How to Set Up, Install & Use a Facebook PIXEL in 2021

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what's up everybody so you want to track who's been to your website so that you can run facebook and instagram ads to those individuals well the facebook pixel is absolutely the tool for you by the end this video you're not only going to understand fully how the facebook pixel works but also how to install it properly and how to use it properly moving into 2021 so stay tuned hey everyone my name is eric preston and i'm a licensed realtor and i help other realtors and entrepreneurs level up online now i have personally had the pleasure to spend over a hundred thousand dollars on facebook and instagram ads for my own business so i'm here to share with you some of that knowledge today uh the facebook pixel is an absolute cornerstone in online marketing today all of the big players use it and essentially what it does is it connects your website or your landing page to your facebook ad account and it allows them to communicate so what that does is two things one it allows you to take people who visited specific pages on your website or your landing page or who took specific actions and run new ads to those people the second thing that it does is it actually allows you to optimize your ads for conversions meaning you can tell facebook that your objective with your ad is to get people to go to your website or landing page and actually take a specific action such as purchase a product become a lead fill out my contact form whatever it may be and then facebook can learn when people take those actions and what type of people are taking those actions so they can improve your ads so that's what i'm going to talk to you about today and how to actually use the pixel now if you're a real estate agent and you want to learn more about online lead generation i have a full-fledged master class which is far more than i can get into this one video uh but in that master class we're going to talk about a few things uh the whole picture of online lead gen starting with your website uh your landing pages your crm all the cornerstones but not only that obviously your facebook ads your google ads and all your online lead generation sources so if you want to link to that masterclass it's an awesome training uh leave a comment below and i will send you a link to that without further ado let's get into this video all right everyone let's talk about the facebook pixel for a minute now i've already kind of explained how it works to you but i want to go into that a little more detail first of all installing the pixel does two things as i said one it allows your facebook or sorry your website or your landing page to actually communicate with your ads manager right number two it allows and this is a really important one it allows you to optimize your ads for conversions so you're telling facebook what a conversion means so if you're trying to get purchases on your website and you install the pixel they'll usually be a default event called purchase and you can tell facebook ads that you want that to happen so for example if 100 people click on your ad and go to your website and 10 people make a purchase facebook knows that those 10 people are the type of people that they should start targeting with their ad and it'll slowly start learning and learning and learning over time and it'll start to get better and smarter about who they show your ad to because if you're targeting like say you're doing e-commerce you're targeting nationwide or you're a realtor and you're targeting your entire city there's a lot of people there so facebook will learn what people are taking the desired action and actually starts showing your ad to more and more people so that's how you optimize for conversions when you run an ad generally when you go to run an ad if you're new to it you'll see objectives like traffic or messages or conversions when you install the pixel and you set up your events which i'm going to show you how to do you can actually optimize your ads for conversions so that's number one is just understanding how the facebook pixel actually works number two is actually installing it so you're gonna go to your facebook page and you're gonna click on this little plus button right and you're gonna click on add and that's allow you to create an ad but all that's gonna do is take you to facebook ads manager okay so i already have it loaded up here but this is essentially the back end of facebook where you're going to run all of your ads now if you haven't seen this before then you may not have run some ads and that's okay generally installing the pixel is the first thing you want to do before you run ads so this is my ad account here so i can see all the metrics for all the ads that i've run and every single ad i run is a conversion based ad or a lead generation ad for the reason that i just explained conversion ads are generally what you want to go with because facebook knows what a conversion means so when i'm running these ads you can see these results so like this ad is a retargeting ad where we're retargeting people who've watched our webinar um with testimonials of students from our program right so we had one this is yesterday we had one purchase from this ad where we were retargeting people who had been to our website and watched our webinar pretty cool right and we got one purchase out of that then we had other ads where we were optimizing for completed registration which is a lead or some were optimizing for initiate checkout so we got one initiate checkout two initiate checkout and on this one we got one more purchase right so what it does is when you install your pixel in your ad account you can see everything that happened so i can see that yesterday someone attended my webinar went to my select plan page went to my checkout page and actually purchased now a lot of days you might just see okay i had you know 10 people attend from this ad i had two people visit my checkout page and zero people bought or one person bought and then you might see the next day with a retargeting ad they'll show up under there so you can see which ads are successful this is a really important point i want to stress because when you can see this data you can know which ads to duplicate which ad sets to duplicate which ad sets to optimize further and which to focus on because if you're just running link click ads and you have a bunch of different ads like this then you don't know which ad is actually the successful ad right so you want to make sure that you have your pixel installed you know how to look for the right data to make sure you can run and