How to set up Klaviyo 2024 | Email Marketing Tutorial For Beginners

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if you're running or starting an e-commerce store you probably already know that you need email marketing as one of your main marketing channels if you're watching this in 2024 or Beyond you know that advertising and even social media is getting harder and harder privacy is the top priority for a lot of uh Tech platforms such as Apple which means that you lose access to cookies to some UTM parameters to third party data making advertising harder and harder and that's why you need email marketing because that is an owned marketing channel which means you fully own your audience your email list and you get unparalleled uh level of detail when it comes to analytics and analyzing the performance of your marketing on this channel so in this video I'm going to show you how to set up Cavo an email marketing platform of my choice for e-commerce Brands how to set it up with your Shopify store so if you're using Shopify or if you're thinking about using Shopify and you want to use clavio as your email marketing plat for make sure to watch this video I'm going to walk you through every little step of setting this up and talk a little bit about how clavio works so stay tuned by the end of this video we'll have your account fully set up and you'll be ready to run uh with your email flows email automations and email campaigns and by the way for all of that I have a ton of tutorials on this channel so if you're not subscribed yet make sure that you subscribe so YouTube recommends all of those amazing tutorials to you and you don't even have to think about and you discover uh gems without even lifting a finger and make sure that you like this video too this helps me a ton my name is Casey by the way I run lck andco agency we are an agency that's solely focus on email and SMS marketing for e-commerce Brands so we do this all day every day and clavo is our platform of choice we only work in clavio at the moment uh when it comes to email we work with a few different platforms for SNS Marketing and so we're really really deep experts in clavio and that's why I love recording to tutorials like this because I can share the knowledge that we've accumulated over years of experience with you so with that with your likes and subscribes let's go ahead and get started for the purposes of this video I set up a brand new Shopify account as if I'm just starting out and I'm also going to set up a brand new clavio account so let's do all of this together um I'm in this brand new kyx store in Shopify and the first thing that I want to do is I want to go to the apps and find cavio so Shopify doesn't want to recommend clavio to me so I'm going to go to the Shopify app store and then just search for clavio and um let's just click or hit enter and then this clavo with this little flag uh icon is the app that I want so cavio email marketing and SMS let's install by the way cavio also now has a review app so don't get those two confused there's clavio for email SMS and then there's clavo reviews which is a separate app in Shopify okay so uh this app needs access to all the privacy and data stuff blah blah blah let's click install app this should bring me to cavio and I'm going to instead of logging in I'm just going to create a whole new account I'm not a robot and then let's get started okay so this is where I need my uh Shopify URL I have two click a few other things that's about data and privacy so the first one is sync your Shopify subscribers to clavo yes I want to do that and then sync your cavio profiles to Shopify uh and then you can read about what each of these means you generally want to have both of those check boxes checked and then we want to select a group of clavio profiles to sync all profiles or profiles that already exist in Shopify so I'm just going to click all profiles and then if you wanted to select the profile data profile data to sync to Shopify name email address and phone number are a must um and then we also want to sync email SMS marketing subscription status and email and SMS received open and click events and then custom properties I probably wouldn't want to sync that to Shopify because especially with time you will tend to create a lot of custom properties in Cavo and really it does get messy so if you don't want to kind of mess up your Shopify data with that you wouldn't want to sync those custom properties so let's uncheck the custom properties and click continue okay and right off the bat one of the first things that you need to set up is you need to add your sender information sender name is what's going to show up in the you know like when you look at your inbox in the left as the from name so let's call this luck andco agency and then send their email address so this is going to be the email address from which all of your emails are going to be sent which should be something like hi add your domain name or a lot of like the all technique is to do no reply at blah blah blah but if you're a new generation company you definitely want people to reply to your emails email is supposed to be a two-way channel uh so you don't want to set up something like no reply blah blah so do something like hi or marketing at blah blah blah so I'm just going to do hi at lock and co. agency and then click continue how do you want to reach your subscribers so right off the bat clay was asking you do you want to use email marketing only or SMS as well and one thing to remember or to be aware of with SMS marketing a is that it's currently only available in the US Canada UK Australia New Zealand and Ireland so if you're in other locations then SMS marketing is just not available to you at least through clavio and then the other thing is that the pricing for those two products Works slightly differently and we