How to solo ZG Tiger and Raptor mount bosses and Attumen in Karazhan as Warlock

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hey guys and welcome to a quick little video on how to solo the tiger boss the Raptor boss and a tomb in The Horseman and Garrison firstly I would use this neat little macro you can see on the screen to enter the raid without bothering any of my friends having to make a raid group so I can enter what you do is you just hit the macro and then you can see on top of my screen I have an indicator that shows when I'm actually in a raid when I'm missing more Buffs when I am missing those Buffs I know okay my macro has now made a rate and then we can freely enter the raid just like that you might need to press the macro a couple of times a couple of Rapid times just a couple of times and you will be fine and there we go we're in now almost to the boss so I have cleared some trash in front of the boss so we don't have any issues pulling that during the boss now we go outside the boss room where we will position our pets I like to put him here and it doesn't matter which pad you use it can be any pet so we click stay and defensive I will not use any keybinds to control my pit so you guys can see everything I do with the pit so there's no confusion now we click the boss and we hit attack our pit is now coming for the boss give him a couple of seconds he's not so fast but he is indeed trying his best want to be more tanky maybe don't have so much gear you can hit sacrifice while he's going up there for a nice little defensive Shield when he instigates a boss I like to spam torrent so I am sure he has a thread on the boss if any of the mobs are not on you just hit corruption on them or something and they will come attack you instead I'm turning my back because they will gouge you if you face them and they will go for your pet instead now I like to use rank 1 corruption as soon as the Tigers are in position boom we hit rank one corruption we rocket boot away Amber going outside the raid now what will happen is the boss is for some reason forced into his last phase his ads will reset and we're just ready to kill him now if you have really good gear it should be no issue for you to just stand here and face tank him and just burst him down remember you also have the void broker Shield to make you more tanky however let's say you are low on gear and you don't feel confident enough to FaceTime him we can use this neat little tree stump right here this kite the boss between this and here you will be basically be immortal [Music] now we just finish him off and you can go loot your Mount unless you're unlucky like me and never get the mount and there we go now for the Raptor boss if you for some reason when you go in here you pull these Champions by mistake you don't have to kill them but you can instead just reset them let me show you how real quick so you never have to bother with them as they're kind of annoying to kill as they bounce you around to walk up here jump off and they will reset eventually now that they have reset we can jump down make our pit attack make sure anguish is on AutoCast for more thread we make our filgart attack the boss and then we run back up the stairs we attack the Raptor because we will now make the Raptor always want to attack us so our pit has an easier way of surviving and now well now it's basically just about healing your pet and slowly killing the boss now you might have seen I am now demonology you can easily do this as Affliction as well but the fill God does more damage and has way better threat than the voidwalker so it is just faster to kill this boss as terminology the reason we need our pit to attack is the boss hurts a lot we cannot just face tank him and if we over Acro our pit the boss will teleport us down from this neat little spot we have here and yeah there we go let's kill the boss and get the mount [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thank you when the boss is dead we can just jump down and kill the Raptor the Raptor by itself doesn't really hurt let's just use our Swifty one shot macro and get rid of this Raptor and there you go fairly easy we loot or Mount hopefully ah what a shame maybe next week now for the last one a tumor in The Horseman a few for some reason don't have the key do not worry there is a way to enter without the key we just run to the back and you will see a neat little trick some of you might know it some might not but this is a nice switch in the carousel without having the key and not having anyone open the door for you we just go over here in this little corner and there's a little hole so we can go down below now we can just insert basically from back entrance to carousel [Music] and there we go we're now inside just like so Guru in Old skills from the horsemen we do need to clear some trash what I like to do is use demon armor as this trash can really really hurt they have some nasty debuffs that will make you take massive damage don't overextend do one pack at a time and you will be fine you might need to kite a little bit so having a nice portal to fall back to I like to have them on the stairs behind me so we can always just get away and yeah it's clear up to the boss and we'll be good now you guys can see what trash I've cleared some of the packs are left up as we don't really care about them but now you can see the important trash is gone and we're ready to kill the boss firstly let me show you guys what to do if it goes does go bad so what we want to do is fight them one by one but if you mess up and they're both coming for you you can just walk outside the room and you will be fine this is where a nice little portal comes in handy there we go just reset them if it goes bad now the proper way to do this is we dot up midnight let me run I use curse of elements as it's way nicer for the drain Soul we're about to do now we stop here and as soon as a two minute actually spawns we run for some reason don't ask why this makes a two men not attack us if we force him to spawn right there and then instantly move and now we're just fighting midnight not really much else to explain other than demon armor is nice keep up curse of elements so your drain soul is drain life is more powerful and yeah remember use void Walker so you can get a nice Shield if it does go bad and yeah from here it's just straightforward upon reaching 25 midnight and a twoman will merge now we just do the same thing we just did I will kill a tomb in the Huntsman and we'll get our mount the only dangerous thing that Truman can do is he will put a curse on you that reduces your chance to hit with all spells and attacked by 50 for 10 seconds if you are already low HP when you get this debuff and you start missing all your drains your horns everything you cannot really regenerate any life use the void Walker Shield use a hellstone use something to stay alive use your rocket boots to kite him around a bit and you should be fine we run out is just straightforward when we do them one by one they don't really hurt as long as we make sure to do drain life we have demon armor up and we'll be fine now we just kill them off and we get the mount for sure unlucky maybe next time enjoy the video leave a comment like And subscribe or come watch me on has techno TV have a nice day everyone
Channel: TakenoteTV
Views: 12,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, solo, farm, tiger, raptor, zg, zul gurub, karazhan, kara, mount, warlock, affliction, demo, demonology, lock, thekal, mandokir, attumen, horseman, horse, how to solo, how to farm, wotlk, wrath of the lich king
Id: ausiXK6Rlzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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