How-to Setup Consent Mode V2 Google Tag Manager - Advanced

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how to set up consent mode version two in Google tag manager this an advanced tutorial in the previous video session I've shown you how quickly you can set up Google tag manager so that consent mode version two is working on your website in this video session I'm going to show you the advanced options that you may want to use for your setup okay in Google tag manager simply select the workspace as in the container you want to set consent mode version to Let's press templates here let's search the gallery these are thirdparty templates depending on the way that you've set up content mode on your website your service provider may actually have created a template for you so let's search for consent mode and let's grab this mob here as an example read through what's going on add to workspace I can see what's going on here and let's add that template so that's one way to import a template let's press on new and here we can actually create the template if we want step by step which may not be ideal for most websites but we can also import a template let's select that option read through the terms and conditions for using Google tag manager Community template Gallery because we'll be agreeing to it let's save changes at this moment the easiest way to set up consent mode is by using a template I can anytime delete the template on my tag manager workspace so now using this particular one let's add some configuration when we press on tags we can press on new as in add new configuration because we're using custom imported template as you can see most fields are automatically set up here and yet we have adds data redution option or URL bypassing option these may be ideal depending on the type of website you're operating for example if you're a local business serving Australian citizens only then the requirements to set up consent mode on websites may change compared to let's say e-commerce operators serving worldwide so these options are related to how Google receives data then we have advanced settings all templates will give you these options we have consent settings for this example here it is not set what that means is it is set to a default state which is denied and that's exactly what we want in this example then what we need is we need triggers conent analization in this example is what we want what that means is when someone interacts with our cookie Banner for example that is when this tag should be triggered let's save changes then now we've got a template we imported it or search gallery and import it from there we've set up a tag we can always add new tags let's look at triggers here we can say okay you know what certain triggers are important for example YouTube video if that's the case you can trigger events accordingly okay let's in this example let's say YouTube video trigger let's save changes because there are so many options available I won't cover what these are doing basically you can configure content mode in such way that certain events are sent or triggered under the conditions you're setting here then we also have variables and here this will actually be for website owners or even web developers managing their own client site because you can Define your own custom variables for example JavaScript variable right or let's imagine r regular Expressions table now these are complex you need to read The Help section as to what these are doing okay you can always add notes can discard changes you can even configure built-in variables depending on the template that you're using you can remove some or even add some but ideally since you're using templates the default build built-in variables should stay in its place as then you should not remove them okay but you can Define your own variables you can even run custom JavaScript code as we can see let's imagine we wanted to run Google ads conversion tracking event let's say on a certain page then you can run your custom JavaScript let's save changes I'll show you what this does then in this example we can add a new variable and say okay when the URL con is and so on or if it's triggered on the website that's when the conversion event should occur okay so we can always delete the variables the triggers the variables they can be helpful depending on the website that you're setting up consent mode version two for so this is how you set up consent mode in Google tag manager as I've said the previous video session has shown you a simple approach that if you're not technically um skill to understand what's been said in this video then definitely watch the previous video also rank your website is creating new content for Content mode version two as well I thank you for learning with rankia and I'll talk with you in the next video session
Channel: RankYa
Views: 1,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Consent Mode V2, Google Tag Manager, how-to setup consent mode v2
Id: PmSin1Do8UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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