Kamado Joe | Smoked Turkey

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Thanks for not posting a jump scare or 15 minutes of a brine pot. Also that was pretty cool.

👍︎︎ 4857 👤︎︎ u/dohrk 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great, now everything is spinning. How do I change back?

👍︎︎ 2281 👤︎︎ u/MoreRicePudding 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

I couldn't help but see a Chihuahua in the center of the Brine the whole time it was spinning.

👍︎︎ 509 👤︎︎ u/Tysav92 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

I swear I was half expecting some jump-scare.

👍︎︎ 340 👤︎︎ u/jeansntshirt 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

It's called the rotating brine effect. Happens with most turkey brines, but is especially effective closer to thanksgiving.

👍︎︎ 1339 👤︎︎ u/threewolfmtn 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Fast forward to 2:05

👍︎︎ 437 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

damn thing's still alive!

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/firstwork 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 406 👤︎︎ u/GorramAccount 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

The guitar hero effect

👍︎︎ 122 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
greetings I'm John Setzler welcome back to the Komodo Joe cooking channel Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we are going to do yet another Thanksgiving turkey cooked this week so one of the things I want to show you this week is we're going to use a recipe that's out of a new book that I recently purchased this is called exclusively Kamado it is another really interesting Kamado cookbook by paul Sidora AK and forgive me if I pronounced that incorrectly technology or description I'll have a link to where you can pick up a copy of this book we are going to use Paul's recipe this year for our Thanksgiving turkey cook I'm gonna change up our technique just a little bit for it but we're gonna use the ingredients recipe in the book so let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is really the only point I'm gonna deviate from Paul's recipe I'm gonna make a brine I prefer to brine my turkeys and my chickens before we cook them so I'm gonna need about two gallons of water I've got a 15 pound turkey in the container I'm gonna brine it in its gonna need about two gallons of water to cover this turkey completely so I've got two gallons of cold water here I have one cup of sea salt and I've also used 1 cup of the Kamat Ojo Peppard sea salt we're just gonna dump that in I've got 2 cups of brown sugar it's going in there also and then I've got about a quarter of a cup of hot sauce and I'm just using the Sri Racha hot sauce for this so what I'm gonna do now is I'm just going to stir this up until all that salt and sugar dissolves okay now that I've got all that sugar and salt dissolved in my water I'm gonna put this in the refrigerator overnight to let this chill you need your brine to be really cold for obvious reasons you don't want your turkey to sit at a warmer temperature for any length of time so I'm gonna chill this there's a couple of things you can do to speed up the process of creating a chill brine you can dissolve your sugar in salts and just half of the amount of water you need and then add it back to ice water to help get it chilled down that's one way to do it so do whatever you need to do to get your brine dissolved and chilled and after this is chilled I'm gonna come back and we'll put the turkey in it okay I've let our brine chill overnight it's right at 35 degrees so it's ready to use and I have taken my turkey out of the packaging I have a 15 pound turkey here and I removed the neck and the giblets package but I'm gonna leave the leg holder in place for a while so now I'm going to transfer this guy into my bra netting bucket and we're just going to pick it up and try not to drop it we're gonna set it right in my bucket there and then we're gonna dump in our brine and I'm gonna put enough wine in there to cover the turkey completely and then I'm gonna put my lid on the brining bucket and we're gonna put this back in the refrigerator and I'm gonna let this brine for at least 15 hours we want to go at least an hour per pound and no more than two hours per pound so we're gonna brine it and then we'll be back when it's time to fire up the grill okay next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna make our our basting rub for this turkey and this is one of the beautiful parts of Paul's recipe here is this particular base what we're gonna start out with in the food processor about a half a cup of parsley about a half a cup of sage all of this is fresh about a half a cup of rosemary and about a half a cup of time all of this is fresh grown from my garden except for the parsley and it's had all the stems removed and the next thing we're going to do is add a half a pound or two sticks of softened butter we're gonna put all this in the food processor and then we're gonna blend this up and that's what we're looking for is just a a buttery consistency with all of those herbs chopped up so now I'm going to take this off we're going to set this aside and we're going to use this on the turkey oops I almost forgot we were using unsalted butter and we're gonna add two tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of freshly ground black pepper to this also and I'm gonna blend that again for just a moment and that will finish this off then we're gonna set it aside and then it goes into a turkey next thing we're gonna do is fire up the grill I've got one Quemado jus firestarter cube in a hole down here in the middle of my charcoal so I'm gonna light it up with my torch and we're gonna let it burn here for 10 minutes or so with the lid open okay while the grill is warming up we're gonna do something that some of you have seen me do before I've taken some aluminum foil here and I've made a pouch and I've opened it up on one end and I'm gonna take some of my leftover herbs and fold them up stuff them in this pouch we're gonna start with the rosemary and this is some of that fresh sage that I had harvested from my garden and we're gonna stuff it in there and we're gonna put a good little bunch of thyme that fresh thyme we're gonna wad it up and stuff it in there too and we're going to make sure we get that sealed up really well on the edges and we're just going to kind of mash it flat and get all the air out of there that we can and fold it over double on the open end and fold it over double on each of the other edges as well to make sure that it's sealed up fairly well and we're gonna use this for our smoke on this cook rather than using a wood chunk so what I'm going to do now is take my knife and just put two or three very small slits in the top