How to Apply Silicone Sealant Like a Pro - Easy and Quick DIY Guide

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achieving that professional finish with silicon sealant is something people think is really hard to do I'll be showing you the type of silicon I use the techniques I use and the tools that I use to get the professional finish every single time so that by the end of this video you'll all be able to apply leak free and greatl looking silicon sealant first thing we need to do is get the edge of the bath nice and clean I'm just going to use one of these trade wipes and I'm going to wipe around the edge of the bath so we give that a good wipe all the way around the bath and just get off any Grime or any old silicon anything like that and then I'm going to use a bit of blue roll and I'm just going to wipe any of that moisture off the surface now choose a good quality silicon sealant I'll put a link down below for these in the description this is Dow 785 you can get it in white you can get it in clear and you can get it in colors as well these guys haven't sponsored this video this is just a product I've been using for years and using my technique to apply it you won't get any mold build up either first thing we're going to do cut the top off just take the top off the tube now before we cut our nozzle down to size we're going to take a look at the profiling tool that we're going to be using to apply our silicon because that is going to dictate where you want to cut the nozzle so the first tool we're going to be using today is the Silicon block by metex now this silicon block may look a very simple little tool but it is highly effective now the guys at metx are sponsoring this video and they sent me some of these to use use and since I've been using I haven't looked back I'll be showing you why later in the video and there'll be links to these down in the description below before using the Silicon block I always used to use these the Kramer Fuji kit and in there you get a lot of these little silicon forming tools to give you lots of different shapes with your silicon so I'll show you both tools and how they work but the first thing we need to do is cut the nozzle down to size the size of the nozzle depends on the tool we're using and if we look here we can match the size of the tool up to the nozzle by just moving the nozzle up and down there's two sizes of profile on the Silicon block the 6 mil is the one we're using today so I'll cut the nozzle down to the size of the Silicon block profile so we get plenty of silicon around the edge of this bath and you can see we've got a nice angled cut on the tube now I'll pop the tube in my silicon gun and before we start we want plenty of Blu roll and we need some detergent mixed with water in a squirty bottle it doesn't have to be fairy any washing up liquid will do and because it's a bath I'm siliconing I'm filling it up with water filling a bath with water before you silicon round it is a bit of an old scho technique and what it's supposed to do is stops the Silicon cracking because if you got the weight of a person and water that's quite a lot of weight in a bath and if the bath drops or the side of the bath bows with all that weight what it could do is crack the Silicon however if a BF is fitted properly and Well on its batter with modern day silicone that is very very rare never going to happen but we'll do it anyway because some of you might not know how well your Bath's been installed if you're re siliconing so the bath is 2/3 full and now I'm going to apply some silicon to my first joint and then I'll show you the first little tip and the thing that most people get wrong starting from the corner move the nozzle in so that it's at an angle across the corner and gently squeeze and in one motion we want to do a nice smooth bead of silicon along that joint just like that I'm going to do that all the way around the bathtub and when you get to the Taps what you're going to find is the Taps are always the most difficult bit so if you got Taps to go around take your time and just do your best they're not going to look pretty to start with so we've got a nice full silicon bead around the bath doesn't matter if it's pretty at this stage you just want to make sure there's plenty in there and it's going to reach your profile where I see loads of people go wrong as they grab soy water and then they spray the silicon and then they use their finger to wipe along that silicon now there's a few issues with that first one your finger concaves the shape of the silicon and it makes the edges of the silicone weak and it holds dirt and grime and that is why primarily you get mold buildup on silicone especially in high moisture areas like a bath like this one the other problem is when you spray the surface of the silicone as you push the silicone into its profile shape it doesn't actually stick to the tiles the bath or whatever's behind it because as you can see here anywhere where there's soapy water on the surface silicon can't stick and you get a little microscopic area where water and grime can build up and that causes failures and leaks over time one of the other common things that we need to avoid is people lick their finger and then smooth silicon out well guess what there's loads of bacterior we definitely don't want to be doing that so what we want to do grab a silicone block and just spray that with some soy water just like that the bottle's not very good but there we go nice soy silicone block the silicone block actually has instructions on the back so it tells you to use a silicon gun spray the block with water and then slide the Block in One Direction so that's what we're going to do now get lots of blue roll handy at this stage you're going to need it there'll be plenty of over spill oh and at this stage if you're not subscribed already please do because there's loads of videos like this coming up and hit like for me cuz that helps this video reach more people on YouTube let's profile some silicon take your time with this there's no rush you can see there if we run the Silicon block along in One Direction nice and smooth keep the block nice and soapy as you go nice gentle pressure and you can see all that over spill make sure you're taking that off as you go now we'll just give it one last tool up just to make sure it's nice and smooth and there you go so the Silicon block has made a lovely finish along that edge now what we're going to do is give the Cramer tool a try and see how that one does this one has a few different sizes on it but we'll use the 6 mil to match the one that we just used on the Silicon block I'm using the Kramer tool in exactly the same way as I did the Silicon block make sure you're getting rid of all the excess again as we go Taps are always the worst bit silicon block normally on 90% of TAPS goes behind the back of it I'll show you on one of the other Taps because of the location of this tap it's really close to the wall I've just cut the Kramer tool in half so I can actually get behind this tap sometimes needs must but I've managed to get what I think is a pretty good finish under there remember before you use this to let it cure it'll always say on the back of your silicon tube how long you should leave this stuff alone nice Perfect full joints with crisp straight lines not only do they look great but they stop as well they're effective and that is the most important thing cuz you don't want Grime and you don't want them failing further down the line and that is how I achieve the perfect finish on Silicon every single time thanks to profiling tools they are key rather than these things which one would I choose between the Silicon block and the Kramer it's a hard one really I think the Silicon block if you just want one tool to keep in the bag then I definitely go with a silicon block if I wanted something with a bit more more complexity maybe I'd go with the Kramer but I think the Silicon block is the better single solution for you guys to go and grab I hope you've enjoyed the video if you have hit one of these cuz you're bound to enjoy them as well and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: The DIY Guy
Views: 48,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: silicone caulking tips, silicone application, how to caulk like a pro, how to silicone a bathtub, how to silicone round a bath, how to apply silicone sealant, how to apply silicone, how to use silicone sealant, silicone block, the diy guy, diy guy, silicone a bath, how to apply silicone caulk, how to apply caulk, how to caulk a bathtub, how to use cramer silicone profiling kit, how to use caulk, how to silicone a bathroom
Id: VAzmI_4z61w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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