How to Set Up Consent Mode V2 with Cookiebot

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hey there do you want to set up consent mode version 2 with cookie Bots well then this video is for you I'll be taking you through the entire setup process step by step let's dive [Music] in hey and welcome to the channel my name is Leon this channel exists to help you use your web stats to grow your website without spending hours in the process I want to thank everyone that has been liking my videos and has subscribed to the channel I'm super grateful that really helps me get these videos out to as many people as I can as a way to say thank you I have created a short cheat sheet on how you can grow the traffic to your website so whether you have a new domain or an existing domain if you want to grow your website traffic just head over to the video description to grab that cheat sheet for free also if you want to watch more videos just head over to my profile I've created tons of videos over the past year on how you can set up Google an lytics and how you can grow your website using that data all right we're talking about content mode and content mode vers version two consent mode is basically a way for Google tech manager to know and apply the consent settings of your user so if a user goes to your website and accepts all cookies consent mode makes sure that that content is applied to all TXS so if you have for instance a meta ads pixel on your site that puts a marketing cookie on your user's computer consent mode will make sure that meta ads pixel is only triggered after a user has given content on your website well that might still be a little bit vague for you so let's dive into Google tech manager and I'll show you how you can set it up and I think you'll be able to grasp what consent mode is as soon as you'll see me implement it on my own site so we're inside of my Google tech manager container right here I have set up Cookie bot down here it is this TCH by the way I have a very particular naming convention with Google tech manager I've made a separate video on this that I will link in the video description if you're interested but here's my cookie bot tag I will open it right here as you can see I have not used the all pages trigger but I've used the consent initialization trigger this is really important because it will make sure that the cookie bot TCH is the first thing that loads when a site visitor opens up your page and as you can see I have not enabled Google Concept mode yet and this is probably the default setting if you have been using cookie bot for a while now because it doesn't enable it by default I believe I have not set up consent mode yet and this is what you get this is the free version of cookie bots so I'm not able to make adjustments I will probably do that if I do this for a client but as an example this is fine if I go into Tech assistant and look at the messages here I can go into consent and look at the consent settings for each message in the timeline and it says content not configured and even if I say allow all cookies I do get some messages here in the data layer which is Legacy code this is what we would use before consent mode was a thing but still under the consent settings it says consent not configured so how do you use cookie bot to enable consent mode on your site well let's look at that all right let's enable consent mode with cookie bot here down below I'm going to open up my cookiebot tag and as you can see the Google consent mode checkbox is not enabled by default I'm going to check it right here I'm going to keep this setting so I want to redact add data if at storage is set to Deni I'm going to enable enable URL pass through that's a clever trick that lets you keep some query parameters in your url even if somebody navigates away to a next page and then under this setting I'm going to set a default consent state so what is the content that I want to set if somebody lands on your site but doesn't have set consent preferences yet this is probably country specific so if you have a website that is targeted to a specific country you can just make one rule leave this top thing blank here and then it will apply globally and just set it to the preferences that you have in your country but you could do also like a multi-site or multicountry setting where you have like one setting applied globally so for instance I'm going to Grant like every category because I'm also targeting countries where that is allowed or you could do I'm going to deny everything because I'm targeting a lot of countries where it is not allowed and then build from there for me my site is targeted at the Netherland so I'm just going to keep that in mind I'm going to say preferences is granted so functionality storage and personalization analytic storage is also granted for now at least and all the marketing so at storage at user data and at personalization is the night so now I'm going to say add if you would do like a multi language setting here you could add region and you need to use this country notation right here where for instance the Netherlands is NL and France is f FR and the United States is us so I will link this uh section down below where you can look up the country code of your language and by the way again use this trigger consent initialization all pages that is really important for this to work let's hit save and let's see what is happening I'm going to hit preview so here's the cookie banner I removed my own cookie to see what's going on so um I'm going to go from the bottom to the top over my timeline to see what the content settings are so I'm opening up the content Tab and then here's the content initialization message and you'll see that cookie B is loaded right here so content is not configured yet it starts working right here so if I'm going to move a little bit up yeah here you have a Conant message and this is where the on page defaults have been set I have chosen my own Dutch region specific settings so analytic storage is granted by default functionality storage also Security Storage and personalization storage is granted but the rest like the marketing cookies have been uh denied by default and that's what I want and then for the rest you also get a current state and because I have not yet