How to Sharpen Dull Saw Blades the Right Way

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so welcome back to outdoors with the Morgans we're with uh Marty Parsons wood meiser shade Gap and if you remember Marty you delivered my lt50 and I still go back to that video to remember some of the things that you told me and I know a lot of people do as well that one just kind of keeps chugging along yeah the test is at the end right when I leave and you say what what did Marty say yeah so it's a rain day today uh last couple days and I had to come out and get some blades and Marty is a wealth of knowledge and uh first thing we're going to talk about today is blades right y blades sharpening uh we do that here wood meiser corporately has shut their resharp down but we've been doing it since 2006 and really took it over in 2002 so um yeah we're sharpening over 7 to 800 blades a week um the numberers not real clear exactly what that is we'll talk to buddy here in a little bit actually is in charge of that so if you get a number for you exactly but the number really don't matter so we want to make sure that the blades are good when they go out and we can see the whole process here today how you whole process yep from inbound UPS to outbound UPS I just saw a question last night on a Facebook page actually about Rusty blades how do you when you're preparing so you take a blade off and needs sharpen what's the best way to preserve that from getting real Rusty before it gets to you well time's probably the biggest thing is how long it's going to sit there so if you're using a box of blades a year versus a box of blades a week it's going to make the difference so if you can keep them out of the weather um keep them out of some damp place you you could probably take them in someplace that doesn't have a lot of moisture to it yeah um yeah doing anything else spraying them with some type of uh diesel fuel which we don't really recommend cuz it would really smell yeah um so yeah there's probably just some way of keeping the moisture off of them right you got anything to add Nick my son Nick's standing here making sure we're doing everything correctly so we we'll kind of bounce off of him he's the elect or mechanical engineer from Penn State so we'll use him a little so Nick you uh you went to Penn State I did yes mechanical engineering mechanical engineering yes sir and uh what are what's your role here I'm the kind of first point of contact if you call in with a problem or a question I'm the guy over the phone so you have electrical problem mechanical problem have question on sales or service I'm I'm the guy you talk to First usually right um you have anything to add on the blades that we were talking about yep so one of the ways we can do this uh to kind of limit the amount of rust and things we're getting on the Blade is to hang them up uh in a cool dry place so if you look we have a some hang up on the wall there like that right um that keeps them off the ground way especially a lot of people have concrete floors or gravel floors you get a lot of moisture coming up from the floor so you Ham on the wall that gets rid a lot of that that moisture coming up and and and rusting those bands out right um how many how many sharpenings if if a blade's not half destroyed how many sharpenings can you get out of a blade so with the double hard bands we sell you get about three to five sharpenings with the band after you get uh that many you start to get down past the hardened section of the tooth so they induction Harden the teeth on those bands there's the Harden section there um and then they they kind of work down through that as we as we sharpen them so Marty just brought up a good point when you're storing your blades what' you say oh when you when you're storing your blades if you can have the teeth against the wood you know but if they're facing out and you have an emergency in the middle of the night let's say maybe you had a fire maybe the dog's chasing something you know you could actually get into those blades fall into them and then it probably wouldn't be a good day for you right right they're definitely still sharp even when they're dull yeah they are they definitely are yeah all right you can see we have them you know hanging up there just gives you a way of inventory and you don't have to really when you send them to us if you have different hook angles you don't have to worry about sorting them because we'll sort them when we put them on the rack and inspect them for teeth damage and that type of thing so can you Salvage blades that hit like a big nail well if there's one tooth damag you're okay but if there's three teeth damag then you'll have the setter will actually reference off of that and it's not going to work gotcha so we used to actually try to fix blades and other words we would actually try to sharpen those teeth but so many customers call back with complaints about the lumber being scratched up or whatever the quality of the lumber definitely goes down so we usually don't mess with them so well that's something I realized years ago though the expectations anymore it used to be called rough cut Lumber you know what I mean and that that has gone out the window everyone's expecting and you get it with these Mills you do when everything's running right I mean it's smooth you know what I mean but you remember the old mills we had an old one in town we called them thick and thin you know what I mean and it I mean you had to sell 64 to end up with 3/4 you know but the Mills today are way different and people