Raw Run || Race Against the Storm
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Channel: Josh Neuman
Views: 89,964,564
Rating: 4.8775902 out of 5
Keywords: Longboard, Longboarding, raw run, josh neuman, Fast, Downhill, down hill, boards, Crunchie, DH, Skateboard, Skating, Skate, Speed, high speed, Freeride, Red Bull, GoPro, people are awesome, longboard slide, action sports, hill, crash, fail, bail, extreme, epic, gnarly, carving, cruising, adrenaline, sliding, slide, predrift, drift, james kelly, liam morgan, Arbor Skateboards, Paris Trucks, Powell Peralta snakes, Original Skateboards, north carolina, asheville, swiss alps, austria, alps
Id: yn-TfAzobDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Just imagine if he hit a damn ass rock.
Props to the guy running the same course holding the camera. Guessing on a bike.
Shout out to the muchacho climbing on the bicycle.
How do they not get insane speed wobble?
Alright I've seen a few of these. When the guy makes a mistake, then it rewinds and plays again and he doesn't make the mistake, what's going on? Did he start a completely new run and the edit is just so quick you don't notice?
Head on over to /r/longboarding to see lots of vids like this
That foot work was elite level. Not that I'm a fan but dude shoulda tried to get redbull to sponsor this. Insane ride.
why don't these guy get speed wobble? If i tried this, I'd get thrown off by a wobble before the first turn.
What speed would these guys be doing?