can talk about it a little bit later in this video but the cool thing is that you can always just start with email and add SMS marketing later and really if you're just starting out like if you don't have a list yet I definitely recommend focusing on email first and then you can add SMS when you get a little bit more familiar with this marketing channel um but if you're migrating from another platform then and you've already been using SMS then definitely use email and SMS right away so I'm just going to click email only check your email let me do that okay so let's confirm our email email address and then it's going to continue on boarding over here the next thing that we need to do is we need to turn on website tracking and it should take about 3 minutes when different events happen on your website on your Shopify store when people add stuff to card when people view products when they start a checkout and things like that even when they view a page when you set up website tracking that information will be passed to clavio and so clavio will know when each of the profile files is doing any of those actions and this is really the power of clavio because of this integration and because of uh this website tracking when uh let's say Helen is viewing a product in C you'll be able to see which product she's viewing when how many times and so on and so you'll be able to set up email automations that will help Helen go through the customer Journey that she's going through so we definitely want to turn this on so let's click turn on and uh the new thing this is not used to work this way but the newest um addition is that we need the cavio app embed to be enabled so let's click this big fat button that's supposed to walk us through this and set this up Okay C onite JavaScript is on that's perfect then let's click save okay so after clicking save here let's go back to the previous uh Tab and refresh it and all done it now says that the clavio app embed is enabled apparently we're 22% completed amazing and now it's time to import your contact by the way just like that we're done with turning on website tracking which is a super important part of this whole process so good job uh let's keep going importing your contact I actually don't have any contact to import because I'm starting fresh brand new but if you do if you're migrating from another platform definitely add your contact here if you click import really is going to walk you through all the steps the important part when importing your contact is importing the subscription status correctly so if you just exported all your contacts from MailChimp let's say you probably were able to export people who are unsubscribed and what you don't want to do is you don't want to add them to clavo as subscribed contacts you want to add them to clavio but as unsubscribed that way a you're not build for these people actually don't hold me to this clal billing changes all the time I'm not exactly sure how they build these days uh but I believe that you shouldn't be paying for your for the people who are in your profiles um but are unsubscribed but the more important part is that if a person unsubscribed you don't want to start sending them email marketing again especially as you're migrating to a new platform when you're migrating to a new platform deliverability is very very important and part of uh good deliverability is respecting your email subscribers preferences so if somebody subscribed you don't want to be emailing them again so that's the important part when importing your contacts and then of course just mapping um a different field so that first name becomes first name last name becomes last name and then all the custom properties are properly organized in Cavo but CIO should walk you through this uh and it should be fairly straightforward so I'm going to skip and now CIO is asking me to build my brand Library so we want to confirm our logo brand colors and so on let's do this this is the fun part so let's uh upload a logo look and go agency and then the cool thing is that you can select your uh main brand colors over here and that's going to be updated in all of the prebuilt email templates that glavo offers you so I'm just going to keep these colors as is um actually maybe let's just change the link color just for fun to something like blue um and then font I'm going to keep the same let's go to header links header links are kind of like the navigation menu that shows up in the header I actually uh prefer not to have header menus in emails I think that that detracts subscriber attention like when I send an email the information that I have in my header section is the most important part and I want the reader to get to that right away and not stumble through the like the header menu that I have so I'm going to skip this completely however social icons is something that you definitely do want to add for whichever social platforms that you are using so make sure that you set that up over here um and then let's save changes um if you want to do custom fonts go in here and set this up if you're a beginner don't worry about this using standard fonts is more than enough in fact when you use custom fonts they're actually don't display properly in all of the email clients so I think Gmail or Yahoo one of those apple mail uh they will still revert some of the custom fonts to default fonts so at lck and Co agency we actually like to just stick to standard default fonts um and just choose whichever ones are the closest to the Brand's custom fonts let's go back to this getting started menu and let's invite your team I'm actually not going to invite anybody but you could clavio user management is actually pretty cool they have a few different tiers of users for the most part if it's your team you want them as managers that will give them most permissions but then if you're working