How to SIGN IN with PS4 account ON PS5 (Transfer Tutorial)

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everyone this is tim from your six studios today in this video i'm going to show you how to sign in with your playstation 4 account on your playstation 5 so let's go ahead and jump in the video right now so if you're trying to get your playstation 4 account or another account onto your playstation 5 it's very easy to do it now if you are signed in make sure you switch users or log out so let's go to temple slice at the bottom of the quick menu right here and then go to log out and then we'll see all the different users on our playstation so let's press the playstation button and here are all my different accounts next let's go over to the left go to add users now we don't want to play as a one-time guess which would be the right options we want to go to get started add a user to the playstation 5. now go to agree and go to confirm now we can type in an email address or password associated with our playstation 4 account and then sign in otherwise we can do this qr code on the right and if you are signing in with the playstation app you'll be able to sign in automatically on your playstation 5 real easy so let's bring up my phone right now all right so here's my phone and this is the playstation app it's very convenient you can just sign in with your email address and password on here but i have this linked to my playstation 4 and playstation 5. you can get this under the play store just go to the top and type in playstation app let's do that playstation app right here and then just install this and open it up and you should be good to go now you want to open up your camera on your phone so let's go to camera and then here's the qr code let's get close here and this webpage should pop up this should pop up the app as well and if you're signed in your playstation 5 will go ahead and sign in with your account now otherwise go just sign in with your email address and password so let's do that here all right so i have two-step verification on so it's going to send me a text to my phone let's type this in now and once you go ahead and do that your account will now be back on your playstation and then you'll be able to sign it and set everything up so it's very easy to transfer over your account pretty much just need your email and password and you're good to go so hopefully this video did indeed help you out if it did leave it a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel down below for more tech videos coming up next on your six studios you
Channel: YourSixStudios
Views: 203,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playstation 5, ps5, how to transfer ps4 account to ps5, how to transfer ps4 data to ps5 without ps4, ps5 account login, can you use ps4 account on ps5, can u use ps4 account on ps5, can we use ps4 account on ps5, can i use my ps4 account on ps5, can you use old ps4 account on ps5
Id: Wx4DQpcQ_yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 58sec (178 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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