance practice schedule for this evening or I got your number from mr. Srinivasan I was given your number by Miss pravakar is this a good time to speak I just got a missed call from this number I'm returning his call and what you do if they ask you to spell out your name now instead of repeating the alphabets the better thing to do is to say C for cat and J for jackets okay now what if the person that you're calling is busy you can say sure I'll call him back could you let me know what's a good time to call and you can follow that up with could I leave a message for him please now let's talk about some common English phrases that you can use while receiving a call may I know who's calling please Who am I speaking with please may I know where are you calling from now sometimes it happens that the person calls you and you need to put them on hold because maybe you want to get them some particular information and you need to look for it so here are some phrases that you can use in this situation may I place you on hold for a moment please just a moment please could you hold on please again the same tips of good wood and may prove to be very useful and please is always a great addition to the line and after you come back and release the whole sorry to keep you waiting now let's look at you giving somebody negative information which means they've called for somebody you've picked up the phone and you need to turn around and tell them that this call cannot actually be connected for various different reasons I'm afraid she's not available right now I'm sorry you've dialed the wrong number I'm afraid he's not here he's in a class or he is or she is on another call at the moment now what if while receiving a call it's the wrong time you get this call but you're busy [Music] I'm sorry I'm just in the middle of something could I call you back this afternoon I'm sorry I'm getting into a class right now could I please call you back in one hour two hours I'm tied up at the moment can I call you back in an hour or so if it's okay with you can I buzz you back in the afternoon now sometimes just telling them that you're busy may not be enough you may follow it up with a statement or two about taking a message would you like to leave a message can I take a message for her could you please drop me a text or whatsapp and I'll call you right back now that we are done with some of the basics of making receiving a call and putting people on hold and all of that how about you've got a class or you've got a meeting and it's important and you want to cancel or reschedule now these situations tend to be a little tricky so I thought why not give you these ready-made phrases that you can use to make it easy for you to handle these situations mind if I take a rain check on the get-together this evening I have to study late tonight I'm sorry I might have to opt out of the event I'm sorry we might have to axe or call off the event I'm sorry miss I'm unable to attend school class today due to a sudden exigency ma'am I'm sorry I will not be able to attend the class tomorrow due to whatever reason may I please request for a replacement class if possible now many times on this phone call you need to set up a time to meet it could be with a company where you're applying for an internship or it could be for any other reasons how about the following week shall we say November 20th with the week of January 18th work for you now here's one situation that I found very tricky when I was back in school or college there is an event happening or there is a captaincy position announced and you want to participate in it or you want to nominate yourself for it this is in connection with the sports day or Rock Fest or captaincy position announced I am calling to express my interest in participating in the event I am calling with regards to the forthcoming event I would like to volunteer for the same request if you could let me know how I can go about this sometimes we need to call up a teacher or maybe a tuition teacher or a coaching Institute and find out some extra information let's share some phrases that'll help you make this difficult conversation easy miss I'm sorry I was not able to attend school all of last week may I come and see you after school this evening to pick up the notes ma'am I'm calling you with a request I have not been able to follow the topic on kinetic energy could you please suggest an alternate book or source that I can use for this topic sir I'm just calling to confirm about the submission date for the science project there was some confusion in class about the exact date now here's another situation that sometimes tends to get to us is calling someone about an internship position you could be in college you could be looking for that summer internship or you could be looking for a job this is in connection with the internship position advertised by our company on so-and-so website I'm very interested in this position and I wish to apply for the same I'm calling in connection with a marketing intern position at your company that I am very interested to apply for may I please know who is the right person to speak to in this regard now that we've looked at some of these difficult situations let's look at some easier situations but more commonly found let's look at bad network you're talking to someone very important and the network goes off or is just sort of blinks and you can't hear them very well or they can't hear you very well I'm sorry I can't hear you well I'm sorry your voice seems to be breaking up the network is bad could you please repeat that let me call you back from another number or from another location I think we got cut off now typically