How to Shoot THROUGH WALLS in Bloons TD 6!

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what's going on everybody my name is Ryder duty and today I'm gonna show you guys how you can shoot through walls and balloons tower defense six this isn't a glitch or a hack or some kind of like I like some kind of trick it's literally just how to shoot through walls in balloons because for those of you that don't know in flues there is certain things that you just can't shoot through it's for like this tree stump or the notorious map known as hedges I think is it edges yeah hey it's just hedge where you just can't shoot through these these of these little parts of the wall right and so that's what makes it kind of annoying and difficult to deal with and zone today I'm gonna show you exactly how you shoot their walls so the first thing first is we're gonna play on a map that well has a nice big wall which is another brick we're gonna play through on hard because we're know we're not a chump and yeah so let's do this everyone and so it looks like the balloons are gonna come down this way go around and then just go all the way down here and so the way you shoot through is you basically you just put down a wizard monkey so we're gonna put you yeah well for now oh my goodness wait I could just put this wait wait wait can I like what's this so we can wait so we could remove oh you get it wait get get the birds out of here no birds allowed alright all the birds are out of here we don't have to deal with this so we can actually remove some of this that's actually pretty cool so while we're waiting though what we're gonna need to make some money anyways so let's go ahead and we can just put down our like a boat right here and we're now we're just good to go we can just get creep shot now we don't really have to worry about anything for the next I don't know hunter grounds right that's so strong grape shot is guys we don't have to worry thing get out of here no birds no birds allowed you're pooping everywhere they're pooping everywhere oh my goodness we're having some troubles here uh what do we want to do we want to kind of chill out for a second here I'd like to get a wizard up and running I mean yeah let's go we can go ahead and get a wizard we can put ourselves we can put our wizard right yeah we can put our wizard right here and everyone everybody okay so we can do guided magic and magic shot see couple is even behind cover arcane blast and I've been I kind of want arcane mastery which costs fourteen hundred which would give him a bunch of extra range but as you can see now he's not actually affected by any of this so once we get arcane mastery this guy is gonna become an insane wizard monkey he's gonna become very very powerful so let's go ahead and boom and so now you can actually just shoot the balloons he's just gonna shoot right through the walls and deal with them now we don't have to worry about it do I want let's see intense magic more powerful magic shots move faster and can pop more balloons or do I want the fireball I kinda want the fireball with Archmage because eventually this guy is gonna be our arch maid so we can kind of just shoot through walls and be awesome I'm kind of thinking fireball mmm yeah an explosive fireball spell could be pretty cool so let's go ahead and just get that but we don't really need anything so now what we can do is we're just gonna wait out and we're in the stream to try to get some money because I want like a row of wizards here just to shoot right through the walls the blooms are even gonna see him coming whoa what the heck was that this is wizard let's get down get down you know they have no idea what's happening we're just gonna be shooting through the walls these fireballs and just craziness just break through the walls just gonna start popping everything they're not gonna stand a chance and while we do that here let's just put our banana farms here there's me I mean right these there's no reason to not put our banana farms here I kind of want one wizard back here but I mean for now it's Ryan can I we need of having all of this is right like I really don't ok so we can get your production rate or production and you guys know what's up we got to get ourselves a monkey bank as soon as possible look at him go he just shoots right through the woman round 15 we're doing fine eventually look at this guy he's already popping a thousand balloons okay let's get I want oh no no we want valuable bananas I'm trying to collect like pick those bananas up as quickly as possible no I don't want to remove it for $1,000 this seems really expensive I don't want to do that that's a waste of my time oh my goodness that was so much so much money that just came through I hope the birds don't eat any of my bananas I'm looking at you get out of here you pesky birds don't you have someplace better to be birds birds are alive guys birds aren't real the government made them up so they can spy on us okay