with external contractors or external teams um you can also just add them as campaign coordinators or other roles that fit your needs so let's skip for now as well and now let's get to Growing your audience growing your audience means growing your email and SMS lists and I actually have a super in-depth tutorial about how to set up a clavo form on this channel uh so go check it out it should be linked somewhere on the screen right now and if you are um not a beginner kind of like intermediate or advanced level and you want to AB test your popup I also have a tutorial for that it's newer it uses um cio's newest interface for popups so go check that one out AB testing popups is one of the most important things that any eCommerce should be doing because it's the biggest leverage that that you have for growing your email list and that is of course the biggest leverage that you have for growing the revenue that you get from this channel so AB testing popups is something that you should be doing at all times um I'm going to skip this for now just because I don't want to make this video too long since I have a separate video about this so let's skip um and then create an email welcome flow so the welcome flow is actually one major flow for which I don't have an in-depth tutorial on this channel yet but we are working on it so if you're not subscribed subscribe um so let's actually click create and go into the email flow interface oh interesting it takes me right to like this specific flow all right let's just do it right now uh if you're starting your brand if you're setting up Clay you should have your welcome flow right away so let's just create it first thing that you need to do is you need to select which list is going to trigger this flow and my General recommendation with lists is that you should have one master list like one main list and then everything else for the most part should be a segment so just decide which list is going to be your primary list what you want to call it usually it's called by default in Cay it's called newsletter but you can rename it and actually if you do want to rename it let's just uh duplicate this tab and I'm going to show you around and go to the general click um interface and if you go to your audience on the left over here and then go to list and segments um you're going to see a bunch of segments and lists that Cay prepared for you in advance and over here you're able to sort or filter uh by the type so list segment and then start so let's just click lists and look at all the lists that you have there's SMS subscribers list there's a newsletter list which is like the main m Master list and then there's the preview list preview list is typically a list with just you in it and then you can add your team members to it and if you want to send something just to your team to preview an email um you send to that list so that's what the preview list is for so newsletter is the list that we want to be using and I actually I don't like use calling it newsletter I think it's kind of old style so I call this uh lock and Co Master list so yours would be your brand name Master list let's click save by the way if you didn't import your subscribers uh before but you do have somebody to import you just go into Imports over here and then you import contacts uh by clicking this button so let's go back to our onboarding um menu and I'm going to reload this page because I want this list to be named properly lock and Co Master list okay let's click next and and uh select who gets a coupon offering a discount or free shipping can increase signup rates uh o I wonder what this does what if I do this oh this is so cool this is definitely new uh so really this is a decision that you need to make as a brand do you want to offer your new coupon code the like the coupon code that you advertise in your popup we skipped the popup part maybe we shouldn't have uh but when you create a popup the most important thing of the popup is the welcome offer so that's how you incentivize people to join your email list and so this step is asking us do we want to make that coupon available to everybody who subscribes through that popup regardless of whether they bought before or not or do we want to only limit this to new signups who have never purchased or new signups who haven't purchased after a delay that's so interesting and depending on which one of these options you click you'll see how this flow changes so let's do the the more complex part let's do new signups who have never purchased what this does it adds a conditional split to your flow a conditional split is simply a way to split um your flow into two different paths so right now we have a path for people who purchased before because um the question here is has placed an order at least once over all time if yes they go down this path which means their prior customer and the new subscribers who are not customers go down this path let's click next okay this is great these are all very important decisions that we're going to make together right now in this video do we want to use a unique coupon code or do we want to use a static coupon code here's the difference a static coupon code is something that you create in Shopify and it usually looks like welcome 10 or hello 15 and that coupon code is the same for everybody um and so you create it in Shopify you copy paste the coupon code and then you use it in clayo the advantages of this is that it's simple and straightforward the disadvantage of this is that a um it can get leaked to uh those you know coupon aggregators uh and a lot of customers uh nowadays they go and check those coupon aggregators before buying something and so if it gets leaked anybody regardless of whether they subscribe to your email list or not can get that coupon code and then the second downside is that in our welcome flows we