of that pouch and we are going to set that right down on top of our charcoal right we put the turkey on ok I've got my turkey out of the brine and the next thing we want to do is drive this guy off as best we can so I'm gonna Pat it down with dry paper towels for a bit until I get as much of the moisture off of the skin as I can so our next step is going to be to start rubbing on our seasoning with all that butter we're gonna get this bird coated all the way up every surface of it we're gonna get a good coat on I'm also gonna try to get a good bit of this underneath the skin of this bird okay after we get this bird covered really well with this seasoning and get it up under the skin it's about time to go back out to the grill so let's go out there and have a look I've also reserved a little bit of this rub that we're gonna baste with as we cook okay we're back out to the grill and here's where we're gonna vary a bit from some techniques that we've done in the past I've got my divide-and-conquer flexible cooking system in place and I'm gonna set my smoke packet that we made right on top of the charcoal and then I'm gonna set my heat deflectors in the lowest position on the grill and then next I'm gonna put my accessory rack down in its low position and I've got this pan that I'm gonna set right on the accessory rack and in this pan I'm gonna put one chopped onion and I've got about two cups of chopped celery and chopped carrots that we're gonna put in this pan and I've also got a little bit more of that leftover rosemary I'm gonna stick in there just because I have it some thyme and a little bit of that sage that we had left over as well and then I'm gonna pour in some chicken broth I've got 4 cups of chicken broth here I'm not gonna probably not going to use all I might use all of it yeah we're gonna use the entire 4 cups of chicken broth in there and then I'm gonna set each half of our grill right up on top above that hand and then we'll go get the turkey okay now we're gonna open up and get our turkey on the grill we're gonna set this guy right in the middle right over this pan just like that and Paul likes to cook his breast side down I like to cook my breast side up so do whatever you feel is best on that so we're gonna let this cook we're gonna bring the grill temperature up to about 350 degrees for this cook it's not up to that temperature yet but I wanted to go ahead and get this on so I'm gonna close it up and I'll show you where we'll set the vents okay I'm gonna set the bottom vent of my Jo about maybe an inch and a half to two inches open and on the top vent I'm gonna close the slider all the way and leave the Daisy wheel fully open and we're just going to watch this until we get up to 350 and then if I need to warm it up I'll open the slider a little bit or if I need to choke it down I'll close the Daisy wheel we'll do all our fine temperature control from up here until we get to 350 and we'll start the timer on this cook because we're gonna cook this until we get up to 160 degrees in the thick part of the breast and we're gonna baste as we go okay folks we've been going for a little over an hour here so I'm gonna open this guy up and we're gonna baste it once again with a little bit of our baste I took this and put it in a little iron container and set it on the stovetop to melt that butter and I'm just gonna baste all over the surface of this guy man it smells beautiful I wish you could smell this Paul's seasoning blend here the parsley sage rosemary and thyme imagine that oh man it smells beautiful so we're gonna base this we're gonna keep it cooking like I said we're cooking at around 350 so we'll be back a little bit closer at the time for it to be done and we'll probably baste it again okay guys we've been going for a little over two hours now so I'm gonna open this back up and we're gonna baste it again just I'm gonna hit it all over we got a lot of Sun like coming in here on us today so I apologize for that we're just going to based all over the top side of this bird and get it everywhere I got plenty of this left so this just smells phenomenal all righty so we're gonna keep on cooking it's not gonna be a whole lot longer until this guy's ready to come off oh it smells great okay guys we're at about the two-and-a-half hour mark my internal temperature on this meat is up around 140 to 145 so I'm gonna baste it one more time and then I'm gonna close it up and we're gonna let it go until I get up to the 160 temperature I'm looking for I know most of you are thinking 165 but this bird will continue to cook for a few minutes after we take it off the grill and it will get up to 165 where it's gonna be finished so I'm gonna make this last baste we're gonna close the grill up and we'll come back to have a look at it when it's done we're not too terribly far away okay we're done we've been going just about three hours this turkey is absolutely beautiful it smells delicious and we are at 160 in multiple places in the thick part of the breasts so what I'm gonna do now is I'm just going to take this guy off the grill I'm going to take it inside and we're going to tent it with foil and let it sit for 30 minutes or so before we decide to cut it okay guys this thing's rested up I'm gonna take a little slice right off of this here on the edge oh man can you see that make sure you see how it juice is running out of there that looks awesome look at that we'll be right back that's about as juicy as it gets I'm gonna take a little piece of that and gonna have a little taste of that white meat I'm a dark meat fan mmm ma'am that's enough of that I'm gonna get one of these legs off of here and we're gonna see what happens next guys I'm all about me some drumstick and let me tell you this one looks delicious it's absolutely juicy I will have a bite mmm man that's really good mmm Paul you've done a great job with your exclusively quemado book I know we didn't follow your recipe exactly we followed it pretty closely though the basic idea of the flavoring and everything's there man that's really good I can't wait to finish that off that leg is my dinner tonight so guys let me know what you think about this this is a good idea for Thanksgiving coming up this week so let us know what you think join us on facebook facebook.com slash Komodo Joe follow us on Twitter at Komodo Joe and until next time I'm John Setzler with Komodo Joe Cooking Channel
Channel: Kamado Joe
Views: 792,882
Rating: 4.801105 out of 5
Keywords: thanksgiving, turkey, smoked, grilled, smoker, recipe, kamado, kamado joe, big green egg, primo grill, vision, akorn, chargriller, holiday, poultry, barbecue, bbq, exclusively kamado, paul sidoriak, john setzler, technique
Id: 2ll_goz6eO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2015
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