How to Setup BotRix Multichat (Twitch, Kick & YouTube)

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let me show you how to set up botrick multi chat messages so that way you can read your Twitch kick and YouTube messages all in one place majority of you have been having issues with getting the YouTube chat to work so make sure to watch all the way to the end so that way we can solve that issue so the first thing that we'll do is go to botrick and I'll make sure to leave a link in the description down below if you haven't used botrick before but we'll start off with logging in with one of these four options I'm going to log in with our Twitch account first you can choose whichever you'd like though once you're logged in it should bring us to the profile Tab and you can see that we are logged in with our twitch platform in the top left corner if you're not here click on the profile tab on the left hand side and this is where we're going to link all of the accounts we'd like to read our multi chat from so I have my Twitch account linked I have my YouTube account linked and I have my Kick account linked if you've never linked an account before to show you an example I can unlink My Kick account we'll simply just hit sign in with kick we're going to put the username we'd like to sign in from then we can hit accept next we're going to have to give the moderator roll to bot rck so what we're going to do is click the continue button it's going to bring us to our kick page and where we can add bot rck as a moderator so what I'll do is I'll click the add new button and then I'll type in botrick and then we're going to find the one with the check mark and then we're going to click the add button and if you don't know how to get here you go to your creator dashboard which is over on Kick go to the top right corner where you can click on your icon Creator dashboard then go down to settings and then you'll go down to just kidding you'll go to community and then you'll go to moderators and that's where you'll find this page then it'll ask you to copy this little message right here so we're going to highlight it and copy that and instead of hitting the green button this time we're going to click this link right here at the top so we'll click that it's going to bring us to bot trix's chat room we're going to paste in that message we had gotten click the chat button so send that message through we'll give it about a couple seconds so it will link our account so it says your account has been successfully linked that's perfect we can go back to botrick and now that we've linked it we can simply hit the Finish Buton button and we have our Kick account linked if you go to link your YouTube account like I've done here you don't have to mod botrick in the process which can be a little confusing because we need to mod botrick for our YouTube channel so after you've linked your YouTube account here let's go over to YouTube and if you guys are curious what this little thing is on the side of my YouTube it's actually my secret weapon on how I was able to grow my YouTube channel telling me which keywords I need to Target as well as an AI chat bot telling me which video ideas would be good ideas to do so if you want access to this I'll leave it link down below the video and I got you guys 90% off your first month if you use the coupon code on the screen so go check it out but once we're on our YouTube channel and we're logged in with our account we can go over to YouTube Studio by going to the top right and click YouTube Studio I'm obviously using a dummy account indicated by the zeros here because the last time I made a YouTube video for you guys I accidentally went live on my main Channel and that was the cringiest one minute stream cuz I had no idea I was live so if you don't mind dropping a quick like on this video to help boost my confidence back up after that I'd greatly appreciate it anyways let's go to the bottom left corner and click on settings and then we're going to click on community now this is a part where everyone gets tripped up on you're going to go to the standard moderators tab click here then we're going to type in SLB now there's a lot of fake botrick accounts here but you can tell which one is the correct one because it has this logo that is centered in here and you can also see that the B and the r are capitalized because there's just so many people trying to make fake bot Works accounts I don't know why that's even a thing but we're just going to click on this one this is the correct bot Works account you need to mod and then once you have moderated this specific one we're going to click on save so make sure you have that bot Rick's account modded so now that we have all of our accounts connected to botrick with the moderator privileges given to bot rcks then we can go to the leftand side where it says widgets then we're going to click on the one that says chat right here now you can see we got a nice blank screen but it will will pop up the preview of what the multi chat's going to look like so first off you can see what chats are going to be included in this multi chat we have trovo which we're not using but we also have twitch YouTube and kick so as long as these are enabled these chats will appear in the chat box but once again YouTube does have some finicky things which I will touch on in just a minute so you can feel free to customize this chat box to how you would like it you have the premium you can choose this neon one or if you just want transparent or default you can feel free to mess with all the freedom designs which are indicated by not having the star next to them you can also have the platform icon on which is enabled right here that way you can see who's talking from which platform so everyone's talking from trovo right now but if someone were to be typing from kick or YouTube or twitch then it would change the little platform icon which is really convenient so once you've customized everything to your desire we can click on this widget URL so we can click on copy but this will work for OBS Studio or streamlabs if you're using OBS Studio you can go and add a doc in the top left corner then click on custom browser docs then you can add a new Doc name I'll call it multi-chat we'll paste in the URL we just got click apply and it'll bring up this nice window which we can feel free to dock anywhere that we'd like in OBS if you're using streamlabs go to the leftand side where it says layout editor then you'll be able to find the website option you can drag and drop it into any of the slots here also change your layout up here so we can drag the website and then you'll paste that browser Source URL inside here and then it'll pop up wherever you placed it so I'll go and send some messages from every platform you can see that I said hello over on Twitch I said hi over on Kick but the YouTube chat doesn't go through and you want to know why it's because it wants to be annoying AF and give me problems and pull out my damn hair so much so