really like to set an expiration date for the coupon code and say hey this coupon code expires in 3 days so if you want to save use it right now urgency is really really effective it's a very effective psychological trigger in marketing and with a static coupon code you can still say that it expires but technically a static coupon code cannot expire because it's the same for everybody a unique coupon code is something that you create through clavio so there is a like a a part in clavo I actually think I have a tutorial about that on the YouTube channel as well so go check it out it should be linked somewhere if we have it so you create that through clayo uh it's still generates coupon codes through Shopify so those are created in Shopify but through your Cayo integration and then each recipient gets their unique coupon code that's unique to them and this one can definitely Ely expire because it's Unique to each person the downside is that it can get a little bit messy and the way those are created in Shopify they're not easily searchable in Shopify but really you only need to like search for it if there's an issue if you need to investigate something if everything goes and works smoothly it works out just fine I definitely like unique coupon codes because I'm all about personalization that's one of the main points of email marketing that's one of the main points of powerful platforms like clavio so let's let's go with this uh unique coupon code CIO gives us the option to create that right here so let's create a unique Shopify code let's call this coupon code welcome uh prefix is something that you set up that would be this like this part of the coupon code would be the same in all of those coupons that are unique but if we for example say the prefix is going to be W10 and then Dash all of those unique coupon codes will start with W10 Dash You're creating an easy way for yourself to identify those coupon codes when you see them in Shopify when you see them in your customer support platform as you see people using coupon codes you don't want to wonder like where's this coupon code coming from and once you have more clo flows and more unique coupon codes it will get confusing so I do recommend having a prefix and now let's choose whether this is going to be a fixed amount or percentage or free shipping let's just click percentage let's make this 10% I'm going with all the standard standards things it should apply to the entire order let's say will require a minimum purchase so only if you your purchase is $50 or more then you get 10% off activation is at send time and then expiration is something that we definitely want to add um and I like to do after 5 days uh for the welcome coupon code and let's just click create unique code and so because we named it welcome now it's important for you to remember that and when you see uh different Shopify coupon codes inside clavio welcome is the coupon code that we created specifically for the welcome flow okay so now let's click next update your flow in the Builder okay that's the fun part let's click continue and wait for this to load uh and cavio will do a bunch of the hard part for you uh and they also have this new flow experience which we're not going to try just yet but you can always switch over here so the new uh flow experience is going to look like this it's just a little slightly different interface so let's go back to the old one now that you're in here I actually like to rename my uh emails and I'm just going to call this welcome one um existing customers no coupon code and then this will be welcome one new [Music] subscribers uh this is important because it will help us easier differentiate these emails on the back end of analytics so when we're analyzing when we're exporting reports uh when things are named properly it's going to be so much easier for you to analyze things so I always recommend naming things properly from the start so now what we want to do is we want to click edit in here and then go and set up your email uh set up the subject line set up the preview text uh click edit um and go make this email happen weird that they didn't update my logo even though I uploaded that so playw you guys should look into it uh let's switch the message to the one with the coupon code I want to see if they've added the coupon code automatically yay that's amazing okay uh so I just switched between messages without going to the flow interface but this is the other email that is for new subscribers and see because we named things uh we can see the name at the top over here so the 10% coupon code that we created is already added in the text here and it's added through a little bit of code and usually like you need to know how that code works and that's uh something that I go through in that tutorial that I linked to earlier in the video but clay just created that for us automatically over here which is amazing but uh do copy that or do remember where to get that and then let's click save and then go back to the flow click done over here um now we're back to the flow if you were to add more emails to your welcome flow which I definitely recommend one email is just the start uh I recommend having at least three emails in your welcome flow you take that copy pasted code that we just saw um I'm going to show it on the screen right now and then you just add that to the rest of your emails and by the way if you are to add more emails to your flow over here the easiest way to do that is by duplicating the emails that we already have in here and you do that by clicking these three dots clicking clone and there it is and then you can do that again and there would be a third email and again let's just rename and call this email welcome to New subscribers and then this one is going to be welcome three new subscribers okay and when you do that don't forget to add time delays