HOW TO SHARPEN AN AXE - The Rooster Method - Newfoundland Loggers Axe

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got to impress the ladies with your incredibly sharp axe I just man look at that camp 13 back for the final part let's get that sheet off we've got to finish that edge so during the whole restoration process I did create a new edge but it was just with a rasp only it's a nice short edge on this on this one because the the cheeks are so thin only requires a short bevel you can see we've got a real heavy burden there right along here that dark strip right at the edge is actually a burr and that's quite coarse so we're going to use I'm going to start it off with the rasp just remove that burr clean up the edge again because I've done a nice bit of working on it and has a couple little Nick's and so I'm going to tidy it up and then we're going to move on to some other stages just got it here on a jungle wood then I'll just clean up this by doing all push cuts going to the edge of this axe keeping with the bevel put on there earlier not using a whole lot of pressure here but just enough at this point was with the rasp Seymour just trying to create the shaping rich you're not refining it just with the rasp you can put lovely how to next flip it over so we got that burnout on this side or off you can see it reflecting along there now I like to remove that bird and get on to an ice age as I move over to my carborundum stones it's actually a vintage stone believe you've seen it on the channel before let's let's move over to that stone I think it's got a good enough edge here now with the rasp here's the carborundum made by a company in Niagara Falls Canada Canadian carborundum company this is a beautiful little stone combination stone got the original box with some super excited oh but look ice very tough stone I really like it it's cold here is an egg guys I've got the gloves on working away it's just lovely off to the song is out there I'm just going to start with circles on the other coarse side of the stone you're just going to remove that bird and take out some of the rasps max now I'm going to be switching over to the finer side of the star you notice the difference that's down there now the side is real fun it has a nice slick yet nice slick texture that's so good one is working but it actually cuts quite quickly now the next step after this I'm going to move over to help any to see in the video I'll link it here the rooster method you see what that is in a minute just removing again each time we remove it remove the course of scratches from the stage prior so the rooster method uses a sanding pad like this with a foam backing you work up in different grits of paper and the foam backing is at a very mild convecting thicker the foam obviously the greater the convex this is fairly thin and dense foam it's quite hard so it's not going to come back much but it just lets you starting off with very worn out 100 grit and you want to work with the edge you don't want to pull directly away you want to sort of refuge and that eliminates you having actual strapping strokes which just keeps Holabird off the edge by doing this you're kind of taking the burr with you every time you can get an idea let me give you a picture that texture there now off the 100 grit this is very clean just gives a nice finish going to do the other side and then move on to a four this is not picky with the grips to use obviously if you start with 1500 grit you're probably never going to get rid of the deeper scratches but by starting with the by starting with this 100 grit very quickly takes out those deeper grooves here now I'm moving on to the 400 grit paper this is somewhat worn again because I'm chief and like to use it repeats the sandpaper until it's completely gone but keeping with the same type of strokes here if you move in in to mention incremental scripts cannot if you move up in stages like this stages that aren't too far apart like a 100 to a 4 and then a bit higher to be higher you have to spend a lot less time on each step because it's so effective this 400 removes the grits of the one 100 grit so quickly it's done just that fast this 400 will finish with a real nice bite to the accent I'll take it a little further but the 400 I do recommends a real nice grit paper and the real clean is to finish with if you wanted to easily finish with 400 and have a very efficient acts as a very keen edge there now again I'll try to give you a look at the texture that's the 400 so now from rap 400 we're going to move up to a 1500 grit paper which again is a little bit more but if you buy food quality sandpaper you'll get a good bit of you sent let's get a hold on quite a while and from the 400 a 1500 actually works very fast again takes nothing notice those few strokes and look at that edge already from what you just saw that is now reflecting just those few strokes I'll clean it up a little bit more this is going to be worn nice edge [Music] so again that's the edge with 400 this is quite flat pretty dull now watch see the difference there look at that it's pretty fast doesn't get much better than that so right off 1500 grit paper that is the edge and it is why are you sharpening that be just a lovely edge staking and work with of course we're going to take it a little touch further man look at that that is nice and that polish backed up against that black pitted head bad that is one lovely restoration if I do say so myself I got a little bit of compound here to load apace and my paddle strop just throw a little bit of compound on there there's locked worn into the leather but of course that kind of gets smoothed over after a little while this compound is just it's going to be finer than that 1500 grit paper and this is unnecessary of course but it will improve the edge can't argue with that it may not create a noticeable difference in cutting performance but if you are doing a fine task like let's say trying to shave a few hairs off your your leg or something this strapping would make the difference between not being able to shave hairs and being able to shave hairs and of course when you're trying to impress people right right got to impress the ladies with your incredibly sharp axe edges now the other guys are the only ones you're looking to impress because the ladies do not care so that is the edge you'll see if we get some light on it here we go wow that is beautiful now what I like to do is just have it is after stropping with a straw place with compound which is a little bit with compound it'll cut faster than just a plain leather this is just sort of a polished or finished leather this is just perfectly smooth here no compound so when I'm finished dropping with a compounded strop on crease the angle just a touch and sort of smooth over that edge with this with this finishing strap this is my what I would call my finishing strop not too many strokes but just enough I do find you can argue it if you like but the last few strokes with the strap just right on that perfected edge just gives that that teeny little bit more performance this would take it from if the if the compound is drop made it clip hairs off your legs this one would make it just that bit smoother just buttery smooth he's probably noticed on I have a few patches on my legs already let's test that edge trying to be very gentle this is a lengthy Acts it's a little bit heavy on the head to control like this trying to very lightly there's a sharp egg that is a sharp axe how about some action footage chop me down like an old oak tree [Music]
Channel: Kyle Noseworthy
Views: 62,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6zdu-Dvs1EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2017
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