How to Set Up Your Audio Interface In Reason and other DAW's

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[Music] hey guys what's going on Kurt Janssen here from third island productions I'm really excited because I'm gonna start doing these beginner tutorials I'm gonna call it tutorial Tuesday for those who are interested I'm probably gonna release a tutorial once a week maybe more depending on how busy I am throughout the week but I want to try and produce content that is really helpful to beginners because I remember when I first started recording and mixing and producing there wasn't a lot of good content on YouTube I mean I'm sure there was maybe I wasn't looking hard enough but anyways today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to set up your audio interface really easy stuff this will probably universal to all dog users if not leave a comment below this is my first video ever so bear with me also guys if you could just do me one solid and hit the subscribe button and the little bell for the notifications seeing more people subscribe will definitely feel the fire for me to make more videos and help all of you out so thank you so much but anyways let's get to it alright so the first thing that everyone needs to acquire before being able to record anything is an audio interface usually people start out with the USB and this one right here is the best USB audio interface on the market this is the focusrite scarlett 2i2 it has two mic inputs or preamps and two line inputs right here your gain knobs your line and your instrument switches line is what you have in if your recording microphone instrument is used to record guitar or a TS tip sleeve cord quarter-inch and this is your phantom power you need phantom power to record any condenser microphone this right here is direct monitor on and off I usually keep it off because you don't need to have direct monitor this is just for running an external mixer and this is your main volume and this is your headphone volume we got one headphone input another thing to know when you are recording anything through these you always want to keep the levels at about nine o'clock you don't want to go higher it is more important to record lower because you always have room to increase the volume or gain when you record at really high levels it doesn't give you a lot of room to work with and can cause clipping here's the back of the Scarlett very simple stuff yeah your USB input here your right and left outputs here for your studio monitors all right guys I'm gonna make this very simple for you this right here is called a TRS or a tip ring sleeve cable balanced and these are what go into the outputs of your focus focus right now turn it around again this is the right one pull that into the right this is the left one plug it into the left turn around okay once you have plugged your TRS cables into the outputs of your Scarlett then you go behind your studio monitors the other side of the TRS cable is an XLR usually is an XLR it might be another TRS cable where you could plug it into right there into the monitor but I use XLR plug it right in I'm good to go alright guys what's going on I'm back I'm gonna show you how to set up your focus write or audio interface inside your doll doll stands for digital audio workstation for those who do not know my doll of choice is propellerheads reason this will apply to other DAWs as well such as Pro Tools Cubase logic Reaper and other dolls as well so here we go first thing you do you go to edit you go all the way down to preferences and it automatically brings up audio and that's what you want to be at well you gotta look for is audio card driver and it's already set on my focus right ASIO focus right USB originally it starts out on your DX primary sound driver this is for Windows I don't know how it looks for Mac users so for Windows users this should help you but yes click ASIO focus write USB and when the checkmark comes up you should be ready to go the sample rate I keep it 48 and buffer size I will explain here in a second in order for whichever audio interface you bought you have to go online and download the most updated driver if you don't want to use the driver provided to your interface you can always go on ASIO for allcom and download that driver it's universal and has very low latency but the ones that come with the scarlett works just fine alright guys i'm gonna explain to you what buffer size and latency is so latency is basically the delayed time it takes for your audio signal to go through your preamps and then to your sound card of your D aw when your buffer size is low that decreases the amount of latency when your buffer size is high that increases the amount of latency you want to record when your buffer size is low and you want to monitor your mixes when your buffer size is high the only reason you want to monitor your mix is when your buffer size is highs because if your buffer size is too low it increases your CPU usage and causes a lot of popping and scratching noises that you necessarily don't want to hear when you're actually mixing your music so yeah here we are on our audio tracks so what you do after you've set everything on your preferences you're gonna go to this where it says in you're gonna do mono input because the scarlett only has mono inputs and you're gonna do focus right USB 1 or 2 whichever you plugged your XLR or instrument cable into you should be seeing signal coming right here it should not be any clipping that is why I said keep the gain knob at about 9 o'clock for any recording you do always keep it at 9 o'clock or lower you don't want to go higher but yeah anyways I hope this video was helpful to you beginners out there I know people who have a lot more skill and know what they're doing don't really need to see this video but I just remember like I said that it was really hard for me when I first started out so I figured I would put out a good beginner video for people who are struggling so much love everybody hope you have a great week we'll be putting out another video next week so I have a great one Thanks
Channel: Third Island Productions
Views: 16,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fGrqx_O0u4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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