How to Silicone Corners

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hi everyone i'm back today with my silicon profiling tools and in today's video i'm going to show you how to silicon corners and at the end i'm going to be talking about profiling tool pricing and running through some exciting new profiling tool innovations so i'm doing this video today because my original siliconing video which i did two years ago now which has had a bonkers number of views can't thank you all enough for that the one glaring admission in that video was i didn't explain the process of silicon in corners so that's why i thought i'd do a quick video today just running through a really simple process for achieving perfect corners when you're siliconing so lovely and straightforward tool kit today heavy duty applicator gun bought this from travis perkins down in cornwall ages ago a cheaper gun will probably do just as good a job but for 10 quid more you get a heavy duty gun and i've found the cheap guns tend to fail after a while i've got some unibond anti-mold silicon sealant bought this in being q it's light gray so i'm hoping it's going to do the job today show up nice and clearly for the trial and the silicon profiling kit 5 which is basically the equivalent of what i used in my video two years ago um it used to be called fuji for some reason they've rebranded it and i've got two mystery products here that i'm going to show you at the end of the video right today's profiling tool is manufactured by kramer as was the fuji kit that featured in my last video i should point out that i'm not being paid anything by them to do this video they don't actually even know that i'm doing it just so happens that i got sent a few of these kits when my last video started gaining a bit of traffic so makes sense to use them in this video but i will be referring during the video to all sorts of other profiling tools and other innovations so let's run through what happens if you try and silicon a corner the wrong way you don't need a massive profile when you're siliconing i outlined all this in my previous video but you just want to overlap the edge of the joint by a couple of millimeters each side however for today's video i'm going to be using this eight millimeter profile because i want to make the silicone bead as exaggerated and large as possible for the purpose of the demonstration now those of you who've watched my original video will know that rather than cutting at the diagonal as they're encouraging you to do on this nozzle i'm going to cut directly at 90 degrees across the nozzle so a couple of key points about why we cut the nozzle at 90 degrees point number one one of the features of this tool is obviously it has these different thicknesses of profile you need to squeeze out a bead of silicon which pretty much exactly if slightly wider matches the profile of the tool so that when you drag the tool across the silicon you're taking away a precise amount of silicon to leave a lovely clean line behind you can't guarantee this if you do a diagonal cut on the nozzle point number two by cutting the nozzle at 90 degrees you're giving yourself the best possible chance of forcing comprehensively as much silicon as possible into that joint without leaving any gaps by cutting the nozzle at a diagonal and dragging the silicon along the joint there's more chance you're going to leave gaps at the side of the joint which is fine if you're tooling it straight away but it's a disaster if you're one of these people who insists on using a detergent spray as part of the process because the spray gets into the gaps stops the silicone adhering and the joint has failed before you've even finished it how do you get the thickness of the nozzle right well the best way to do this is trial and error experiment on a small area of joint because a great thing about this tool if you get it wrong you can simply remove it with a right angled profile and you'll know you haven't quite got it thick enough when you draw the tool along it's missing sections of the joint and in the perfect scenario you want to end up with a nozzle that's very slightly wider than the profile you're using so when you're doing a corner you should always start with the vertical joint we're pushing the silicon into the joint like so and then using the tool we're dragging it along the silicon to smooth it out beautifully and this is the power of this tool it produces such effortlessly straight lines we can then clean off the residue with a bit of tissue ready for the next run so far so good but this is where everything tends to go wrong because at this point we think right let's proceed with the horizontal lines so we start with this one and then we do the next one so this is where it gets quite tricky because you've now got to somehow tool it round the corner whilst maintaining the vertical the lovely clean lines of the vertical joint you've just tooled i'm going to start from this edge and scrape that out it's not quite adhered in the corner so i'd do a little bit more [Applause] and now we try and do the final stretch the problem we've got is by getting close to the edge to try and drag it around the corner we end up interfering with the vertical run which we then try and tidy up after the event and you start to get yourself into a bit of a mess now you might say that looked quite good why did you need to do that well i wanted to make it look as perfect as possible but suddenly you can find yourself in a real mess which is such a shame because you've got these fantastic clean lines until you get to the corner and then if you're really unlucky you'll keep tooling it and after it's skinned over after a few minutes it'll start to make juddering sort of shapes across the surface of what was previously a lovely clean straight line so using the clever little right angle tool i'm going to remove all that silicon we put on this is why it pays to experiment because when you can remove it that easily why not practice on a small area before you start so we're gonna do the vertical section again and now we're going to tool that up and what i'm doing now is i'm just going down to the bottom and scraping it away from the corner so we've got a lovely clean line to start the horizontal sections and this is the difference now that we've done that vertical silicon line we're going to leave that to bond so that when we do the horizontal lines we're not interfering with or messing with the vertical line so how long should you let that silicon bond for well as you can see here after about three quarters of an hour to an hour the silicone was nicely skinned over but still a bit soft