in this situation it may be a clever idea to stop that call on that mobile if possible and get onto a landline and call that person instead of stretching this whole piece of can you hear me and am i audible for a prolonged period of time but once you get your network back that's the time to check whether that person can hear you well before you continue the conversation can you hear me well or am i audible to you let's talk about low battery which happens to us sometimes you're going to get into this important call you look at your phone and you look at three percent battery what do you do either you let the call happen it drops off and then you charge the phone and you call them back but the smartest thing to do is to anticipate that the battery is indeed going to die we might get cut off since my battery is about to die I might lose you since my battery is very low I'm running on low battery could you please send me a text message and I will call you back once I charge my phone or let me grab a charger and I will call you right back okay now we've had this long meaningful conversation with this important person and it's time to wind up and say bye now we don't suddenly just say okay bye so basically I need to do three things a B and C and you will send an email to mr. Sharma thank you so much for your time it was great speaking with you all right nice talking to you then thanks for calling it was great connecting lovely talking with you or speaking with you and if it's casual then okay then have a nice day or sounds great or okay talk to you later gotta go okay now let's talk about this sandwich technique now we find it very difficult to give bad news to people but this technique will make that process easier for you it's very effective when you want to give somebody a negative feedback but you wanna sugarcoat it so let's take an example you're working on a team project and one of your team members is not contributing as much towards the project and you want to give that feedback to this other student how about you use this for sentence technique the top layer of bread on the sandwich represents starting on a positive note for example hey Sam nice job on the cover page of the project that you designed it looked very attractive the lettuce represents the transition for example a pause or something like one little thing I wanted to share with you or one area of improvement might be the third sentence or is the meat of the sandwich it represents the main substance of your constructive feedback message while I really believe you are very creative the group is struggling to complete the project and it would be great if you could contribute at least one hour every day for this project and the bottom layer of bread represents your clothes which again is positive which might be something like overall I think the project idea is great and I'm sure we crack the final presentation so how about you use this sandwich technique for one difficult situation that you're facing and write down your four sentences in the comment section below and now for the seven bonus tips bonus tip number one is to smile while making that phone call there is no body language but that smile we'll go through in the conversation and it'll end on a positive note bonus tip number two is to pronounce each word carefully don't rush into your sentences because like I said there is no body language to support what you're saying bonus tip number three is useful when you're doing a video calling you may be doing this on any of the popular apps but you need to take care of a couple of things a dress well especially if it's a formal call that you're making to make sure that the background is a plain background preferably don't stand in the kitchen or the bathroom and make that call and also make sure that there's enough light coming onto your face bonus tip number four whenever that call is meant to have a follow-up call all these volunteer to be the person to initiate that call don't expect the other person to call you because you might lose that thread out bonus tip number five please return all legitimate non spam missed calls religiously because that helps you build credibility bonus tip number six always pick up the phone when you think the situation is getting tricky or complicated or what's up message is not a great way to handle complicated situations sometimes just picking up the phone and clarifying everything makes it so easy and bonus tip number seven is practice practice practice some people practice on their friends and some of you tell me that you also practice on call center executives well I'm not recommending it you're the one that told me you do it but whatever it is practice practice and practice and thank you so much for watching right till the end I will be looking out for your for sentence which technique in the comment section below and also press that subscribe button and the bell icon right next to it and give us a thumbs up if you like our work and happy watching
Channel: ChetChat
Views: 1,078,137
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Keywords: vocabulary words, english phrases, english vocabulary, common phrases, common english vocabulary, common english phrases, improve vocabulary, fluent english, learn english, how to speak english, how to speak english on telephone, useful telephone phrases, useful telephone vocabulary, speak fluently on the telephone, english lessons, learn english vocabulary words, how to learn vocabulary fast, how to speak fluently on the phone, how to learn phrases, chetchat, english tips
Id: TXxFm3sL2uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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