How to segment your email list | Best strategies to segment your list

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do you know one of the biggest mistakes in email marketing that can cost you tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars not segmenting your email list and bombarding your audience with the same emails I've seen big Brands and small Brands make this mistake and no wonder segmentation is one of the toughest parts of email marketing so in this video I will show you why you should use segmentation and show you how to do it going over must have segments for every e-commerce brand if you're new here welcome welcome my name is Casey and I run Lu and Co agency where we help eight and nine figure e-commerce Brands maximize the revenue with email and SMS marketing we've been doing this for years now and accumulated a ton of experience and on this channel I share with you what we've learned for free so make sure that you like this video it's free and subscribe to the channel it's also free but it helps me a ton thank you so much in advance and let's get going so first up just so we're all on the same page what is segmentation email segmentation is the process of dividing and separating email subscribers into groups or segments based on different criteria in your email marketing platform email subscribers can end up in multiple segments depending on factors like age location gender interests website Behavior or email engagement and more it's a personalization tactic that allows you to deliver relevant content to your subscribers which is what we all want right here are some of the the reasons you should be sending two segments versus emailing your entire list number one not all subscribers are the same the majority of e-commerce Brands don't cater to just one type of customer even if they focus on a specific product or product category there's no one size fits all customer and typically e-commerce businesses have multiple ideal customer segments your subscribers will likely have distinct expectations of your brand for example if you own an online store that sells fashion access ACC series you might cater to both individual consumers taking trendy items and bul buyers from Fashion boutiques looking to stock their inventory these are two very different types of customers with distinct preferences and purchasing behaviors meaning they should be treated quite differently right so if you were doing some email marketing to these two Target customer segments blanketing them with the same broad messaging wouldn't be as effective as sending each a targeted email that spoke to their specific preferences buying patterns and needs reason number two different stages of the sales cycle subscribers will be at different stages of the sales cycle when your email lands in their inbox to maximize your impact and their experience it's important that you Target customers with the content they need every step of the way you can use segmentation to group your audience according to their stage in the journey if they have just joined your marketing list you should be sending them welcome emails and content to introduce your brand when they've made a purchase recently they'll need follow-up content to keep them engaged and you would probably want to exclude them from your regular programming or your regular campaigns and promotions for the time being reason number three increased conversion rates with segmentation you'll be targeting the right customer with the right message at the right stage of their Journey this will inevitably lead to more conversion sales and ultimately more revenue for your brand if you're looking to improve your email marketing metrics segmentation is a must and finally reason number four improve deliverability the more relevant the content that you send the more op you will get and the fewer unsubscribes the higher the open rate and the lower the unsubscribe rate the better your email reputation will be everything is connected as customers begin to expect relevant and engaging emails they will open and interact with your emails more often the more readers engage with your email marketing the more email providers will recognize you as a reputable and trustworthy sender accidentally Landing in the spam folder will be a thing of the past main segments for e-commerce Brands now that we know why do it let's see what exactly we should be doing and how to do it let's get to building those segments the first category of segments or philosophies upon which to do your segmentation is engagement based segments these are typically the go-to segments for all e-commerce Brands because regardless of what you sell at and who you sell it to um the engagement among your audience follows similar Trends there always people on your list who are very engaged with your brand they're going to your site they're opening emails they're clicking emails they're actively looking for stuff they're interested in what you have to say and what you have to show and they would welcome more information from you to such subscribers you should send more often and then again for every brand they're always older profile in your database who have subscribed at some point so they were interested at some point but at this time they're not going to your site they're not opening emails they're not clicking the emails so they're not as interested and to such subscribers you want to send less often you still want to send to them to give them an opportunity to re-engage but you don't want to send them as often as you're sending to your engaged subscribers so this is the underlying philosophy under engagement based segments and the way you actually def engagement would also be different brand to Brand the traditional way to define engagement for the purposes of email segmentation is based on Strictly email engagement email engagement means opening or clicking emails and if you're look for documentation or training on segmentation from your email platform or your email service provider they will probably recommend engagement based segments based on whether somebody opened an email in the last X number of days or clicked an email in the last last X number of days here at Len Co we like to use wider definitions of Engagement or enriched definitions of Engagement and we recognize other actions as a sign of Engagement with your brand actions such as going to your site viewing a product adding product to card or starting a checkout yes those are not engagements with the emails but they're engagements with the brand and if we do have that person in our email database and we've been able to track that behavior on site we will include that in the definition of Engagement so that these people can receive more campaigns because we know they're engaged on the site even if they're not engaged with the email there are a lot of nuances about how you want to go about this and when you need to use strictly email engagement and when it's okay to use a wider definition of Engagement like we do to simplify it if your overall deliverability and engagement in your account is great then you're safe to use a wider definition of Engagement however if you're currently experiencing problems with deliverability if your open or click rate is plummeting then you should definitely stick to email strictly engagement in terms of how you actually build segments like this I will show examples on the screen this of course will depend highly on the email service provider that you're using but in general you want to build identical segments that are differing in one thing and that is the window that you're measuring them in so engaged 30 days engaged 60 days engaged 90 days engaged 180 days and so on so you will have you know four or six segments like this um and you know the definitions would be the same except for that window of time and then the way you approach this when you're looking at your content calendar and when you're evaluating what who to send this particular email campaign to you evaluate two things a you evaluate the content of this email is this something that everybody on my list should hear about is it a big announcement like a big sale or is this content that really only my core most engaged people would be interested in so that's number one or a and then B the other thing that you evaluate is the engagement of your recent campaign so you look back at the last five that you sent and you evaluate open rate and click rate and click through rate are those metrics good if they are good or