so you want to add a time delay over here let's say one day and then another time delay over here and let's say this one is going to be two days we're done with the welcome flow at least for the purposes of this video please let me know what else you'd like to learn uh don't forget to like the video that helps us a ton and then let's go back to setting things up in Cayo uh as part of the onboarding so we're 50% complete what else is there to do let's check it out we've created the welcome flow they probably want us to activate it um yeah they want us to review it and turn it on um let's turn it on uh just for the sake of um this video it's safe for me to do that because I didn't actually set up a popup that would get people in if you're doing this you should be doing the popup first so now it tells us to create an abandoned card flow and yay I do have a very detailed video for that on this channel go check it out uh it's probably a long video but it takes you through a lot of details it actually explains a lot of intermediate and advanced things as well that a lot of uh YouTube tutorials don't uh go through so check that out also by the way which I have haven't mentioned yet and I should have I have a product called flow master which is a collection of our agency blueprints for the core email flows that any e-commerce store should have so it's not a course uh there almost no videos in there but instead there are blueprints meaning hey this is what a welcome flow should look like for a typical Ecom Brand This is how many emails there should be this is what the trigger is these are what the filters are these are what the time delays are and then let's go email by email in each flow and I'll show you what each email should look like these are the subject line and preview text samples and this is what this email should accomplish these are the main three pillars of content that should go into this email and then at the end of it all here's what an finished email should look like for this particular part of this particular flow and then we do that for 10 different flows just going email by email and then showing you kind of like the big picture how all of those flows work together and interact with each other so all of that is called flow master I offer it for a fraction of the price that we charge our clients at luck and Co agency because it's just the strategy part and you do need to execute and implement it yourself but it is kind of the most important part the Strategic part of the email automation so if it sounds like this could be helpful to you at this stage of your business go check it out in the video description there's a link there and if you have questions uh always ask me in the comments I'm happy to answer now let's get back to this video so abandoned card let's just skip it for now um a browse abandonment flow um let's also skip for now otherwise we're going to get uh stuck here forever and that takes us to 100% completion that's amazing let's go back to home maybe one other thing that I do want to cover in this video is compains because we went through like clayo setup so that's done um we skipped the pop-up part but we have a separate video for that we went through the flow creating a flow uh and I link to other videos where we have flow creation but one missing part of email marketing strategy that we haven't covered at all here is campaigns and campaigns are one of emails like a onetime emails that you create send and then they're done this is very different from email flows or automations that are sending on autopilot forever until you turn it off campaigns are very manual they're onetime send and the thing that you need to understand about campaigns is that segmentation is a very important part of the campaign strategy and segmentation simply means choosing segments and audience groups that you're sending campaigns to because the trick and the big secret is that you should not be blasting your entire email list with your campaigns brands that do that overtire their lists their engagement metrics such as open rates and click rates go down and over time as a result their deliverability their in other words their ability to land in people's inboxes and their primary tabs deliverability over time goes down when your engagement goes down and long story short your tender reputation goes down as well and that is a super super bad thing to happen for any brand so in order to to avoid all of that you need to pay a lot of attention to segmentation and understanding how do you segment your audience so that you can send to people who actually do want to hear from you more often you send to them more often and then people who want to hear less from you still send emails to them to keep them engaged as well but not as often as you're sending to your more engaged group so that is the Art and Science of segmentation uh it's kind of a lot I should probably have a separate video just about that if that would be helpful let me know in the comments um and I'll prioritize that video uh but let's go to campaigns on the left over here and just take a look at the interface and what it looks like what creating your campaign would look like in clay so let's click uh create campaign over here let's call it um cyber oop Cyber Monday last chance because today is the Tuesday after Cyber Monday that's what I'm recording this um let's say I want to send it on Tuesday November 28th and it's going to be an email and I'm going to skip tags for now and just save and continue in this next window clay was asking me which recipients I want to send to and this is the segmentation part so as we've seen a little bit earlier in this video clavio did create a couple of a few different segments for you so you can do engage 30 days engage 60 days engage 90 days or you can just send to your entire list which we don't want to do normally