How to Sew 60* Triangles: Make a Quick Quilt

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hello colorful quilters and welcome to color girl YouTube I'm popping in today for a quick video because I just got these new ombre fabrics in from Mota for the the website shop and they are so pretty I've always really liked the ombre fabric by Vanessa Christiansen and I love that they've been coming up with patterned ones now like the solid ones are fabulous but like there's polka dots and I think there may be there were stripes at one point but this year the new one is these bloom ones they've got kind of a little a little Sutton print pattern that fades along the edge along the fabric with the color so anyway I was super excited that they got here and I got them up on the website but I wanted to make something with them one of the things I think is super fun about these ombre fabrics is that you can basically use just a few fabrics but you get several different colors in there because of the way that they go from dark to light so I got out my 60 degree triangle ruler and I'm just gonna do a really quick e like baby quilt or something today just to see how these look I did already cut a few triangles and I'm going to show you how I cut these and then how I'm going to sew them together so if you need a little quick project or just something fun to play with really beautiful fabric this is a really good one for that so check these out I just literally cut a single with the fabric that is six inches so a six inch strip by the full width of fabric but I really like seeing how because of the ombre the way that the color fades from the outer selvage edges of the fabric to the center how you get a really pretty variety you almost get like a watercolor effect because it's a really nice subtle shift in the color so I'm thinking if I cut a bunch of these triangles I'm gonna cut them from different colors I'm just gonna use all five over the colors that I have and cut just cut one single width of fabric strip six inches and see how it looks when I go to put them all together now obviously this is just two colors so it's not gonna be quite the same as when I have more but do you see how cool you get like that watercolor effect where the where the fabrics are different like that I'm thinking since one strip isn't going to make very many triangles I'm going to add some stripes in it so when I'm doing the cutting I will show you some of the stripes too because I think it would be kind of cute to do like every other one a solid color like this and then every other one a stripe I have a few not close by I have a few of the zip stripes also from Mota that are really cute kind of like a paintbrush irregular stripes I have those in lots of colors so I'm gonna pick some out that go with my ombre bloom fabrics and mix them in so hopefully this is going to be really pretty and I hope that you'll so along with me so let's start cutting okay this is designed to be a super quick project and that means every step is going to be quick so I am just cutting 6-inch by width of fabric strips from each of the fabrics I'm doing one strip from each fabric and then I'll see how big that is at that point and maybe cut more if I want my quilt to be bigger if I'm really loving it maybe I'll add more fabrics along the way too but we'll see so I have a selection of these stripes which I totally love and then I'll could probably actually use one of these also to buy into the eventual finished quilt so that's something good to think ahead and then I also have six inch strips of my ombre fabric so I have let's see four stripes that I picked out that I think kind of go with these and then I have five of the ombre so I think this is going to be a really pretty color palette and best of all super quick to cut these triangles you do need a sixty degree triangle ruler I have this easy angles it's called easy equal 60 degree triangles by June Taylor I do carry these in the shop on my website at color girl quilts calm if you need to pick one up they are really a fun shape to play with I use them for all different sized triangles I'm going to try using them for like hexagons cutting them just with part of it to make a hexagon so lots of fun things that you can try I've been in kind of a hexagon and triangle mood lately so I think that's why the first thing I thought of when I wanted to make a quick project to show off these pretty fabrics I thought let's go 60 degree triangles kind of big ones so that we can really see the fabric so I'm going to cut four triangles at once just by stacking two strips on top of each other and I promised these were going to be easy and you are going to see how easy so I've got a six inch line on my template on my triangle I'm just lining that up with one side and for this first one I will cut both sides and set those scraps aside so that gives me four and then I can just move down my strip make sure that those are still really lined up nice even so that we get straight pieces and then just take my six-inch line and line it up again where the the angle of the first cut ends and then I can cut to two again and that's gonna give me two sets so total of eight and do that again and you can just keep doing this as you move down the length of your strips I was able to cut eleven of these triangles for each width of fabric strip so you really do get a pretty good amount from each one so go ahead and keep cutting these down the width of your strip and then move on to the next one until you have them all cut okay once you have cut all of your triangles or at least gotten a good start on the triangles we need to cut the pieces for the edges of the quilt so I'm going to use this kind of off-white almost kind of a stone color for the edges of my quilt so only the colored part will be in the triangles so what we're going to start with for this is at rectangle that is six inches by five and three fourths and I chose that measurement because I wanted to leave a little extra fabric on the ends so that the triangles they end up kind of like they're framed like they're floating in the inside of the quilt so what I did was I've got the six inch which is the same as my triangles and then I'm going to sew I want to orient my fabric on my cutting mat so that it's six inches long ways going vertical away from me and the five and three-quarters is is parallel to me so I'm going to come back to my sixty-two degree triangle ruler use my six inch line just like I did when I cutting my triangles only this time I'm cutting kind of an angled line through the middle of the rectangle and that gives me this extra fabric on either end for kind of a bigger seam allowance that's what I mean when I say that it's going to give it a little bit more edge to the quilt rather than having the points of the triangles and right at the binding so I'm going to measure this just make sure that I've got it kind of roughly roughly equal it looks like about an inch and an eighth up here and about the same right there an inch and an eighth one and an eighth inch and I'll go ahead and cut that 60-degree okay so that will