How to Shuck WD Easystore 5 Minutes

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[Music] hey guys welcome to zero skills Tech today I'm going to show you how to shuck a Western Digital easy store as you can see I already shocked this one and I honestly thought I'd be pretty difficult but actually did this in less than five to ten minutes from opening a package you might take me a little bit longer to explain to you why I'm doing it but all you need is a phillips t10 screw set star headset whatever that you want to call it if you have guitar picks like these that's perfectly fine and if you have like a pry tool like this but a flat head will work just fine you can substitute this with a flat head or Andie's for credit cards and honestly it's pretty straightforward from once I get to start showing you so you can see over here everything is disassembled this is a Western Digital see here wd-10 e m AZ - when you're 56 minute cash it's apparently a red but just labeled as a white I'll be using this for one of my del T 3:20 servers I got the caddies and everything right here and then I go into death about what I'm doing with that later but um let me show you how to shut this video and less than sorry shut this Drive in the belt yeah well is that one minute in I'll do it in five so from start to finish Larry just you may want to check to the drive is functioning first before you do that but for the sake of this video I'm not going to do that I'm pretty sure they're functioning otherwise I'll just send it to Best Buy or something but pretty strict work I can't actually I mean I just came here for the flash drives of the video driver but really though just take the drive out of the box obviously stack over and here's what you need to do on the back end where the power and everything is you take credit cards or whatever you want to use as a basically a way to pry the casing open or just make it a truce smooth transition you want to put them in as far as you can we're not too far when I get into the loss there should be six points that you can do it in so if you can do it like that and I'll show you once I put them in is that necessary as long as the casing itself is kind of separated from the from the shell guitar picks work best but these aren't guitar these aren't full guitar picks like flat so really as long as there's a gap between the casing in the sari as long as there's a gap between the casing and the main shell itself this will work and just kind of slide it around until you find there we go a weight in on one of the sides and once you do just put a guitar pick preferably a guitar pick if you have a credit card or something like that you don't want to use but as long as there's a wedge between the show the main shell and the casing you're good so you just need those six points so if you guys can't see those six points right there and I would start from the top that you can tell it's the top because the bottom has a serial number and everything in the footing so I try to start from the top or wherever you really prefer it doesn't honestly it doesn't really matter but you will start in the middle right here and kind of just put it in and then kind of wiggle it around now if it doesn't come loose on this side that's fine flip it over try the other side until you get something to click on one of them I will try the bottom and now don't don't be too forceful with it it should just click in your flat heads you just slide right through once you get in so I'll kind of wiggle it around a little bit and you know push back if you can and just keep trying to push it away down and if we go back and forth between the bottom and then flip it back over so I try it on the other side and you should notice that now because I unlocked bottom-1 a little bit I can actually slide this all the way in before I could do that so just once you're in a little bit further just kind of twist it just a little bit and you should notice things start falling out which is good because that's a sign that the casing is loose and then just keep flipping it back and over until you can actually fly the whole thing out now you see that this casing just came apart so at this point you can just using the twisting motion to kind of push the case back and if you do a good job everything should just come apart so this party kind of deuce take your hands and kind of just slide everything out and once it's out boom you got one pen terabyte or whatever drives a terabyte whatever you got Western Digital Drive and next part pretty straightforward just lift don't be afraid of something snaps they're just it's actually quite normal and this is where your Philips comes in you need to take this one out that holds the logic board to control the hard drive if you're wondering if you can reuse this to put like a different hard drive no apparently there's a chip on it that basically locks it to the firmware for the drive and you cannot use it with any other Drive I don't know what this does but you can actually just kind of wiggle it out this way and kind of just twist and lift kind of thing or just rotate till the kind of comes up out and put it off to the side once the screw is out right here all I gotta do is just yank it and that's it you got one separated logic board and take off the rubber feeding for anti vibration dampening whatever you want to call it [Music] take your t10 screw and then unscrew the side mounts and there you go in less than probably 10 minutes you could probably shock to 10 terabyte Western Digital drives mmm what any common say about this not really just be careful about prying it open don't be too forceful if you can get a hold of one of these flat heads like there's little pry tools but a flat head what should work just fine or a butter knife really should be a good substitute for that as well and then if you don't have a guitar picks credit cards work just fine three of them in those three places I told you you should have one when it's in the casing one here here and here and then one here here and here you can see the tabs where I actually placed them so there should be three would do two should be fine as well but that's not an issue the reason you want to see these is for warranty purposes a lot of people say well these will never fail or whatever but you never know and if I honestly if you don't want to keep like 1520 different like drives laying around of shells just Chuck one keep one Chuck and toss the rest because I'm pretty sure these are not like serial bound meaning you can actually just use these boards with anyone as long as it's a Western Digital ten terabyte and worst case scenario you're just send it back and Western Digital don't care anyways cuz half the time they don't even look at their warranty and they just replace it but other than that yeah that's how you shuck literally 20 terabytes if you guys have any questions or concerns if you want me to try something else just shoot me a comment or send me a message I'll be more than happy to look at it but yeah no Ringo that's it like comment subscribe let me know and thanks a lot for watching guys
Channel: Never Stop Tech
Views: 32,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WD, Easystore, 10tb, 8tb, 4tb, Western Digital, Shucking, Hard drive, Storage
Id: n7mvkG-6lVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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