duplicate and expand on the ads that are actually working okay so that's really the big thing even if it's just leads like you can see which which ads are generating lower lead costs right but i will say this everyone gets obsessed with lead costs and you know lead costs are sexy having like two dollar leads is great but what we actually found with our business is that we were optimizing for leads and we were optimizing all our ads for leads at first and what happened was we we lowered our lead cost when we first started we're at like three dollars a lead and then we started optimizing for purchases of our online program um and what happened was our lead cost went way up our lead cost went from like at that point it was like six dollars and it went up to like 14 or 15 and we're like well this can't be good but our cost per purchase went down by almost half so i can't stress that enough is because we were optimizing for purchases in our conversion ad then facebook knew what we wanted and they showed our ad to more people that are likely to actually purchase rather than people who are just likely to actually become a lead so that's a really important point now we're here to talk about the pixel so i just want to explain that's a really important part of it but in order to actually install it you're going to go up to the top left you're going to go to business tools and you're going to go to events manager okay so now we're in the events manager where we're actually going to see all of our events that are happening in our pixel pretty much in real time so as you'll see here my facebook pixel is installed on my website so in this dashboard here i can see eighth marketing's pixel which is installed my eighth website i can see that yesterday i had 386 page views 13 leads 11 initiate checkouts those numbers are a little little skewed but that's okay um and four purchases so that's awesome like i can see everything that's happening in real time uh and over the course of many many days you can you know you can sort by month or week or whatever and you can see all the traffic that's going to your website and all the actions that people are actually taking okay so i'm in a new ad account with only one pixel now from here i can actually create a new pixel because i only have one so i'm going to show you how to do that and actually install it okay so what i would do is go to on the far left this green little button connect data sources you're gonna hit that and then you're gonna hit web okay you're gonna hit web here and then you're gonna go get started web is basically for uh pixel connecting your website right click get started on the right you're going to see facebook pixel you're going to select that and you're going to go connect right then you're going to name your pixel and you're going to enter your website and you'll actually be able to set it up i'm basically going to from there go add events down here once you create your pixel it'll show up on the left you're gonna go add events and then you're gonna go um from a new website so basically what you're gonna do here is you're gonna get the option to install your pixel so you can install the code manually which is what you'll do in most cases and or you can use a partner integration so if i install the code manually i can click this and copy the base code here right and i can actually just go into my website and put that in the header okay you're going to want to put that in the header of your website so on wordpress there's a section for the header where you can actually do that and install it a lot of companies like we use real geeks for a really our real estate business we actually just email it to them and they'll install it on the page for us a lot of providers will do that you just have to email it to them some of them it's as easy as them just punching in your facebook pixel id okay so i can copy the code paste it into the website that's really it okay then if you have a partner integration which you can use for uh specific websites like wordpress uh they make it really really easy kajabi which is what we use it's really really easy you can just click on this and follow the instructions there's a bunch of little instructions you're gonna have to download a plug-in all that kind of stuff so i'm not gonna go into all of that but it does walk you through how to actually do this really really simply you gotta download a plugin go to the settings in wordpress add new plugin install the plugin activate it and then you actually just go in and you put in your pixel id as you can see here in wordpress so that's really simple you can just follow along and facebook will guide you through the process of actually installing it on your website once you're done that once you've installed it on your uh for us it'll be a real estate website for you it might be an ecommerce website uh wordpress and like shopify and all these websites make it really really easy right um so if i go uh partner you can see shopify's in here too hubspot like most of the big companies are in here and they make it really really easy to actually install the pixel so pick whatever yours is and follow the steps and you'll get your pixel installed most of these big websites have event codes already baked in so what that means is all of these page view search complete registration purchase like you saw before that is already baked in to those big companies but there are some that aren't now there's something called events okay now this will be more for the technical users that are using things like click funnels if you want to use events so for example an event is page view an event is search an event is complete registration what you would do is you would install say on click funnels you would install the base code in the funnel and i'll show you how to do that now so you would go over to click funnels and in the funnel itself you would want to go over to settings and then you would actually put in the head tracking code your facebook pixel okay so you'd actually just take that base code that we just saw right from a new website install code manually you take this base code and you'd install it in the in the settings section of that specific funnel okay now that'll install it on every page in that funnel in click funnels but if you want to use an event uh the process is a little bit different when you're using events what you want to do is you want to install the event code itself on the second page that someone gets to after they take that action so for example if someone fills out our opt-in so our our form they fill out their name and they sign up for our webinar then they go to a thank you