give me two end pieces since I'm using a solid fabric and it doesn't have a front and back it doesn't matter as much the angle that I cut but if you are using a fabric that is that has a front and back you'll need to cut some of your rectangles going from upper left to lower right and some from upper right to lower left so that when you finish the edges of your quilt you have them going the right angles okay with solid color I can just turn them over but with a right and wrong side fabric I would need opposite ones okay so figure out the number of rows that you're going to make for your quilt you can always sew all the triangles first and then cut your ends that way you'll know exactly how many to cut depending on the size quilt that you plan to make okay so again that measurement is a six inch by five and three-quarter inch rectangle and you are using your 60-degree angle to cut one in 1/8 inch from each corner okay let's start with sewing our triangles together and then we'll do those end pieces so let's go to the sewing machine I'm after I finished cutting my pieces I laid them all out on the fluor in my sewing room I don't have a very big design wall so I just went ahead and laid the pieces out you can see I decided to alternate the stripes and the ombre print and just kind of mix up the the shades of the ombre so the dark and the light are just all kind of mixed up you could also choose to arrange them like from dark at the top to light in the middle and back to dark at the bottom like it is on the fabric but I'm going to do mine randomly so I've picked up the pieces for the the last row and match those together so we're going to go to the sewing machine and start sewing them in two rows okay so I have my first row of triangles matched up in pairs so it goes a solid than a stripe a solid than a stripe so I'm going to first sew them together in pairs and then I will sew continue to add like press them and then add the next pair until I have a whole row just like you would with any other quilt blocks when you're sewing them into rows now I do have bias edges on these triangles so I'm going to be really careful as I'm sewing that I don't stretch or pull the fabrics but really it's simple all I have to do is put the triangles right sides together and use my quarter inch seam allowance and so that angled side okay so I'm gonna sew a couple of these now you if you want to just quit so yours together randomly you don't even have to lay them out like I did you could literally just like take a pile of your triangles and just start matching them up two at a time and then press those and then sew those twos together into fours and then so the force together until the rows are as long as you want them to be but so here is my first my first set so you can see when I go to press it I'll just press to one side I'll probably do like odd number rows I'll press to the left and even numbered rows I'll press to the right but basically this is what I'm going to get is this unit that now is a diamond shape but the next one is just going to go next to it and I'll just keep adding those as I was sewing these to get these triangles together I realize there is a point that is important to make that some of you as beginner quilters may and not realize so I've sewn my pieces first in pairs across the first row like I told you before and then as that when I go to match the second the pairs together to make them into fours I wanted to show you how when you line those up you're lining them up with the triangle before the seam allowance was made so to say that a little more clearly you are going to have about a quarter of an inch of the new piece that hangs over and matches up with the seam allowance of the previous piece that you sewed so it might be tempting if I turn this around to the right way it might be tempting to line that triangle point up right with the edge of the fabric like like this so that that point is right at the corner but when you do that you're going to be starting to sew up here and when you when you sew your seam and open it up you're going to have a out of your piece there you won't have nice straight sides so go ahead and shift that so that the corners overlap slightly it's going to be about a quarter of an inch so that on each end when you start sewing your sewing both layers of fabric all the way from the beginning of the seam okay so it's going to kind of make two little dog ears at the top so that's how you sew these triangles together once you have a seam on one side and they're not just the full triangles anymore okay so make sure you do that so that your rows are nice and straight okay guys we are coming along I have sewn rows and I wanted to show you one more thing before I sew my rows together and finish my top you'll notice when you sew the end pieces the ones that I did in white to your triangle rows that you end up with a little bit that's overhanging it's about a quarter of an inch it's kind of like how when you sewed the triangles together you had that corner inch dog ear but with this piece since I extended it to make them a little bit wider that continues and makes my row uneven so what I'm going to do is simply take my ruler and rotary cutter and cut that piece off because you'll notice the rest of my strip is nice and straight and it's going to fit into the next one so if I if I go ahead and just cut that piece off on each of my pieces then they are ready to sew together okay so just a quick thing to finish off and then we can go back to the sewing machine and sew our rows together and I'm super excited to see how this is all going to turn out at the end what do you think so far all right let's get these rows sewn together and finish our top okay guys we did it how about seeing the final quilt and how it turned out what do you think I'm really happy with this I love the simplicity of the mix of color and stripes and just the big triangles tons of fun and I think a design that you could use in any of your favorite color combinations if you have a fat quarter bundle from your favorite designer or collection or just a variety of prints from your stash or scraps this is going to be a really fun project to sew up and use some of those and turn them into a fabulous quilt and besides it's really pretty fast and simple so I hope you've enjoyed making this with me and I hope that you'll join us again for another project in the meantime if you've sewn with me or enjoyed this video please leave a comment and like it like the video and subscribe to color girl quilts here on YouTube don't forget all of the fabrics that I used in this project are available on my website I'm in the shop it's color girl quilts calm and you can also get the sixty degree triangle ruler which is super handy for cutting these triangles accurately and making them nice and quick okay so I hope you've enjoyed watching and until next time see you later
Channel: Color Girl Quilts
Views: 11,962
Rating: 4.8799076 out of 5
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Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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