Ark The Island boss guide | Best dinos for each boss fight

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hey guys what's up Spartacus here today I'm starting a new Guide Series in which I will talk about how to defeat the bosses of each art map and just like the title says today we have the Island's boss guide so the island has the original three bosses the broodmother the megapiticus and the dragon we're gonna talk about their strengths their weaknesses and which dinos are the best to use against them if you enjoyed the video hit that like button and maybe share it with your friends let's jump into it before we start analyzing each boss I'm gonna talk about the two creatures that are more or less a must for any boss Army in Ark and of course I'm talking about the daedon and the yukairanas the daedon is your on field medic that can really make the difference between losing the team from your Army in a boss battle or that thing to barely Escape alive it has a pretty big AOE heal that is powered by its footstep so you will need a lot of food to keep that hill going now at the gamma level you can certainly face the bosses without this guy but for the alpha variants I would recommend having him with the Utah Runners on the other hand is an absolute must for any battle at any difficulty the curry drawer of the UT grants Allied teams a 25 damage buff and a 20 damage resistance buff to put that into perspective let's compare a Rex army with a dadon and 19 rexes and one with a daedon a UT and 18 rexes we'll take the Rex as our base of 100 fighting Power and 100 tanking power in the first Army we have a total of 1 900 fighting Power and tanking power for the second Army that is boosted by the UT we have 2 250 fighting Power and 2160 tanking power it's actually better than a full REX Army and we can also afford to take the data with us so yeah these guys are really a must now let's talk about these bosses starting with the broodmother it's supposed to be the easiest boss battle and that is reflected in the amount of element you receive from defeating her however it's usually considered to be stronger than the megapithecus due to its mass of helpful besides the web attack that slows you down and applies storeport to you there's nothing really special about her so what should you bring well a basic Rex Army could do the trick thanks to their good stats but even better than that would be a spinal Army since in this arena there are water pawns so the spinals can utilize the hydration buff for more damage handheld region the shadow Mains could also utilize this buff but there are no Shadow means to tame on the island and probably even better than the spider army or the shadow Mains would be a megatherium army why is that after all they're similar in stats with the spinal while having half the damage plus no hydration buff well actually the megatheriums deal 150 damage to Insects arthropods arachnids Etc and that applies to the broodmother as well multiply that by another 250 percent towards all target thanks to the insect killer buff that the megatherium gets when he kills the little spiders spawned by the broodmother and we have outpaced the spinal a little bit in DPS as we side note the spinal would be greatly outpaced by the megatherium but unmounted megatheriums use their secondary attack which has a really slow attack speed but that's not all the insect killer buff also grants a whopping 75 damage resistance to all damage sources pair them with some good Saddles and you can easily see why the megatherians are the best for this battle moving on to the megapithecus widely considered the weakest boss thanks to its low Health it's more of a glass Cannon type of Boss however thanks to the arena this fight can still be very dangerous first of all it's cold here if you don't come properly equipped for cold on the alpha difficulty you might die of cold before the fight finishes and the even more dangerous part this hole right here if anything drops there it will instantly die sounds fun right because of this the most common strategy is to lure the megapithecus towards your army instead of going after it the spinal is still a good choice here even though it lacks dehydration buff you can also use aloes or therizinos and a really popular and fun strategy you can do if you plan to take on the megapiticus with a tribe is to use woolly rhinos they get up to 800 damage boost depending on their movement speed this makes them viable if ridden and imprinted since the megapithecus has low Health but probably the best for this fight is the Rex thanks to its combination of High Health good damage and the fact that the other contenders don't get any Buffs in this fight a Rex Army equipped with good Saddles can actually face the megapiticus multiple times in a row making this fight a really easy one to farm element remember if you enjoyed the video give it a like And subscribe to the channel my sub goal is to reach 5 000 Subs by the end of this summer and considering 97.5 percent of my viewers are not subscribed we might be able to do that so guys click that subscribe button I would really appreciate it okay next we have the Dragon the hardest of the three while the megapithecus was quite weak and the broodmother was hard countered by the megatherium the dragon is a nightmare to face the arena is dangerous due to the high temperatures and lava so a great start to this fight the dragon has two primary attacks the fireball which deals a lot of bonus damage to carnivores and also damages the Rider and the fire breath attack which deals both direct and percentage-based damage the dragon can also fly so I recommend you bring some ascended Firearms to build some damage while it flies you might as well want to keep moving around the map while the dragon is in the air since it can use the fireball attack when it's flying and if that wasn't enough danger for the survivors it also summons pteranodons and dimorphodons which as you might know prioritize attacking players for the lower difficulties you can still try using rexes though you will lose some the Rhino strategy with riders is still viable since you will be moving a lot around the map making it hard for the dragon to hit you plus rhinos don't take the extra bonus damage from the fireball anyways but it might still kill the rider Vegeta cakes are also a must to heal the damage dealt by the fire breath but the best option you have on the island is the Therizinosaurus its stats are comparable to a Rex and it's a herbivore so it takes less damage and can be healed very fast with veggie Gates so yeah that's your best bet you will need some good stats on them though and probably some good saddles for the alpha difficulty keep in mind that the fire breath attack ignores armor and that's it these are the best teams for each boss fight on the island thanks for watching and you thought I forgot about the overseer right of course I didn't the overseer is the final boss of the map and can be faced after you defeat the three or four mentioned Guardians the first big problem is the tech cave that you have to go through in order to get to the overseer it's filled with powerful creatures such as rexes aloes UTIs and even gigas and cars it's both extremely hot and cold inside so you will need a 4 and a Gili suit or a tech suit you have 60 minutes to get to the overseer battle or you will lose everything my advice is to clear the cave with a few of your creatures and keep the best for the overseer and the best Dino for this task is the carcardanta source if you want to know why go check out the video in the description for the overseer battle my recommendation is to use therizinos they are smaller and less chunky than the Rex which helps with traversing the cave because the path is a bit narrow and there are a lot of lava pools now you can bring up to 50 creatures inside the tech game and it's possible to bring them all into the Boss Arena by teleporting each player of your tribe one at a time with a batch of dinos but remember if you're solo all dinos that cannot fit on the teleporter will be lost forever and they're really good against the overs here because the overseer has the ability to transform in each of the three Guardians including the dragon as you already know the theory is the best against Dragon I highly advise you to do this cave with some tribe mates and to bring a lot of consumables such as mad Bros prior cars Italian subs Etc also bring some powerful ranged weapons and tons of ammo to take down the attack drones before you're overwhelmed in a tribe it's easier since you can split the tasks between players one can UT buff one can deal with the drones one can lead the pack into battle Etc the fight is hard since the overseer has a shield and it can only be damaged when it's not transformed it also has some laser beams that you have to avoid since they Dismount Riders plus there are drones that you have to eliminate before they overwhelm you so yeah you'll have to do an amazing job with the youth in this fight splitting yourself within buffing and killing drones also bring veggie cakes for your theories a lot of you will thank me for that and that's it guys we just covered all four boss battles on the island let me know in the comments which map do you want next don't forget to like the video subscribe and see you next time Spartacus out foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Spartacus
Views: 58,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark the island bosses guide, ark the island boss fight, ark the island bosses, ark the island boss tips, ark the island boss battle, ark the island bosses solo, ark best dinos for boss fights
Id: l080R1u9LeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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