How To Setup Google Domains Email Forwarding (email alias tutorial)

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hey everyone this is tony seuss's tech i'm tony and in this video i'm going to show you how to set up email for your domain name that you bought from google domains now just to make sure we're all on the same page here every domain name that you get from google domains is eligible for up to 100 email aliases now what is an email alias well an email alias simply allows you to use your domain name to send and receive emails from within your personal gmail inbox so in this video i'm going to take you through the process of setting up your email alias and linking it to your personal gmail account that's something you're interested in let's get right on into the tutorial okay so i'm here at my google domains dashboard and as you can see i have quite a few domain names but the one we're going to be working with today is so click on your domain name and on the left hand side come down to the email section and uh yeah real quick here you do have the option of paying at a minimum six dollars per month per email account to get g suite access through google which gives you email hosting google drive stuff like that but we're going to be doing the free option today which is email forwarding and like i said you can get up to 100 email addresses through email aliases for your domain name so let's go let's go ahead and do that let's add an email alias click on that button and come down here and choose the email address that you want to to start to set up for me it's going to be hello at because that's the domain name that you're working with and over here for existing recipient email you want to put the personal gmail account that you want to check your emails in so for me this is going to be tony nicholas arizona and i just made that email address for the purposes of this video so we'll go ahead and click on add and the first time you go through this you're going to see this error warning message that says this email won't work unless it's verified that just means that they're going to send us a verification email which if we go back to our inbox i have this inbox open back here here is the verification email it just came through verify your email forwarding address so click on that come down here and verify your email now and that should take no more than five seconds and as long as we get the cut yep we get your email address tony nicholas arizona has now been verified so what we did basically there is linked hello to tony nicholas arizona okay so right now at this point we have the ability to receive emails to tony at tony or it's not tony we have the ability to receive emails to hello from within the tony nicholas arizona inbox so let's test it out let's make this a little bit smaller and i have opened over here another gmail account which i created for the purpose of this video this is tony teaches tech so let's send an email from tony teaches tech to hello and we'll do that so to hello at the subject is hey tony flow how are you okay so we'll send that let's give it five to ten seconds over here within tony nicholas arizona we should see that email pop up but it's going to be addressed to hello at and there it is so let's take a look at this click on this button here so it's from tony teaches tech to hello at that's great that's perfect the one thing here is if we want to reply to it it's going to say we're going to be replying from tony teaches or sorry yeah we're going to be replying to tonyteacher's tech but it's going to be coming from tony nicholas arizona let's fix that there it doesn't have to be that way um we can send and receive emails like i said in the beginning of this video from that domain name so how do we do that this this part of the tutorial there's a lot of steps involved so just follow me step by step here but when we get through all the steps you'll have the ability to like i said send and receive emails from that domain name okay so click up here into your settings and go to see all settings under here go to accounts and import and under the send mail ad section we want to add a another email address and for this one uh we're going to put let's just say my name is tony flow and the email address that we're working with is hello so that's the domain name that we're working with make sure you have treat as an alias checked here click on next step and the smtp server whatever they have there get rid of that and just put dot com we'll keep the port 587 the same now the this is where it's a little bit tricky the user name is the uh sorry the gmail account that you're signed in as so for me it's tony nicholas arizona and finally the password this is what takes a little bit of time to set up the first time but we only have to do it once let's just move this out of the way here and click on settings up here no i'm sorry we want to click on your google account click on manage your google account and we want to go down to the security section here and if you don't see app passwords in the signing into google section we have to first set up two-step verification so let's do that real quick we're going to need a phone for this and this basically just links your phone to your google account so go ahead and sign in if it asks you to and we want to add a phone number here so i'm going to type in my phone number and go ahead and try to receive a text message verification code and i got it so that's this code right here click on next and it's verified so now we just have to turn on that two-step verification and when we do that if we go back to the main page on the google account we'll see now that we have the ability to add app passwords so click on that go ahead and sign in if it asks you to again and now we can add an app password so we can sign in over here to that that email address so go ahead and for the app pick mail and for the device select other and when it asks you the name type in the the domain name email address so hello at go ahead and generate that password and copy the password and come back over here to the this yellow window that we popped up earlier and paste that password into here keep the connection as tsl which is recommended and click on add account um now unfortunately i did go through this process before and it seems like consistently every time at least at this point in time you get this temporary error i think it's because it times out or something so we have to do a little bit quicker this time so go ahead and click on try again and get out of here um we'll go back into our our settings here in our our inbox and click on the same thing add another email address to send mail as and we'll just type in the same information so sorry but that's how it is so tony flow email address is hello at same thing