How To Sing With Distortion And Rasp - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy
Views: 1,407,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grit, vocal fry, distortion, hard rock, vocal range, fry scream, scream, fry, range, support, rasp, vocal fry singing, how to sing rock, overdrive, academy, ken tamplin, how to sing, chest voice, singing, heavy metal, tutorial, voice, sing, vocal technique, ken tamplin vocal academy, vocal tutorial, instruction, vocal tips, how to increase vocal range, compression, how to sing like a pro, learn to sing, belting, how to hold a note, how to sing better, high notes, vocal lessons, technique
Id: kgGgDayLrdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2015
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