given consent the current state is also the same as the default but now let me just say allow all cookies so you'll see that there's a new consent message right here and after this consent message I've allowed all cookies and now it says granted I want to make sure that it is really working so what I'm going to do is I'm going to remove the cookie Bard cookie to get back my cookie banner and I'm going to click deny all to see if that scenario is also working so I'm going to remove the Cookie by right clicking my page and then click inspect and in the inspect window you have this application Tab and under this application tab you have under storage you have a section called cookies you click your own domain and then you look for consent yeah there it is this is the cookie bot cookie that I'm going to remove so I'm going to close this and I'm going to refresh my page and probably yeah there it is I want the banner to reappear under Tech assistant I have refreshed my page so the same thing applies consent initialization consent I get my default settings again all the marketing cookies are set to denight because my cookie was deleted now I'm going to say refuse all cookies let's see what's happening right now so I have said refuse all cookies and now all cookies are denied so this is also working all cookies are denied the only downside to this method is that analytic storage is also denied right now so even though Google analytics is still allowed because I'm using this default consent mode cookiebot functionality it still allows people to deny analytic storage but maybe that's a good thing so this is how I confirm that everything is working properly so the last step in implementing content mode on your side is to go back into Google tag manager and to actually apply the consent to every single tag and some tags will have some defaults because the Google TXS for inst Google analytics Google ads those TXS will have some defaults set up already because they are Google TXS and um they have content already baked in but you'll have also some other tags where you need to apply the content you need to set like is this a marketing tag or is this an analytics tag or is it just a general tag that can be put anywhere so the first step that I like to do is I like to go into admin and then into container settings and I like to check this little box enable content overview let's hit save and let me show you what this H does so under Texs you'll have this new little icon in the top right corner right here and this is the content overview and if you click this it will let you see on what Texs you still need to do some work so what are the Texs in your container where the content is not configured yet well let's go over some of these texts and I'll show you how you can apply the content to your own trigger so I'm gonna for instance open up this one this is my own ga4 config tag and um if I'm opening this up it will open up my whole tag setup but I need to scroll down a little bit and then it will open up the advanced settings by default and then under advanced settings you have this content settings it says beta and here it says not set and it also says you have some built-in content checks so because this is a Google tech it already has some content checks built in so it checks for analytics storage for it to load and it also checks for ad storage and if ad storage or analytic storage is not present it will use so-called pings so it's going to downgrade the data collection it's not going to track a lot of data it's only going to count the user but it's not going to track for instance what device they're on the IP address will not be sent it's going to apply the content preferences of your user to this specific tag what do we need to do here because we still need to do some work we need to say like are there additional content checks and then you have two options so by default it's on not set but that's what you don't want you want to intentionally set what you want to happen for this deck I'm going to choose no additional content required because there is already some content checks built in which is fine I could do require additional content for tag to fire but in this case that's not needed so I'm going to hit save and then this tag is moved out of this queue and it's moved into this queue where it says consent configured so this is the tech where the content is already configured I need to do this for every tag well let's go into plausible I believe I do not need any content for this because it doesn't track anything it doesn't put any cookies on the user's computer so I'm going to say no additional content required for this either going to hit save Momo and pic Pro those are basically the same so I'm going to select both I'm going to say edit content settings so I'm going to edit the content settings for both Tags I'm going to say require additional content and I'm going to say an storage because I want these Texs only to load if analytic storage is present well now we have a whole bunch of j4 Texs so I'm going to say select them all and I'm going to say no additional content required because consent settings are already baked in and those are fine and then I have a cookie bot Tech going to do the same thing I'm going to say no additional content required and session duration this is a little piece of code that tracks the session duration I'm going to make sure this is only placed on analytic storage because that's what I'm using it for on this site so now I have configured I've applied to content settings to all my tags individually and this is how you implement content mode on your Google tech manager container using cookie Bots all right that's it for today I hope it was clear I hope it was helpful if you have any questions please leave them down in the comments below also if you want to watch more videos just like this just it over to my profile I have tons of videos on Google analytics and Google tech manager over there all right thank thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: Leon Korteweg
Views: 9,229
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Id: pfXvorV158Q
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Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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