page okay so on that thank you page you want to install the event code because when they go to that thank you page it'll it'll trigger that code to fire back to facebook and tell facebook that that event happened right so for example on this page when someone opts in they get sent to our second page which is where the training actually happens so i can go to edit and what you'll notice is down here at the bottom there's a custom script so if i open this up and i open the code editor up all i've installed here is the event snippet for conversion or for complete registration sorry so i have the script here for complete registration that's it so i just have an event uh in there a little piece of code that you can actually get from facebook's ads manager i'm going to show you where to get that but that's how events work if you want to do custom like most of the time i really want to reiterate this most of the big platforms shopify wordpress a lot of those places have built-in events by default like on my website it was already done but if you're using landing pages you have to get specific with the event itself so if i go back here and i go continue and then i go continue again uh you'll see that there's the add event code here so i i can actually install them manually or you can use an event setup tool so i'm going to show you just both right now so install the events using code as i'm going to click this okay and basically there are standard events and then custom events so you can actually create your own custom event if you want it to be like a t-shirt sale it's for a specific sale you can do that if you want to create a custom event for for pretty much anything basically what that would be is if you have one unique funnel like you don't want everything to just be categorized as lead maybe you want one to be like webinar lead and one to be like something else lead and another to be something else lead you can do custom events and you can install that event code on each custom page that they end up going to after they opt in so basically here if i click on standard events down below they'll actually give you the script it's really really easy so where you get that code is you go back to facebook and you do the same thing you go add events but you do from the pixel right so you can add an event from the pixel and then you can install using the events code manually and that's for more advanced users where you can actually go in and you can take that specific code and you can plug it into your website like that or you can open the event setup tool which makes it really easy so i can go in here and i can type in and i'll click open website now be careful because if you do this you need to make sure that you have your ad blocker off if you have your ad blocker on this will not show up so just be careful about that then what you can do is you can track buttons that people click so you could track but track new button i could click this search and i could track i could select an event and i could do subscribe or view content for example so i could select view content i could confirm and that would be an event view content so whenever someone clicks that button it would pop up in back in facebook in here as view content under these events right now that's not as reasonable what you might want to do is actually track a url so for some of you you might have thank you urls like when you make a purchase you might go to the url like yvr thank you now this is just a pretend example but for example what i could do is i could track url and if people end up on thank you then for ours it's actually sign up form submitted is the proper url that's how it knows it's a lead but i'm just doing this as an example uh you could say purchase so if url equals weber thank you then um there will be a value you can assign a value to that actually as well so so i want to reiterate that most websites actually have the events baked in so you won't really need to do this unless you're using like clickfunnels or another landing page software all you're doing is installing a little piece of code and you can just go online and you can find that via facebook they've gone through a lot of changes right now where they're moving everything around so it might be a little tough to find but i'll post something in the comments where you can find like kind of the standard events and where you can actually get this little bit of code but all it is is fbq track and then you put in instead of complete registration if you're you're doing lead as an event then you'd use leads so um that's basically how you install your pixel uh on your website or your landing page and then how you install an event on a very specific uh page so let's go into how to actually use it okay so we're gonna go back to our ads manager now what we're going to do here is i'm not going to go into how to create a full facebook ad but i'll link to a a video down in the description of where you can go to actually learn kind of start to finish how to create a facebook ad so there's two ways you can use the the pixel really there is one when you're creating an ad and you're choosing your optimization goal right so this is what i'm going to show you really quickly and then we'll show you how to create a retargeting audience so if you hit create on the left hand side here then we're going to go into our ad creation process now what you're going to select here is which you probably haven't selected if you've just installed your pixel is conversions okay so conversions is what you're going to want to select you can name your campaign we'll just go test um and you can name your ad set and your ad here as well then i'm gonna go continue and what it's gonna what's gonna happen here is when i go into uh my ad set okay so there's a campaign ad set ad if you select your pixel right then you can actually choose an event so we actually have a custom event that we created here called ever webinar registration so that's a registration for our webinar now also we have complete registration which is a lead which is pretty much the same thing and then we have webinar attended which means people that actually stayed towards the end now what you're going to do these are all custom conversions that we've set up which i'm not going to go all into right now but basically what you're going to want to do is select whatever you want to optimize for so this might be purchase this might be lead or in our case lead is complete registration so a lot of our ads will select complete registration so we're telling facebook but what we want the goal of this ad is for people to complete the registration form to become