expect that nice finish now yeah if you get a a customer that's actually reselling antique beams you know they're dealing with a lot of nails and sometimes they'll bring the blades in here and they say can you know can you actually just just sharpen that enough till I can get through the log and you're going well sir you're not going to be happy with the quality yeah you're it's going to have a scratch on the to's going to make a mark and that's not going to be good right so you know if you're really doing a log that actually has a bunch of nails in unhook the throttle bring the band speed down to idle and just run it through and it won't damage the teeth as well and you probably can get through that piece without okay isue it's something you could try now again the quality is not going to be quite there but you could find the nail and and pull it out and then run it through a plane or make it a little extra thick so that's something you could try like I said it just depends on whether the Nail's sticking straight up or the hardware sticking straight up but if it's leaning over the Blade's going to be shot it's going to wipe the set out of one side and it's going to be it's time to trash it so you know blades usually what 24 to $30 a band so it's not the end of the world but if you get using four or five or more of them a day be hard in your pocketbook but maybe the lumber is worth some value to it so right depends on what you're going to use it for so well let's see how you sharpen these okay so this is our resharp uh program here uh we get the blades uh kind of shipped into us at the back here so we get them in UPS ground uh once they get in here we take them out and uh unpack them take a look at them sort them out based on the hook angle so each of those a different shape of the teeth we have a different uh rack here we rack them on so we can take a walk over here I'll show you [Music] that so blades come in usually in damaged boxes so the boxes are usually beat up a little bit in shipping so we take them take them out of those we sort them out again based on that hook angle so each one of these racks here represents that different shape of the teeth uh that's important because when we're doing the sharpening process we need to have that that correct profile put back in again so have to be separated out uh based on that shape of the TU right um what's the next step after they're shorted so once they're shorted we take them over to the Grinders so the Grinders are behind you there right so this is our Grinders here this is a BMS 600 sharpener so it has a CBN wheel so that's a a carbide wheel so we actually take and has that same profile the blade has to it so if you look here that that shape that's on that wheel uh it matches the same profile that's on the band so um if we have a 7° blade we need a 7° wheel to match that that's going to come down then it's going to fit in that groove of the tooth and you're going to remove about the what 8 10 th000 off the bands somewhere around there um off of kind of every surface there so we're making sure we're get the gullets the tooth and the kind of the back of tooth there at the same time okay that gives us that uh proper amount of removal there and gets us a sharpened tooth again all right this uh machine will run through automatically we program in the number of teeth so for example it's a how 181 teeth on there we'll program it in automatically run through and advance that automatically the whole way through to it reaches the end of that that blade um usually we can just do one pass through this uh if the blades are are run relatively easily if you run the blades really hard we may have to run them through and do this twice um if it's if it's really rounded over on the teth right what's after the grinding then so after the grinding we walk over and do a we do a wash tank so we uh actually wash the blade off get any of the sap dirt light rust off the blade um we also roll the set out of the teeth so the teeth have a set to them there's a tooth that's pushed left the tooth is pushed right and then one that's left straight is a raker so we actually roll that out to where it's roughly flat and we will put that uh set back in using the machines over here let's walk over to the wash tank here so the reason we're grinding uh the entire surface of that band not just the teeth where it's sharp the gullet is where that blade actually crack at so right here uh is the narrowest part of the band and so when we're running that around the wheels it has to wrap around that wheel and flex back and forth so this is where it'll normally crack right about here right about there and so when we do that grind we actually take and resurface that area right there so we're taking that crack that forms there and and getting rid of it so we actually extend the life of the band if we don't get rid of that crack the band will break right there where that crack was so uh when we go to a thicker band so some guys will go to a thicker band to help them cut faster the disadvantage that is it it doesn't Flex as well it's it's it's it's more rigid and so it actually cracks sooner because of that have a shorter run time on those bands so there's a tradeoff there to that gotcha then cleaning is over here right that's next step yep next step is cleaning so we'll walk over here to that this is what we call our wash tank here so we have uh metal uh brushes just scrubs them yep scrubs them runs along both sides of the blade there so we can deal with kind of light surface rust on the blade uh sap and things