change the smtp server to that import the same username personal email address so tony nicholas arizona now finally we can paste in that password click on add account and if you want to save that fine but this is the final step confirmation verification to add that email address so if we go back to our inbox we'll move this out of the way we should have an email we'll get a couple emails actually we're looking for the send mail as gmail confirmation one with that confirmation code so just copy that paste it over here to verify and the another option is you can click on the link in here that says uh confirm sending mail as hello at click on that you can do both doesn't matter um so we're done with that we're done with the app passwords and now if we go back to our inbox we should have the ability to send an email as hello so let's see you see this drop down bar now in the from section click that we can send mail as tony or hello so we'll send in the email to tony teaches tech hey tony teaches tech this is hello at so again we have an email from hello to tony's tech we'll go ahead and send that and and actually this is something good so i'm clicking on send and it's not working um in my experience because i did do this before a couple times there is a delay between when you actually initiate your linkage between your custom domain name and your gmail account and when you're actually able to use it that delay has been at most five minutes so let's let's um let's just leave this up for now we'll minimize it we'll come back there's a couple other settings that i want you to change that i think you'll like but we'll try this in a bit and i guarantee you it'll work so just bear with me here we'll minimize that let's go back into our settings and see all settings and there's one option in here under accounts and import again that i think you should check and that is under send mail as under one replying to a message click on the check box or the the radio button that says reply from the same address that the message was sent so before if something was sent to hello at the default it would always default to tony nicholas arizona as the rest like if you click on reply then it would say this is coming from tony nicholas arizona but we wanted to we want to reply to using the same address that it was sent to so we'll demonstrate that in a second too so that's that's the setting that i want to have you guys change so go ahead go back into the inbox let's check to see if we're able to send this yet not yet um i'm gonna get out of this because i'm not really sure how this works but let's send another email address or another email to hello at uh we'll say test email number two and this i'm doing this so i can demonstrate the um the the the default reply email address that we just set that setting for so over here should come up within the next few seconds there it is and now when we click on reply if you remember from a couple minutes ago we didn't have the option to change it from hello at it was always going to be coming from tony nicholas arizona so that's good so we can just we can do that let's see if it works yet so hey how are you [Music] send there we go it's working now so um that should show up over here from hello at in just a couple seconds help it along there it is okay and let's just check it out we got from hello at via gmail to tonytubestack this this um this via gmail that is something that you're just going to have to live with at this point i'm going to look into maybe trying to figure out if that can be removed somehow but that is part of what it is or i guess what it means to be an email alias it's just i guess a signal to the recipient of that email to know that this this is coming from your domain name right it's definitely coming from but it's just saying it gmail was used to send that email um okay so i don't want to make this video too too long but there's one other setting that i think you'll appreciate as well and that is labels so especially if you're going to have multiple of these email aliases we can apply a label in your inbox so that you can quickly tell who that email is going to so we can do that again in settings see all settings and again this is optional we want to go to to do filters i think it's filters yeah filters and blocked addresses click on create a new filter and let's say if it's 2 if it's to the email address hello at i'm going to create a filter on that so any emails to that recipient we're going to apply this label to and that's what we're going to click here apply the label we're i'm gonna make a new label and you can call it whatever you want i just like keeping the email itself so hello at create that and there's this box down here also apply to filter to three matching conversations so we'll create that filter and now if we go back to our inbox and refresh now you'll see that we have that label applied to these email addresses that were sent directly to hello the other emails in here are to my personal email address so you can see if you have like hello um tony like support like all those different email addresses it's just just a good way to filter on them very visually very quickly when you come into your email inbox um that's about it guys there's nothing else that we have to do back in our google domains account everything should be set up and working there's a as you saw a couple kinks that you have to be patient with but as long as you can get by that then you're you have basically free email hosting with that domain name that you bought from google domains so guys if you have any questions about this any step of the process let me know in the comments below i'll be more than happy to help you out and if you got value out of this video which i hope i gave you guys some value in this video give it a thumbs up and please if you're like setting up a business or setting up a blog or something else like that along those lines this channel is all about that type of content i got you know a wide variety of content from hosting to ssl certificates to emails and everything in between so if that's something you're interested in seeing more of in the future definitely consider subscribing to my channel and if you do i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tony Teaches Tech
Views: 52,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google domain email, google domains email forwarding, google domain email free, google domain email hosting, create email address google domain, google domain and email, gmail alias, create gmail alias, gmail alias email, gmail add alias, how to create an alias in gmail, gmail alias setup, create email alias gmail, add an alias to gmail, alias gmail
Id: RbT28X0wiRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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