a lead that's it otherwise you might put in here is uh purchase right purchase or even like select plan or add to cart or whatever it is that you're trying to optimize for i would generally optimize for what it is that you want so in our case generally what we're doing these days is optimizing for purchases okay so i would go down here and i would just select purchase now now that i'm optimizing for purchase that's the first way you can use the pixel the second way you can do that is down here when we're talking about audiences so you can actually go here and create new custom audience and you can create an audience of people that have been to your website or took specific actions on your website so there's two ways you can do this one is you can do it in the ad creation process you can click custom audience right and then you're going to get a bunch of options of creating audiences for the purpose of retargeting so you can you can re-target people who've watched part of your video and i'm not going to get all that in this video i'll link here somewhere uh when i have it ready uh a video where i'll explain the ins and outs of retargeting but um right now uh what you would do is you can do video you can do people who opened your lead form but didn't submit it but in the case of the pixel we're going to choose website okay and essentially what we're going to do is we're going to select our pixel up here and then you can start selecting what it is you want so the most general and obvious way to retarget is you can do all website visitors in the past x amount of days you can do up to 180 days so if you were like an ecommerce business you might do all website visitors for the past 100 days and then what you can do is you can actually exclude people too you can you can exclude them you can also include people right if you don't do all website visitors you might do um based on event so here's one thing that we we would do to give you an example i would do everyone who's completed a registration in the last 30 days okay but i want to exclude people who've actually purchased so this is the reason you set up events right you want to make sure your events are active and you actually test them and back in events manager where i showed you in the beginning where you could see all the events that's how you actually test the events you want to go on your website look at some pages become a lead make sure all those events are actually firing and they're showing up in your ad account so anyway basically what i would want to do is exclude people who've bought our program in the last 180 days but i want to re-target people who've uh become a lead but haven't purchased in the last 30 days so i might name this audience [Music] cr30 excluding purchases purchases and then i would create that audience and then i can actually run ads to anyone who's completed the registration in the last 30 days now be careful with this because people will get obsessed with retarding but this doesn't work well if you don't have enough people that have been to your website your ad won't deliver unless your audience is as big as 100 people so if you think less than 100 people have become a lead on your website in the last 30 days then you wouldn't want to use this so most of you when starting out with retargeting you're going to do something very simple like all website visitors in the past 180 days you just try to capture everyone um and exclude people who've purchased for example in e-commerce you don't need to exclude people who've purchased you want people to purchase multiple times so a lot of times for people say e-commerce another thing you might do here is i don't have add to cart here but say initiate checkout so what you would do in e-commerce is you would create an audience of people who've initiated a checkout in the last say seven days or you know maybe 30 days and then you want to run an ad to them for like a flash sale discount so people who add to cart you might run an ad for like flash sale 20 off click here they go back to their cart and hopefully they purchase right that's just an example of how you might utilize this uh and use it properly uh moving into 2021. so i hope that was really helpful the other way you can create audiences is not in the ad process you can actually go over to business tools on the left and go to audiences now audiences obviously we have a ton here right but basically you can go ahead and create an audience go create custom audience and then again you're going to select your website okay now that's in essence how you would actually use the pixel and it's literally the same process you click website choose your pixel and then you go ahead and create your audience of people however you want to create them so that's essentially how to use the pixel properly you want to use it to optimize your ad and then you want to use it for retargeting purposes and then you're good to go now another thing you can do is actually download a chrome extension called the facebook pixel helper what that will do uh is when you go to your website or landing page you have this chrome extension installed you just click on it up here and it'll actually show you that the pixel is installed properly and if you go to a page that has an event snippet then it'll actually show you that event snippet is there too so a really good tool that you should use uh there as well all right everyone that wraps up the content for today if you like this video smash that like button if you didn't smash the dislike button any feedback helps uh as always consider subscribing if you want to support my channel and hit the little bell if you want to get notified when i put out new content if you're a real estate agent watching this video and you want to get into my free lead generation master class where we go over the a to z of online lead generation drop a comment below and i will send you a link to that training as always everyone thanks for watching and if you're still here check out one of these two videos that'll help you level up your online marketing whether it be facebook or google or whatever i'm gonna post two very relevant videos here so check those out and i will see you guys in the next video thanks again
Channel: Eric B. Preston
Views: 118,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to setup facebook pixel, facebook pixel tutorial, facebook pixel, conversion pixel, fb pixel, facebook pixel 2021, easy facebook pixel tutorial, setup facebook pixel, facebook conversion tracking, eric b preston, eric preston
Id: OmfvsGWnujw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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