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today I'm going to show you a simple no frills method of sharpening the card straighter to help you get a perfect result every time save me money on sandpaper now let's get into it to get good results a good place to start is with a quality scraper good quality steel makes a big difference I'll leave a link in the description to the ones I use as well as any other tools I use throughout the video so you can reference back at any point the first thing I try to do is establish a perfectly straight edge I simply use a marker as a visual aid to check my progress I find it helpful but after you've done it a few times you can probably skip this step I made a simple jig out of a scrap pieces squared material I had laying around I took two passes on the table saw at about half the depth of the file and made sure it fit snugly into the groove the jig provides a reference surface to ensure the file is creating an edge perpendicular to the face of the scraper is both my hands to guide the file with just enough pressure that you can hear the file cutting this can be done in one or two consistent passes the next step is to hone the edge that we just created to do this I start on my 1200 grit diamond stone by honing not the edge with the face I use a square block about the length of my scraper and about an inch thick to apply light even pressure I take about 20 passes and then flip the scraper over and do the other face next flip both the block and the scraper onto its edge and do the same thing 15 to 20 passes should do you'd be safe down the scraper at this point it should be free of file marks as well as any other nicks in soar scratches I then repeat the same steps on my 4000 grit water stone [Music] we're gonna take anything away from this video this is probably the most important step so where I get hung up on and where I think most people go wrong when it comes to sharpening their scrapers and that's creating the burr we're just looking to create a small burr not a big one trust me it'll work hold the burner on just a slight angle on a very light pressure draw out the steel drill the burr I hold my burner on only a slight angle maybe two or three degrees and put light pressure on it and when I emphasize light pressure just slowly slide the burnisher back and forth I make 15 to 20 light passes again on both the push and pull stroke although if one direction feels more comfortable go with that you should be able to feel the metal overhanging at this point check to make sure you can feel the bird on the face side it won't be much but it should be just enough to feel and hear when you rub your finger over it careful not to cut yourself though and that's it you should be getting nice curly shavings like on the right if you're getting dust like on the left go back to the stone remove the bird and have another watched roof angle and pressure I can't stress it enough hope this helped you mystify the sharpening process little I want to share the simple and repeatable method that's worked for me not saying it's the only way to do it but I've had good results a well sharpened card scraper it can be a huge asset in the shop once you get over the hurdle of sharpening it you won't look back if you liked this video hit the subscribe button give me a thumbs up and make sure to check out my other videos thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Zumkeller Woodshop
Views: 44,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: card scraper, card scraper sharpening, card scrapers, how to, how to sharpen, how to sharpen a cabinet scraper, how to sharpen a card scraper, how to sharpen a scraper, how to sharpen and use a card scraper, how to sharpen scrapers, how to use a scraper, scraper, sharpen, sharpen a card scraper, sharpen a card scraper., sharpen cabinet scraper, sharpen card scraper, sharpening card scraper, woodworking
Id: zsIf7zoJEiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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