How to Smoke Turkey - Kamado Joe "Big Joe"

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hey guys this is Alan with a growing network welcome today on the menu smoked turkey we're going to use our Big Joe from kimono Joe so let's go ahead and get this bad boy fired up and let's get cooking today we're going to be using Kingsford Charcoal briquettes I just want to show that you can use both lump and charcoal let's go ahead and fire this up I'm just using a standard blowtorch you can use the starters that comes with the kimono Joe or you know any kind of blowtorch this helps accelerate the lighting of your smoker so let's go ahead and hit this a few more times so we'll get to the next step one of the cool things that I like about quemado Joe is their new EX rack design this is an accessory this is their X rack this allows you to do a few things one is place a aluminum pan for like a drip pan or to add apple juice go ahead and place this in we've got our heat deflectors in the lower position they've got little tabs for you to line this up we're going to ahead and close this up let this come up to temp we're shooting for 250 degrees Fahrenheit as you can see we're cruising in about 230 degrees Fahrenheit I'm going to go ahead and start closing the dampers the bottom damper I have opened about two inches and the top one we're going close fully the Daisy wheel I'm going to leave open until we can fine-tune that once it starts hitting at 250 on that way you know that's how you control your temperature for today's smoke we're going to go ahead and use Applewood I've got a nice chunk right here we'll go ahead and toss this in we'll do that off camera and let's go ahead and get the turkey now to the brine we'll use a few ingredients we're going to chop up some apples you know they can be any kind of apples that you want you know green apples red apples and we're going to also then roughly chop up some oranges so just you know quarter them up and then toss them into a stockpot or you know a vessel that's going to hold the turkey to this we're going to add two cups of kosher salt you want to make sure that you're using kosher salt and not your regular table salt we're going to add one cup of brown sugar we're add one teaspoon of nutmeg I've freshly ground it up you know you can use whole nutmeg goes you know you get better aroma from it and then to that we're going to add whole cloves that's you know the little whole cloves right here want to add about fifteen of them and then to this we're going to add two quarts of apple juice just any regular store-brand apple juice will do this is a simple brine and then we want to add two quarts of orange juice so let's go ahead and pour this in we'll go ahead and get the star of the show ready and we'll do that next now for the star of the show here I have a ten pound turkey this is a store-bought turkey we're going to go ahead and place it into the brine what you want to do is let it sit in the brine for at least four hours preferably overnight so let's go ahead and put this bad boy in there you go again just add enough water so that the brine is the bird is submerged let's go ahead and toss this in the fridge and we'll see you in four hours we've removed the turkey from the brine rinse it off and patted it dry we're going to go ahead and use some fresh herbs that I got from my garden we got some sage and rosemary and we're going to stuff this in the cavity of the bird this is got allow the aroma from the herbs to permeate through the meat so let's go ahead and make sure we stuff that in there put that in there pretty good now for the outside we're going to use a sage and butter compound I'm going to rub this underneath the skin so just you know get a nice goop full of it and just rub it underneath and then on the outside as well give it a good rub down the reason why you use the brine is it allows the meat to become more moist during the cooking process I brine all my chickens and all my poultry no matter what the occasion so you'll be highly impressed with the results so let's go ahead and finish this off camera and we'll meet you at the smoker we are cooking at 250 degrees Fahrenheit we're using Applewood general rule of thumb is 25 minutes for every pound we have ten pound turkeys that's roughly five hours so let's go ahead and burp the lid all right we're going to go ahead and insert a food probe I'm using a thermal works food probe just insert this into the breast and you can leave this in the just the way it is right now we're shooting for 165 for the breast and 180 for the thigh or the dark meat let's go ahead and close this up we'll check back in about an hour and a half just to see how it's doing so it's been about an hour and a half now we'll go ahead and take a peek again make sure you burp the lid all right I've made some more the compound butter and what I did is you take a stick of butter melt it add some sage black pepper and some kosher salt we'll go ahead and base the turkey this looks phenomenal guys it's got a nice golden brown again we're shooting for 165 on the breasts 180 you know on the dark beat this should you know go for a couple more hours make sure you periodically check it baste it and once it hits the temp we're done all right I removed my food probe we're done I'm going to go ahead and test it with my federal pin back here I'm hitting 182 on the drumstick on this one right here 187 so that one's done the breasts 162 and on this side 164 so we're done we'll go ahead and pull this off we're going to go ahead and let it rest for about 20 minutes and then we'll carve into it the moment we've all been waiting for this bird smells phenomenal let's go ahead and carve into it we let it rest for about 20 minutes it is juicy so here I've got my slicing knife the way I do it is you know different from most people do it I slice off the breasts first and then cut them up separately so we'll go ahead and do this at an angle this is juicy oh my gosh guys so as you can see the breast is falling off so we'll go ahead and cut off the drumstick all right let's go ahead and try not to doing this backwards after I have removed the breasts from both sides and remove the drumsticks you this is how I typically would do it I would just take the breast and slice into thin slices like so this is extremely moist guys let's go ahead and give this a try as you can see here you know extremely juicy Wow it's got a hint of a smoke ring I don't you guys can see that the smoke is not overpowering this is one phenomenal bird guys you guys definitely have to give this recipe a try again guys this is Alan with a really Network we'll see you in the next video you
Channel: GrillingNetwork™
Views: 112,535
Rating: 4.6463022 out of 5
Keywords: Smoked Turkey, Turkey, Poultry (Food), Kamado Joe, Big Joe, Kamado, Smoker, smoked, BBQ, Barbecue (Cuisine), Smoking, Health, Cooking, Recipe, Grillingnetwork, food, Apple, Orange, Apple Juice, orange juice
Id: G7oEfz3Vk3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 07 2014
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