How to Sharpen Video in Premiere Pro

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I've got another Premiere Pro tutorial for you my name is Phil a banner from video school and today I'm going to show you how to sharpen footage right within Adobe Premiere Pro it's an easy one and I'll show you how to do it right now there are two quick ways to sharpen footage in the latest versions of Premiere Pro CC 2018 they can be found under the blur and sharpen bin under video effects so one is just sharpen one's called unsharp mask so don't get get confused about unsharped mask that actually is for sharpening not unsharpened so with sharpen if you just apply sharpen to any of these clips or any of your Clips I'm gonna make this bigger so you can see a little bit better it just has a simple slider that if you drag to the right if I keep going you can see that starts to just make everything really crazy really sharp is trying to bring out all that detail so obviously you don't want to go that crazy I purposely shot this video clip with a very shallow depth of field so you can see this little lucky cat figurine if I turn this off the eyes and the face of this cat is still a little blurry so I wanted to go in and sharpen it so it's important to know that sharpening is not going to make out-of-focus footage in focus but it can start to bring out some of the details and if something slightly sharp you might be able to bring it back and so with the sharpening off and then on you can see that it definitely brings back that detail but then you also give this digital noise and grain in the background because that's what's actually being added to create this sort of sharpness so you might want to use this and just scale it up a little bit now let's use the unsharp mask to see what the difference is so with the unsharp mask if we apply this to this clip just by dragging and dropping it up into the effects controls you'll see that you have three different sliders a mount radius and threshold so with the mount it's kind of similar if we drag this to the right you can see that it starts to sharpen things so let's 500 is the Mac so let's just take it all the way there it are ready automatically is a little bit clean then with the sharpen effect the radius slider is the next option and if we drag this up you can see what starts to happen it gets really weird it's this weird sort of halo glow effect and it's basically looking at pixels and the edges of things in your video and it's applying the sharpening to a larger radius or a larger amount of pixels around each sort of part of your image that's being sharpened and so we can drag this up slightly to get even more sharp so if I turn this on and off you can see that yes now it is sharp but again we have that sort of digital noise in the background and that's where threshold comes in threshold will basically look at the detailed parts of your image with lots of details and it will sharpen that but then it will look at the parts of your image that is more a similar color a similar tone and it will remove that sharpening from it which is good for in backgrounds like this where you can really notice a lot of that grain so if I drag this slider up slightly you can start to see that the background starts to look a little bit better while the foreground is still being sharpened still if I turn this on and off you can see that the foreground element is still being sharpened and we get more details on this little lucky cat's face if I drag this all the way up then it doesn't really do that much and it's kind of weird that this slider it goes from zero to one but there are it's actually doing something in between here so I find that putting it right around here around the ten to twenty percent mark in this slider it's pretty good and so again showing the before and after with it off on off on you get a lot of that detail with either of these effects with the new versions of Premiere Pro you have these masks so if you do only want to apply it to a certain part say we only want to apply it to our cat's face we can use something like this ellipse mask we can move this around put it right over our cat's face resize or you could do a custom shape with the free draw bezzie a tool we can increase the feathering what I always tend to do so that this effect sort of blends and it's not just a hard line and around the circle that's being affected so that's great if you have one specific part and then you don't really have to worry about the background getting sharpening applied and having that noise because it's out of focus anyways and you want it to be out of focus so that's a way that you can fine tune either of these effects as well so ultimately hopefully this showed you how unsharp mask this effect can really help you fine-tune your sharpening right within Adobe Premiere Pro well I hope you really enjoyed this tutorial and if you did please like and subscribe to the channel for more if you have any questions or comments you can leave them below in the comments and if you're looking to take your skills to the next level make sure you head over to video school where we have premium courses more free tutorials and articles guides and all kinds of stuff that will help you become a better creator thanks so much for watching and have a beautiful day you
Channel: Phil Ebiner
Views: 196,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video school online, phil ebiner, how to sharpen video in premiere pro, sharpening footage, adobe premiere pro tutorials, adobe premiere pro cc tutorials, unsharp mask, sharpening, how to sharpen video, how to get sharp video, sharpening video, unsharp masking, how to sharpen
Id: u7AONd2ygEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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