that's obviously a joke oh why I thought I just I actually okay stop all right I should not have put it there all right finally I got my monkey bang thank goodness what is okay what does this remove for $1,000 let's do that oh there we go so we removed that forth on those so now we have this thing right here Lena's put our we can put our next oh can we hit this guy when we can't yikes that's okay I don't really worry too much about that let's go ahead and I kinda want it as soon as they can just get another Mikey here we can put a wizard monkey right here oh my goodness we can't pop those ah okay okay let's go ahead and we did just put our wizard Mikey right here there we go and I'll guide it magic so now we can everything and let's also get water fire and then we can also get our team blasts as well there we go look at that this is the super moon yeah it puts on a fireball and then oh no oh we can get a shot very good all right more banks please valuable bananas [Music] almost got the maximum money I'm kind of scared that we're gonna have to go up against mo up soon oh no we can't hit we can't hit plasma balloons oh no we're losing live boys that's okay Oh let's get crosnes so we can just pop all types of balloons that's fine I'm not worried max money well not exactly nice money but a decent amount oh wait can I put another banana form right here I cannot very sad days boys so let's save up money look turn this guy and see let's get arcane mastery and now we also want to get arcane spike which is $10,000 guys we might be in trouble we might not be able to defeat this no up in time or if you get a cannon ship that cost dollars and monkey pirate only got 4000 and then we can just going we can you only come out oh no oh thanks to this I can pop Hamelin between the two of them we can pretty much pop everything all right you have $3,000 look you just shoot into the wall he doesn't care these balloons are never gonna see us coming okay these guys already bought 4,000 I kind of want to get up village down so he can so we can start popping them but oh you know really we can get a necromancer okay let's just let's put this guy down right here let's get monkey cents let's get shimmer so then that and now necromancer okay and oh I just realize we're gonna need some money will we be able to deal with this I don't know now we have monkey parts so now we can oh my goodness we might not have enough time get them got it okay that was scary that was a very scary and I wasn't ready for it why aren't balloons being something this guy is a necromancer I'm curious because I don't see any zombie balloon what happens alright but what if we give them a little bit of extra range still nothing I'm very I'm very live all right well let's sell this guy and we don't really need this village either how much a community quite a lot and we can go ahead and just get oh my goodness that gave us a lot of extra room we can just kind of put all of our banana farm down here do you just go ahead and just keep working on getting some more banana farms let's put like all of those look yourselves another banana farm oh my goodness guys we have a banana awfulest right here in the maximum bananas we can go ahead and let's get our cane spike on this guy I want to get the arch arch down right here and now oh no camo balloons oh oh let's get okay let's put one wizard monkey right here and this guy we definitely want to do monkey shimmer and then we can get the necromancer thing and then there we go now we have the necromancer I'm gonna do a lot for us no balloons allowed actually let's turn this guy to the Archmage we just have the Archmage like here right in the beginning but shooting through the wall I think that's been really awesome let's see we only have $1,000 in these guys that is not a lot of money we got to save up for that alright almost around 50 all these lizards shoot me through the walls and more than fine okay I'll look at this guy go both of these guys stuff like that's crazy let's get we definitely want the fireball putting the fire down helps out a lot there we go thank you don't want this Buzzard monkey why not we can get arcane mastery which will make them do that while a fire also we can get arcane spike which helps out a lot and why not we can put we can definitely put some one gets here - does the monkeys basically they shoot everything right that's what makes it so good alright 3000 let's just get another now we can really just do tons of damage to anything kind of showing up our way we don't need this monkey Buccaneer anymore we can afford good he was just our beginning tower right we didn't need him for everything so now what we can sell them that we have all of all of the help that we could possibly want and this necromancer is doing a lot for us do we want to each side I kind of think we want each type of wizard like let's put them right here at the corner spot how we doing for money you have a lot we're definitely gonna be able to get