The No-Nonsense Way to Sharpen a Card Scraper

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card scrapers are good for all kinds of stuff I like using them to get rid of glue 16 little indents that I might have in a project getting rid of little pencil marks or pen marks that I missed when during the sanding process I don't want to go through the whole process again anyways they're really good I picked this one up a couple of months ago from Rockler when I was there I didn't know how to sharpen it I don't have a burnisher I don't have any of the kits I don't have any of the cool little gizmos or anything to get this done so I had to use what I had in the shop and what I have in the shop is a thousand grit diamond plate I know these Diamond plates are expensive I've had this one for years and years and years you can also use float glass and lapping film which we've talked about before this will work great that's a very low cost alternative to this I'm going to use this carbide router bit let me show you how this works this is super easy all right so my sharpening stone is here I think you put a little bit of water on there and I've already used this so I'm going to be re-establishing what essentially will be a factory Edge but on that note a factory Edge a lot of times will have little Mill marks in it once you start grinding it down you want to flatten this out until there's no more Mill marks we want to start with a nice flat surface to begin with I'm just going to take it like this and instead of going this way I'm going to turn it a little Askew this way I'm going to go here I'm going to do the same thing on this side and what that's doing is flattening out that edge but if you run it this way what you can what can happen is you can end up inadvertently putting more pressure on the ends and you can kind of bow this a little bit because as I go this way my hand pulls back and I kind of put some pressure on the tail and then same with this way I put some pressure on the front by going this way we don't have that happening again it's just the way I like to do it there's obviously more than one way of doing basically anything once I have that edge nice and flat and established I'm going to turn it this way and even if you haven't sharpened this before you're going to end up with some of this material pouring over the side here as it gets ground down we want to get rid of that that's not the Burr that we're after so we're just going to knock that down by laying it flat on its side like this or on its face depending on how you see it and we're going to try and knock down both those sides and essentially what we're doing is looking to see if that Burr is gone as long as you don't have a burr there I have a little bit right here so I'm going to go back to this side and I want to just flatten that completely out or essentially making it back into a square get rid of some of the Schmutz here okay I have no Burr let's grab the router bit and head off to the next step okay I have my router bit here be careful obviously not to cut yourself on this if you want you can wrap a piece of paper towel or something around it so let's see this is the side that we just tuned up I'm going to bring it back here and lay it flat on the table I'm going to lay this flat on the table like this and I'm just going to slide the scraper right underneath it so that this ends up up at just a little bit of an angle I'm going to start at the back side here and I'm going to go I'm going to push down on the bench and this one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's it flip it over I'm gonna do the exact same thing on this side one two three four five six seven eight nine ten now I'm just going to stand it up actually I don't need that I'm going to stand it up this would be 90 degrees to this it'd be a perfect T I want to come in just a couple degrees here and we're going to start with this we're going to come up I'm going to put some pressure on it and go one I'm going to change that angle a little bit less now two three and three I'm basically right back to 90 degrees I'm gonna tilt it again four five six and again I don't want a huge hook on there a huge angle I just want to go just a little bit off and what you should feel at the end of that is a very small Burr it's not very big at all let's go take it on this piece of cherry and maple board here that I have and let's see how well it scrapes wipe this stuff off because I don't want my stone to sit here and rust put all this stuff aside I have this this board here it's been kicking around the shop for a while now and hopefully you guys can see I have all these pencil marks on here let's see which is the side that I tuned up okay we're just going to take it we're going to put a slight Bend in it we're going to set it down here kind of matching that angle that we had before and with that bend we're going to push forward a lot of times it takes a second to really figure out where that angle is that you need to be at I mean how cool is that we're getting these shavings off of here that include the little uh Purple Heart strip that I have in here but as you can see we're getting nice shavings off of here we're getting rid of all this pencil mark and we're not getting just dust that's the key thing here is we're not just getting dust a lot of times when you sharpen these at least for me I got almost only dust for the longest time okay now it's starting to get hot anyways hopefully this helps you guys out I know there's varying opinions on how to do certain things but like I said there's more than one way to do just about everything we do out here and since I don't have an actual burnisher and all that stuff this actually works just fine for me and it works every time so maybe it'll work for you too if you're limited on the amount of stuff you have in your shop that's all I got for you guys today thanks so much for watching as always we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Inspire Woodcraft
Views: 54,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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