like that what are the suds what do you have in here so we have have a uh essentially an a um um oil removing uh solution in there that actually takes any oil that's stuck on the band off and removes that sap we need something there we can cut that sap um especially you're s a bunch of pine will'll stick to the band we need can cut that off there and remove that so it's a solvent and and oil uh oil remove that's right um we also have this over here which is important this is what's actually removing that set from the band so if you look there there's two cylinders that pinched together and actually flat so when you have a tooth leaning one way or another this is what straightens those out correct y okay so after after the cleaning we straighten those teeth out we have to put that set back into the teeth so we use these machines over here they're called a Setter so there's a actually a pusher on there that pushes one tooth up one tooth down and one is left straight is a rer so it does kind of a three Toth pattern there um at the time so walk over here and show you that so we have the the one Pusher here on this side it's going to push the tooth that way the other Pusher here is going to push the tooth the other way and then we're leaving that center tooth straight uh so wait a second here uh br will bring another blade over that kind of operation so you line that up on one to right there right and and okay these have pattern error so we got to go to the first secondary tooth after the weld okay so that's where you start where the weld is yeah yeah we I'll go to that tooth there it's where all starts you can look out here and see your pattern yep on a regular lot of the 181 and stuff like that you don't have to worry about that there's no pattern there 222s 195s oh that's pretty slick [Music] actually hold on yep all right so what's this machine here this is just one another one of those Grinders we were looking at earlier this is one an operations you can kind of see what's going on here so it pushes that tooth forward by one one to and then it comes down and hits that and goes the grinding process there on that too yep gotcha so the next step in the process once we um do the setting is we actually check that check the set we just put into the blade uh using a master gauge over here so we make sure we've actually put the correct amount in that that spacing on those teeth is very important um that was actually would determines how much material we're removing as well as whether the blade is going to is actually going to cut flat if the set is off on one side of the other we're going to actually cause that band to go uphill or down here as we're making cut um so it's it's very important to get that amount correct usually it's about 21,000 a side somewhere around there it depends on the band so if there's a longer tooth it needs a little less set because of how part that tooth is sticking out um so that's going to vary on that profile bit okay so moving on down the line then what's next so after we do the check the set on that we come over and flat pack them so they going to look like this here so we're going to have a metal clip uh here that holds a band in place so it's very important when uh when people are taking blades out like this you only grab one blade at a time and pull it up through this Gap in the center of that clip I've had some guys that try to cut that clip off there it's not good you don't want to do that no so you know when doing this let me grab a pair of gloves here so when people are taking blades out you want to make sure they're only pulling cuz just so you guys know they come in the box like this yeah there'll be a there'll be a zip tie across the top here you have to cut off and then uh there'll be usually 15 or 10 blades in a pack like this so when you get when you get the blades there you're going to cut the zip tie off up here you're going to grab the one blade in the center of that pack you're going to squeeze it together to get through the metal clip and then just one side out and then just one side out time and then it flips around like that yep okay if when you're done with the blades when they're dull you can use that same metal clip again to put them back in so we're going to take that first blade and make that kind of pretzel shape you see there and put that metal clip on that first band once we have that starter we can add that next blade in on top of that we're going to do the same thing over again we're going to wrap it around the outside and squeeze it in through that metal clip in the center and we just have that sit flush like that yep so we can just kind of add them in the whole way until we get back to that full pack of blades so back up to our our 15 blades or 10 blades right whatever it came in good deal right now Brandon what are you doing here checking the drive belt okay and the only reason I'm doing that is loose drive belt won't cut too tight of a drive belt and it'll start breaking things so 18 lbs is what the book says to go for and if you have a wood meiser you come it comes with the blade guide alignment tool I just took the clip off this is called a drive tension tool and for 7/16 deflexion we should be at around 18 lb worth 24 right [Music] now which I don't think it's that bad personally but and so what do you loosen first first I'm going to loosen this jam out here yep I'm going to hold this and then with 3/4 in wrench I'm going to either tighten it or loosen it so I'll just check it again and by the way with this tool you should be at 7/16 of deflection or 1.1 