our Archmage upgrade soon probably not the wizard all right so we're gonna skip that all right so now boom we now have the Archmage and now let's turn this guy into the phoenix so guided magic arcane blast and now it's up here this guy to summon phoenix wizard lord phoenix we're very close but also very far away it smells like oh you just go ahead let's put a village down and we can get jungle drums and then so now they're gonna attack a little bit faster and they have a lot bigger of a range not the fire fire guys very saturated all we need how much money sixty-four thousand dollars that's so expensive holy calorie no okay was I'd like a parking spot on this guy I know we're saving up we want the wizard boy look at this guys instead just going oh this this guy he's just shooting through the wall guys I did not plan this all the way through you saw nothing okay you guys you guys saw nothing all right that was all a prank I was just testing a new bag okay you guys passed what was the test you might have asked donut don't question let's collect all I'm gonna be greedy just feel I want wizard more Phoenix okay now we have the Phoenix that Phoenix looks very hilarious like it's not really like a phoenix I don't know maybe it is the Phoenix it just it's just such a derpy looking bird you know I don't know why do that Phoenix is so clean looking look how many balloons these pop these crazy I mean not as much as this guy but we're not gonna talk about it all right we only have 15 more rounds that's so sad can we get an F in chat everybody all right I love how the monkeys get beards that's so amusing I mean the Archmage he becomes like some crazy old money that'd be I'd like to sit down and have a cup of tea the family I feel like these days are rivals you know the Wizards like me in this guy I'm a fool my to judge you know if he wants to have a mustache what a metal mustache you know what that's who he is I shouldn't I shouldn't say that was my fault I shouldn't have said anything about him in his bird even though they do look a little bit silly no that's not my place look at me I'm silly looking all right how we doing about thanks owe me an IRL okay the fact that you can't put monkeys up on the wall Barry this morning birds get out of my face no birds allowed I need to put up a sign no birds allowed here is I just get out I think here we go here we go I own idea I have an ADF watch all right see let's see if this works let's see if see if first can read the eyes I forgot one I forgot how to alright we level up yay okay don't worry guys I got this I'm sorry you have to go mmm no I'm writing a sign guys for the birds no let's see let's see this is the most expensive sign that's costing me thousands of dollars to write this sign but it's worth it guys no that's a cannon that's not it don't Oh No alright see no oh my gosh I don't know if I can write birds I'm just gonna say no that's enough right there we go so now they can see that says no right there I spelled it out with monkey it says no pretty easily right there yeah I think I mess it up I'm not that looks even worse honestly there we go that looks more like a no it looks more kind of like an eight honestly but it's okay we're gonna we're gonna make you oh I have an idea if we just sell these two I think it becomes a matter it does not be that becomes I guess I guess that's the best no we're gonna get guys with my terrible handwriting but apparently the birds just don't pay attention that's fine now we're gonna send via peas out up we don't care one more round and then we're gonna do it although olive oil 100,000 hops and he's just behind all I'll just shoot him to the wall guys Opie strategy okay so always remember if you have a wall or something you need to shoot through the wall wizard monkeys your guy okay taking the shoot through walls they do not care in the slightest here we can just soon as they pop it's game over there we go we got 660 monkey money that's a lot of monkey yeah we did it oh thanks for watching everyone my name is Ryan or 2d make sure to leave a like comment subscribe and turn on notifications so you guys don't have to miss any of the awesome commenting cuz we upload here daily I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye everybody [Music]
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 97,527
Rating: 4.8663335 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons TD 6 Wizard Monkey, BTD 6 Wizard Monkey, Bloons TD 6 glitch, BTD 6 glitch, Bloons, Bloons glitch, Tewtiy glitch, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, hack in bloons td 6, tip and trick bloons td 6, Wizard bloons td 6, btd 6 through walls, bloons td 6 over walls, Tewtiy, Guided Magic, gaming, mobile gaming, iphone gaming, google play store, wizard monkey how to, wizard monkey guided magic, Gaming BTD 6, Bloons TD 6 gaming, Over walls, through walls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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