Insider Tips: Teach Me To Sew Triangles with Pat Sloan

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[Music] hi I'm Pat Sloane and I want to give you a tip today about triangles a lot of people tell me they feel triangles are hard that there may be difficult and I don't I don't think they are I think you just need to have a few little guide points a few little tips and so I have I'm actually gonna show you one that is a little bit less used just one that not as many people work with and that's a 60-degree triangle you can cut this with your regular ruler you can cut it with a specialty ruler but basically we're showing them side to side and they have to create a row which you'd sew together now when we're doing this the the biggest thing is that they're kind of different shape they have a lot of bias you could start some in advance but if you're just careful that really doesn't affect you when I get ready to sew I always want to have them first face up so that I know exactly they're in the right position and they're very easy to get twisted and then you're sewing them in correctly so I know now this is what I want the end result to be so I'm going to place them one on top of the other and they actually are identical now so they just you know line up and I can use a couple of pins just two pins just to sort of hold them in place for me now the next part is you will be sewing right at a point on your patchwork you know the triangle is a pointy part and that can be troublesome for some people because have you ever started sewing and all of a sudden all that that point gets sucked down into your your feed dogs or into the bed of your machine it's really annoying right you're getting a nest of thread there's a couple of ways you can handle this one is if you have a straight stitch plate that there's actually one little hole that the needle goes through so that way that point cannot get sucked down into that hole and these are available II readily available so you would switch this out and and use that for patchwork but if you don't want to do that or don't have it I like to take some squares that I'm going to use to start and stop with so these are just two and a half inch squares and then if I use these all the time I end up with nine patches and then I can use those to make quilts like a lot of charity quilts though so it's a nice way to make a quote while you're doing something else so I'm gonna feed these through first I have got a regular foot on here for patchwork and I have the guide beam on so over here on the babyís purse and oh I've got the guide beam you can turn it on and off easily with a button I'm gonna line up on the quarter inch mark and so this nine path or this two squares so that I can have something in the machine already that when I start to go with my triangle in here I've already got the thread straight and it's not going to be like starting up which is how it gets sucked down so because these are even I am going to sew right along slower the foot and it's just regular a regular seam don't want us over your pins right that's a machines do not like that now as you get to the end there's another tip for you with any kind of patchwork be sure that these stay even and you don't end your line stay straight you don't want to be shifting sometimes people start sewing like this and you actually get off-kilter and that is why then your patchwork isn't correct so we get to this point and I am just going to stick two more squares under there this is where I'm doing an ending two inch square unit and I'll go ahead and snip out my patchwork piece that I just did so here it is you can open it and now when you hold it like this right when you open it you're like ah doesn't look right but it actually it is just shift it that's how we laid it out to begin with so but you have to sew it sideways I will press this and I have one already pressed I will press it over to the right that you could press it to the left it but I like to have my seam on the right which is where I'm going to add the next triangle so I like to press this even that direction so here's one pressed and ready to go there are you know the points are visible under here and here now I want to shift this again right that's how it looks because we're building them along in a row and then I will take my next triangle and we're you know how you you want to place it face up again so you know exactly what you're stitching and what it's going to look like put it over on top where it hangs over it meets at the bottom exactly where you want it but on the top it's going to hang over that point a little bit put two quick pins in here just so that it keeps it stabilized now I'm going to do my quarter-inch seam and sew right along removing my pants just whoops there got a little fast go all the way to the end be sure that your shapes don't separate get them lined up there we go I'll use the pin [Music] and go all the way through not just go ahead and pull this out and show you what three of them look like together ah she have all three and you would press this to the side and when I press it you will be able to have these little dog ears that you can trim off those will be really nice to just take your scissors and get rid of them you can get rid of the other one there so later on when you're adding the rows together those don't get caught up in things so this was on one of the ways that I so sixty degree triangle is to make beautiful quilts I have pulled in my book called fresh air done with these with color placement there are just a lot of fun to do and if you want to know more about triangles I have a book club teach me to sew triangles where I included lots of different methods to do all the main types of triangle units that you like to sell so thanks for hanging out um I'm Pat Sloane and that was a tip on triangles [Music] you
Channel: Baby Lock USA & Canada Sewing
Views: 44,721
Rating: 4.9357233 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, quilt, machine quilting, sewing triangles, Pat Sloan
Id: g0hDONfzXyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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