CM I don't know what centimeters are yeah I like Freedom Units and right there I loosen it up and we're at about 22 lbs now so I actually kind of like that a lot of guys will say a lot of the oldtimers say oh just give it a half a turn but you don't know if that guy had two bowls of weedies that morning or not right you know so I just like to use the tool and the straight edge and always double check make sure right on the nuts all right good well thanks Brandon yes sir always make sure to tighten everything down whenever you're done as well all right so say a guy just got a mill he's got a bunch of blades he need sharpen what's the process to get them to you and how does that all work and you get them back to him yep so um he can they can call us uh to get a shipping label so we need a easiest way is for us to send you out a prepaid uh return label that gets the that gives you a reduced shipping cost to get the blades in the door um you could you know you can pay yourself to get that but it's generally more expensive for you to pay your yourself to get that get that box of blades to us so if you give us a call or shoot us an email we can send you one of those prepaid labels um that gets the blades to us um they you know usually do your best to keep your box in good shape so when you get a you know new box of bands make sure to keep that box in dry um lot times you'll see that will be sitting outside and get wet and then it doesn't hold up at after that point no stink bugs a lot of them come in just r s are everywhere them stink bugs don't ship them to us yeah yeah but you do get a new box you know when we ship them out we the tape won't stick to the old boxes so and right now we're not even charging for that so some some of that stuff we may have to change but the other thing is make sure the blade's not really really rusty um you can ship it in but we'll probably reject it because it actually ruins that cleaner brush in there it damages the brush so um you're you're more than welcome to ship ship them to us but then we can actually replace the blade you know we can actually do auto replace or autofill so you always every time you take advantage of the shipping back that you're getting a full box and you're don't open the box say w there's only two blades in there I shipped 15 so that's a great that's a great that's a good thing we gave you box price not unit price so it's definitely an advantage to take care of the shipping uh cost the whole value of that cuz they don't charge we don't charge by the box or UPS doesn't charge us by the size of the box it's not by the weight it's by the size of the Box okay what's the uh average turnaround I mean you guys do a lot of blades but say guy sends a box in what's average turnaround time on them it changes I think right now we're about 2 and A2 weeks oh that's not bad at all okay yeah and that's something you just stay ahead of box you know what I mean or whatever yeah so if you you know you have to kind of do that inventory yourself so I need blades tomorrow I'm going to call Marty and have them the next day that's probably not going to happen so you have to kind of plan ahead a little bit and say okay you know I have a pretty big job you know coming up so two weeks before that or three weeks before I'm going to send them to the sharpening resharpen get them back get them back in time or hey maybe I need to order five blades which we have in stock here get them shipped to you then ship us the other ones back so again just try to do your homework there and you're not putting pressure on us we try to help out as much as we can but um we don't want to be calling 25 customers say Hey you know Johnny has blades that needs to be done before yours that usually doesn't work out too well someone's going to be upset so I'll put a link in the description of this video your guys your email website all that stuff email but yeah for blades that's a big thing you know what I mean people are looking so yeah you guys do a nice job anything else you can think about in blades we wanted to mention U make sure you put your name on the box so I've had a few of these come in with the the labels torn or something like that when it comes in the door so definitely if you take a sharpie and write on the top of the box your name um inside the box outside the box and then if you get the label from us it'll have your name on it so we know who they came from so again if you call me and your blades don't come back in a month or two and then you're going Hey where's my blades at so yeah um that's definitely a challenge for us to try to keep that so right um so the other thing is we don't want the blades here for months and months so once the blades are done we expect them to be paid for and we'll ship them right back out to you so that's thing we kind of frown on trying to cuz it's a lot of work trying to keep calling them every month and building and all that stuff so we want them to try to get them right back out the door it's a lot of work it's a process I didn't realize there was that much to the whole process of sharpening you know yeah well that's good I appreciate it guys I think uh this would be helpful for anyone yeah we appreciate the business thanks guys thank you
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
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Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: 93eMqOluYjA
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Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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