How to use the Veritas Variable Burnisher and Comparison to the Accuracy-Burr

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welcome to the channel in this video we are going to be looking at the Veritas variable burnisher now there's a story behind this one because I have a Facebook group that's called Veritas tool nerds one of the guys posted this for sale and then a ton of comments popped up saying I have this and I don't know how to use it I can't figure it out so the guy that was selling it actually sent it to me for free so I could do this video for you guys so thank you Matt I hope you learned how to use this and then I'll probably be sending it back to you because I think you're gonna like it stick with me thank you foreign so here it is now before we dive into me showing you how to use it you need to understand the different degrees and the different like things about this tool so zero is less aggressive 15 is more aggressive so you can see it goes 0 to 15 0 to 15. if it's pointed this way and you have your card in here the bird is going to be on this side of the card if it's pointed it that way the bird is going to be on this side of the card to be honest with you I have never turned my dial to this side however if your burnishing Rod starts getting worn out that's when I would probably go to this side and just know the bird is going to be on the opposite side of the card if you have a different school of thought for that go for it if you like to have double-sided cards go for it but just know that's how this works now if you bought this used because I hear a lot of people that buy these used and they have issues with it check your burnishing Rod to make sure that it's okay so to do that you loosen this screw a little bit more there we go and this comes out that right there is your burnishing Rod so this one was used not that bad so I'm just going to clean it off a little bit here there we go so just make sure it's okay you can see there's an allen key right there so if your burnishing Rod is bad reach out to leave Valley they sell replacements for this as well just make sure really that there's no dents and dings in it if it's dirty just clean it off a little bit I wouldn't stress on it too much and then just put it back where it was what I'm going to recommend is turning it to zero and I'll show you why and then tighten it down all right so now what you want to do is pick the card you're going to use and figure out how aggressive you want it to be I picked a card that is .032 inches so it's kind of a thinner card and I'm gonna go to 10 degrees with it because I do want it to be a little bit more aggressive I have another zero 32 card that I have lighter so this one I'm gonna go with 10 degrees now the first thing you have to do with this is card prep um this part I'm sorry if it's gross to you but you need to put a little bit of oil on this card so what I do is I just rub my finger behind my ear and then just rub it over the card if this card already has a burr on it please make sure that you don't cut yourself okay so there we go that's all you need if you want to use actual oil go for it I mean if you want to use your armpit go for it whatever so the first thing you need to do is have this set at zero depending on how wide your card is you can clamp it up into a vise but as you can see there's not a lot of space there so if you can clamp it go for it I tend to just hold it in my hand so the first step is putting it to zero and doing card prep so put it in there and then just moderate pressure you want to make sure you're not tilting this anyway try to keep it as parallel to the edge as possible and just run it see I tilted it now it's stuck in there we go there we go and just run it over it like that okay then you're gonna see it's at zero you might feel a little bit of a burr and that's fine okay from there you have options some people like to jump to 10 degrees if this card was thinner I would but I'm going to work my way up so I'm going to take this dial and turn it to five lock it back down if it's not spot on don't worry about it just get it close enough so now it's at five it's locked down I'm gonna do the same thing make sure you're using the same side that you want this is the side that has a little bit of a burr so that's the side I'm going to keep focusing on put it back in there run it over a few times there we go and you're going to start feeling a little bit more of a burr but I want to go to 10 degrees so I'm going to do this again loosen this turn it to 10. lock it down okay burnish it again I forgot to mention that while you're using the burnisher if you are going all the way to the edges you can but just know that these Corners are not going to touch because you're going to be doing a Bend or a bow in it so you can stop on the scraper so it doesn't click on I think you heard me clicking it onto the ends a few times you can just go right into the middle you don't need to go all the way end to end so keep that in mind as well you'll feel it cutting there's no way for me to explain it to you but you'll feel it rolling that edge over and you'll know when it's done because you can feel it doesn't skip anymore I don't know how to explain it you can also just do it by feel and be like okay that feels like a good Burr okay and then you know you're ready to go once you have that if you're going to 15 that's when again you would loosen this dial turn it to 15 lock it down burnish it a couple more times and then you're good to go now if you feel a burr on here and you go to use it and you're not getting any shavings you need to pay attention to your angle and that's something that I can't teach you there is no magic put it to 10 degrees hold it at 20. it doesn't work like that you got to experiment with it with how thick your card is how aggressive of a burr you went that kind of stuff it's also just could be your hands depending on how you hold it how much pressure you're putting here and then you just go for it okay find the angle that works for the Burr and the card that you have the last thing I want to show you is this card scraper holder because holding a card scraper especially a thicker card scraper like this for a long time puts a lot of pressure on your hands as you guys know I have issues with my hands so if you have arthritis or anything like that or you just find that it's it's annoying to hold it like this all the time this thing I love I actually want to get more of these so I can leave my card scrape present them so they're ready to go but let me show you how this works too since I have you so you loosen these two knobs and then you can see here the card goes underneath though so let me put the card in which where's my Burr okay so the Burr is going to face out this part's a little finicky there we go then you lock these down and there you go see how it's held in there then this right here see how there's no bow turn this screw and it bows the card for you so then all you have to do is go like this oh I put the card too far hold on there we go I forgot to leave it over hanging so there we go let's put the bow in it for me and then all you have to do pull it down you can put more and get a little bit more aggressive if you want more of a bow which doesn't work for this angle too well but you get the idea now let's talk about the accubur all right so this part of the video turns into a little bit of a comparison which is what I'm used to that's what most of my videos are if you want the quick answer both the accubur and the Veritas do the same thing the biggest difference is the Veritas can do 15 different degrees the accubird can do four so this would be zero degrees which would be one then you have two three four so this is not aggressive medium aggressive heavy aggressive I don't know if you'll be able to see those in video you still have to work through the progression so don't think that you can all of a sudden skip to the heavy one you still need to go light moderate heavy if that's how high up of a an angle you're going to go basically so if you're a stickler for angles and you want it to be spot on dead accurate every single time and and you know that you have a thin card that you want to be at exactly seven degrees Veritas is going to be the way to go if you don't care about angles as much the Accu Burger is going to work just fine if you have one you need to buy the other one no um I will say the accubur is a little bit easier to use because it's already open you'd burnish it go to the next one burnish it go to the next one burnish it so on and so forth this one you have to loosen turn this tighten down burnish loosen turn tighten burnish um that's really the difference so the choice is yours on that I didn't look up prices so I'll put prices up on the screen and then maybe that'll make the decision for you but yeah all right so there you go hopefully this helped you learn something um I know I threw in like very quickly that little piece about the accubur if you made a decision based on that feel free to let us know down below if you've tried both and you picked one over the other one also let us know down below if you run into issues while you're trying to use the Veritas variable burnisher leave a comment down below and I'll try to help you out the best I can if you guys have any questions any comments anything like that again let us know down below I hope you all enjoyed and have a good day
Channel: Bat Cave Creations
Views: 3,672
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Keywords: Woodworking, Handtools, hand tools, diy, hand planes, woodworking tools, wood projects, guide, how to, howto, how-to, tutorial, review, comparison, veritas, #build, #chisel, #saw, #hand plane, #Plane, #Hand Tools, #Tools, #hand, #router, #wood, #woodworking, #fun, #dovetail, #cleat, #frenchcleat, #layout, #mark, #measure, #veritas, #lie nielsen, #lee nilsen, #LN, #lee valley, #custom, #handmade, #mistakes
Id: xjrLDXA8XEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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