underneath so i decided to leave the silicone overnight so that it was totally hard and very tough when i came to do the horizontal lines and as you might know from one of my previous videos coming up on the screen now silicon will bond to existing silicon so there's no problem letting the vertical line go hard before doing the horizontal lines so the profiling kit instructions themselves suggest that when you work on the floor grout lines you start out of the corners in both directions well i've got to be honest i've made loads of attempts over the years to do that and the problem is it's really hard to get a lovely clean seamless corner because each time you start out from the corner you end up dragging a little bit of silicon from the other line that meets it at 90 degrees so i've got a much more simple technique for us diys which basically involves one seamless movement around the entire corner so i'm doing the two horizontal lines as before but this time i'm taking the tool and i'm going all the way around the corner in one seamless movement and i've got two tiny smears of silicon which i'm just fine tuning removing with the right angle edge of the tool you end up with a corner which whilst not perfect isn't far off one other important point to make about silicon in corners if you're using one of the orange kramer profiling tools with a clever little black insert guides that allow you to silicon across intersecting grout lines you'll find that as you get towards the corner the black insert on the tool does not allow you to get all the way into the corner that's fine you can just take it off continue around the corner as i've just shown and then put the insert back onto the tool to continue with the line now i mentioned at the start of this video that i had a couple other interesting tools to show you the first is the profiling kit 7 which is reasonably new to the market and what's really interesting about this kit is it's got this new corking knife with a saw and two scrape blades now i particularly like this tool because in the past i've had to when removing silicon rely on either a stanley knife or one of these scrapers the problem with the stanley knife is because the design of it you just can't get close enough into the corner really to scrape to cut the silicon which you kind of want to do in a line that's almost parallel with the side wall so that you don't scratch the wall you've got a similar issue with the scraper that's just totally at the wrong angle so in the past i've had to often make do by taking the blade out of the tool which i wouldn't recommend to anyone to get it into the right angle to start cutting away the silicon but this tool is much better it gets much closer to the edge and you can see just how effective it is at scoring away the old silicon this looks a bit brutal to be honest but i guess it could be useful for situations like where you've got cracks between joints where i've found in the past the silicon stubbornly refuses to come out the manufacturer does say it's not advisable to use this tool on acrylic or synthetic surfaces which are obviously so easy to scratch but this is nevertheless a great tool and a great addition to the market but there are also some other great tools around and i particularly like the look of this silicon sealant removing tool from draper the final thing that i wanted to show you today is these adjustable nozzles that can be turned at 360 degrees again this is a great little tool i have seen alternatives to this i was in bq recently and i saw one on the shelf so you can turn this nozzle has a little click when it returns back to the neutral position which is a nice touch you can turn this nozzle through 360 degrees so since doing my last silicon video i had a lot of people saying great tool charlie but i just can't get it behind taps what do you recommend when you've got a couple of centimeters maximum to play with and even this little tool that comes in the chroma kit is just too wide in that sort of situation i think this will be a great way of angling the silicon into the joint in a way that you just can't do with your silicone tube and perhaps when combined with the fugan flux tool which is a much more maneuverable profiling tool on the end of a stick i think that would be a solution to a lot of the problems that people have had silicone in restrictive spaces so pricing wise take the kramer kit on amazon as a typical example you've got the kit 5 for 1695 and the kit 7 which has the additional corking blade tool at 1850 and a more basic kit for 1145 i know in the states the kit is more expensive we've got an example here 26 dollars for the profile kit 5. the profile kit 7 with the additional grout knife has not hit the states yet you can get the profiling kit 5 at the home depot store for 25 slightly cheaper than amazon and in both the uk and the us there are of course a lot of other profiling kits available although i think kramer is the only one that does the little black insert tools to enable you to silicon smoothly over transverse joints intercepting grout lines and i saw this sealant smooth at all in b q recently at one pound 32 you can't really go wrong although the tool is a bit restrictive in that it has only two profile widths 16 and 10 millimeters and 10 millimeters as i've said before is quite a wide bead to be setting for your sealant joint so that's it for today i hope you found today's video useful if you have it'd be great if you could click on the like button below as usual details of all the tools i've used in today's video will be in the description at the end of the video which don't forget you can locate on your smartphone by clicking on the little arrow to the right of the title and on your pc by clicking on the show more button if you've got any comments or questions please leave them in the comment section below it's always great to hear from you and as i always say if you're new to my channel it would be mean so much to me if you would subscribe and you can do that by clicking on the link here
Channel: Charlie DIYte
Views: 1,113,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charlie diyte, silicone sealant, how to, do it yourself, how to caulk, fugi kit, cramer profiling kit 5, cramer profiling kit 7, silicone profiling tool, how to silicone corners, silicone sealant application, silicone sealant bathroom, how to apply silicone sealant, fit silicone, trade tricks, cramer silicone sealant caulking profiling tool 5pc kit, cramer silicone profiling tool, fugenfux silicone joint puller
Id: EErbuodMOAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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