that botrick came out with an official guide on problems that can happen while using the YouTube chat for their multi- chat and the most problematic thing that people run into is not having their stream public or live also the joining time and everything can be a pain in the butt but to dumb all of this down basically let me show you what's up the first thing we want to do is go to our YouTube channel then we can go to the top right corner where it says create then we're going to hit go live this is going to bring us to our YouTube Studio dashboard where we'll be able to control everything about our YouTube stream so we can hit the edit button right here in the top right and we'll be able to change the title to whatever we want but the most important thing is changing our visibility to public otherwise the bot rcks bot cannot join our stream therefore not showing our messages so change that to public and then change everything else to your little heart's desires and then hit save so now our stream is ready to go except we need to change our top chat over to live chat so that way we can see all of the messages and not just the top messages makes sense right so let's go over to OBS if you see this and you're like oh my God Cody why does it look like this it's because you probably haven't seen my video how to multistream on OBS studio and if that's the case I'll leave it in in the top right corner but I have my Twitch account connected as my main streaming account in my OBS studio so this is my twitch and then for our DOC for our multiple output I've connected my YouTube stream and my kick Stream So most importantly we're going to start up our YouTube stream so I'm going to hit start and then let's just start up my twitch stream for sngs so now our YouTube stream is live and our twitch stream is live and so now let's go over to YouTube Studio to see our YouTube stream so this is our YouTube Studio you can see that we've been live for about 17 seconds now and the name of the game now is waiting how long it's going to take bot rcks to show up in your YouTube chat because when it connects it'll send a chat in your YouTube chat saying hey we've successfully connected so depending if this is your first time using it chances are it can take up to 60 Minutes or if you've turned it off and on for example if you went into your profile Tab and selected your YouTube account with that green settings button under YouTube and then you went to your chatbot and realized that the darn thing wasn't even on then chances are it might take up to 60 Minutes for it to connect so make sure that chat bot is on and then also if you have a premium bot you might need to turn it on and off as well but chances are most of you guys probably don't have that but like I said YouTube can be very very very finicky and I'm just as frustrated as you guys cuz I didn't make the damn thing I'm just using it like you guys are and this is what's worked for me if you having problems and you turn it off and on just know it might take up to 60 minutes but let's jump back to YouTube studio and see what's going on so it's been roughly 2 minutes since we've connected for me bot rck usually takes about 2 to 10 minutes in order to join the chat but usually it's around like the 3 to 5 minute Mark however like I said it can take up to an hour if this is your first time or you turn it on and off so now we got to play the waiting game and I'll fast forward this part for you guys just keep your fingers crossed for me all right so now you can see that our YouTube messages are showing up in the multi chat it did take a little while I'd say it probably came in right around 7 or 8 minutes minutes so your mileage may vary really depends it seems like it's kind of luck of the draw here so let's go test all the other platforms I'm going to send a message over on Kick let that one go through I'm going to send a message over on Twitch we're going to let that one go through and then once again we'll send a message through YouTube you can see that botrick has correctly joined the channel right there so we're going to send in testing for YouTube I spelled that wrong but I'm going to leave that in the video just kidding send that one through so let's go over to OBS so now you can see we're testing for kick got that testing for twitch got that now YouTube just seems there we go YouTube seems to be on like a 5 to 10 second delay but that's just YouTube chat normally you're going to have to be a little bit patient when it comes to YouTube and if you guys are still having issues with the YouTube chat not showing up join the bot Rick's Discord which I'll leave Linked In the description and you can ask the community and moderators and they can help you out there I know it's against twitch TOS but if you guys want to have your multi chat appear on the screen all you'll do is just copy that widget URL we made before for the doc and then you'll just add a new source and then add a new browser Source we'll call it multi chat or whatever you really want it doesn't matter and then you're going to paste in the URL hit okay and then put it here and then your multi chat will appear in this box so let me go send some messages to show you so now you can see we got kick twitch and YouTube all on the screen if you want and on the side and a quick little bonus tip for you guys is if you go to your profile on botrick you select each one little profile so we'll start with YouTube make sure that's selected then we'll go to chatbot and then we will go to the modules tab you can actually turn on your chat alert so when you get a follower then it'll say thank you for following and thank subscribing you can click set up you can change the name so for subscription thank you for the follow on YouTube so that way you know it was from YouTube confirm yes and you can go ahead and rinse and repeat that for your other profiles so like let's go to kick settings and then chatbot and then modules then chat alert and then set up or you can just say thank you for the kick follow and then you can rinse and repeat for all the other ones so that way you know when you're getting alerts in the chat on your multi- chat now this can be a little finicky so your mileage may vary but watch this video to the side of me it's going to take your stream to the next level my name's Cody and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 15,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to setup botrix multichat, how to setup multichat, how to setup multi chat, how to setup botrix multi chat, how to set up botrix multi chat, how to set up botrix multichat, kick streaming, kick, botrix, kick live, kick streaming platform, streaming, streamer, kick livestream, streaming on, livestream kick alerts, botrix multichat, botrix youtube chat, botrix youtube multichat, youtube multichat setup, multichat youtube, obs studio multichat, obs studio multi chat
Id: 809jmCf15FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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