very good that means that you have a chance or have a good opportunity to send to a wider segment and compromise the engagement a little bit because to The Wider you go the lower your engagement will be but if your current engagement is good anyway then you have an opportunity to email more people however if you're seeing that in the past few campaigns your click rate is going down your open rate is going down that's a sign that you should send to tighter segments to control that and bring the engagement up so build these segments that we described engaged 30 engaged 60 engag 90 180 uh and two 70 365 days is another option but that's very wide and you shouldn't send to that segment too often and then each time you send a campaign uh evaluate who it should go out to the second category of segments is segments based on interest of course this is one of the most interesting ways to segment your audience because it allows you to communicate to tailor your content and send specific content to specific people now there are multiple sources where you can find out about people's interest Source number one is your popup uh we have a ton of tutorials about popups on this channel so if you're not sure how to collect interest in popups you should watch a video that will link somewhere on the screen right now um but one of the things that we love to do at lck and Co in our popups is in addition to asking for the person's email address and their phone number we also ask them questions that will help us convert that person more effectively so for example if somebody is shopping for swimwear let's say we ask hey when is the trip that you're taking because most people shop for swimwear for a trip or a vacation and then depending on the option they choose that's how we decide how frequently we're going to send them welcome emails or for example if you have um a store that sells to both adults and kids you can ask you know who are you shopping for kids or myself um as an example and then then you create segments that take into consideration the answer that the person gave in the popup so that's Source number one another source of people's interest could be quizzes so if you have a fit quiz or a style quiz or a quiz that helps the customers and Shoppers determine which product is best for them um you should definitely be tagging the profiles as they take that quiz into in your email service provider such as clayo or MailChimp um or drip or anything else t those people and then build segments based on those tags and then you'll be able to send campaigns to such people other sources of interests uh could be the products that the person viewed so if they viewed products X Y and Z you know you build a segment based on that here you go or maybe if they viewed a whole category page that can also be in the definition of an interest based segment of course clicking emails if you send emails focused strictly on topic a and then an email Focus strictly on topic B then you can segment and say hey anybody who clicked that first email they're interested in topic a and anybody who clicked the second email they're interested in topic B and then of course past purchases are a great indicator of somebody's interest So speaking again of swimwear if they bought a one piece in the past most likely they're going to buy a one piece again or if they bought a two-piece in the past most likely they're going to buy and be more interested in emails that you send about two pieces so interest based segments are definitely a very very important types of segments and you should build all the possible ones in your account and then send campaigns to them and see how your audience performs another go-to segment is based on geography and this will depend highly on your product and your business for some Brands geography is not actually as important however for some other brands geography is very very important and so you know your business best if you know that people on the coast for example buy product X more then build segments based on where people live and their zip codes in their states and send that way or if you know that people in northern states buy products X and people in Southern States buy more product y then you can build segments based on that and send campaigns that way that's also a definitely a very very viable way to segment your audience and then when we talk about segmentation a very important thing to talk about is not only the segments that we send campaigns to but the segments we exclude from our sends and most email service providers now have this functionality where you choose the segments you're sending to and then you choose the segments that you're excluding from your campaign send and the very first segment that you should build that's intended for exclusion is recent customers so if a person placed an order in the last 7 14 21 days really depends on your sales cycle and the frequency of repurchasing so maybe for you that would be even 90 days if they purchased recently whatever recently means for you they should probably be excluded from other campaigns because the purpose of most campaigns you're sending is to sell if they just purchase there's no reason to keep selling to them and that's one of the most frequent reasons for unsubscribing actually is when a person just bought but they feel like they keep getting bombarded by the brand with messages to buy I can see how that could be annoying so build a segment of recent purchasers and exclude them from your campaigns another possible segment that you might want to exclude from campaigns is people in the welcome flow if they just recently subscribed and they're getting nurtured in a welcome flow that is very thought through you know you've built it and there's a lot of intention around what they should be receiving if they're just interacting with your brand for the first time then there's a lot of sense in creating a segment of people who are currently in the welcome flow and not letting them receive campaigns from you at the same time and then finally another segment that we like to create and exclude from campaigns is what we call unhappy customers so if you have a customer support platform you're using such as gorgeous if you're not using any platform uh and you're interested I have a link to like start using gorgeous in the video description here gorgeous integrates with clavo other customer service platforms also integrate with clavo and other email platforms and when they integrate so that's one thing that you want to look for is that your customer service platform integrates with your email platform when they integrate you'll be able to create a segment of people who currently have a ticket open with you and if they have a ticket open with you you know it's safe to assume there's probably an issue that they're working through with your customer support and so just exclude that segment from campaigns for now and then once the ticket is closed they will be readded back into the campaign flow that's another very useful segment to exclude from your campaigns to keep your customers happier this is it for this video I hope that you enjoyed it I hope that it was helpful if you have questions left about segmentation please drop them in the comments below I know that segmentation is a huge topic um we're just scratching the surface here I wanted to have an intro video that really explains the all the different possibilities and that gives an idea of how to build these segments um in different platforms because again it's going to be very different in different email platforms if you're looking for a tutorial specifically for clavio about segmentation please comment under this video because I love recording clavio tutorial so I'll create that for you if there's interest and other than that please like this video subscribe to the channel and I will see you in the next one thanks
Channel: Kasey Luck
Views: 424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kasey Luck, email marketing, email marketing tips, luck and co, email marketing agency, ecommerce, ecommerce tips, ecommerce marketing, ecommerce email marketing, email segmentation, ecommerce email segmentation, email segmentation strategies, segments on klaviyo, segment email list, segmenting email list, email list segmentation, how to segment email list, segment list, segment email subscribers, email personalization, personalized email marketing
Id: vY1gQzsAyvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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