maybe a cyber monday last chance would be one exception from that rule that is the time when you actually do want to send to everybody but let's just uh say we want to send to engage 90 days and the really cool thing here is that first you select the people you do want to send to and then the second thing you select is people you don't want to be sending to for example I want to exclude people who actually purchased from me in the last 14 days because they purchased and I shouldn't be marketing to to them again uh since they've already completed the action I wanted them to complete so um they don't have a um a segment like that so let's go and build it so let's open this list in segments uh in a new tab and create segment over here uh choose segment let's call it placed order 14 days and then over here this is um where the segmentation happens I'll try to slow down because normally we go super fast through this um but I know if you're new to this that's actually the most important and the most difficult part so you want to select what someone has done or not done and then you want to search for the event that's called placed order placed order just means purchased and then we want to do at least once in the last 14 days because that's what we are called following this segment so that's it that's the definition that's going to give us the people who purchased from us in the last 14 days and now C is going to take a moment to build this segment for me uh there's going to be zero people in this segment because it's a brand new Shopify store but then for you if it's not a brand new store you'll actually see all of the people who placed an order in the last 14 days so now I go back to my uh campaign building interface I actually want to reload this page and it didn't save the last time now I need to add my um included segment here and then excluded segment is going to show up here placed order 14 days um skip recently emailed profiles normally you want to keep this on and this is just an automatic setting in clavio that is super useful and if somebody received an email from you in the last 16 hours if you keep this on this particular campaign that you're setting up is going to not be sent to that person who already received an email from you in the last 16 hours so it's just a very useful setting to make sure that you're not over emailing your people um C is always going to show you estimated recipient count over here just based on all of the segments that you included and excluded um and then tracking you always want to have on so you want to use UTM tracking in all of your emails uh because that helps with your Google analytics with whatever other uh analytics platform that you have even if you don't have that right now you will eventually need something like Google analytics at the minimum uh so do keep tracking parameters on an clavio they will come useful in the future so now let's click continue to content and this is uh probably looking similar to the interface that we had in flow uh it's the same thing you set up a subject line you set up a preview text uh you double check your sender name and the sender email address which we've set up when we were setting up clavio and then from here you select whether you want a drag and drop template which is the most popular and what you usually want to select you can also do text only email um and then HTML is if you custom code your emails maybe in another platform or you have a developer and then you just upload the code for most of us over here we're going to select drag and drop so let's do that um and then cavia will take you to the template library and they have a bunch of templates for you to choose from that they kind of make available to everybody or once you have your own templates you'll go to save templates and that's where your templates will live so let's just say um Cyber Monday I'm going to select this one use template and then over here all of the text fields are going to be editable you can edit the button make sure that you link it to your store store uh and then if you want to preview the email in um mobile format you click on mobile over here and then uh check it out here and then just do preview and test send yourself a test uh make sure like actually open it on your desktop and your mobile make sure that it looks great and then let's click save and then we will be done with the campaign and I believe this is it for this video I hope it's not it didn't turn out to be too long let me know in the comments which parts were particularly useful uh which parts were confusing or not useful that feedback is actually also very helpful I'll make sure that I uh record more tutorials and more videos where I explain things better if you've been on this channel you know that I read every comment I respond to almost every comment so um all of your feedback is very very welcomed if you're still here definitely subscribe to the channel uh you obviously like it and we have a ton of valuable content uh on this channel so don't miss any of it by subscribing and like this video it definitely helps us a ton thank you so much for watching until the end I really appreciate you and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Kasey Luck
Views: 10,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kasey Luck, luck and co, email marketing, how to ecommerce, how to setup klaviyo, klaviyo, klaviyo abandoned cart email, klaviyo tutorial, shopify, klaviyo email marketing, email marketing for beginners, klaviyo tutorial for beginners, email marketing shopify, klaviyo email marketing for shopify, klaviyo email, email marketing klaviyo, how to use klaviyo, ecommerce email marketing, shopify email marketing, klaviyo tutorials, klaviyo shopify
Id: Bjo1gspJutc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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