[How To] Set up Docker integration into VS Code & WSL 2

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In this video, we'll be taking a look at how  to integrate docker containers with Windows   Subsystems for Linux and VS Code to make container  development easier. For the project that I've been   working on recently, my next step is to try to  bundle the web app components that I've built   into a containerized application. I haven't  done much of this before, so the first step   was to try to figure out what I needed to build  into a development environment for containers.   After some quick research I found out what I was  hoping for, which is that there is an integration   for docker into Windows Subsystems for Linux  (or WSL). Which means that I didn't need   to build any other sort of VMs or container  hosts to run my docker application just for   development and testing. So in this video we'll  walk through pretty quick just what that install   and setup looks like, and how easy it can be to  get started with docker using VS Code and WSL.   So as you can see on the screen right here,  we do have the docker documentation page   for how to get started with docker desktop -  with the WSL back end. The one thing I just   wanted to point out on this page, is that you  will need a specific version of Windows 10 and   you will have to be running WSL 2. Now if you're  not sure what version of WSL you're running,   one way we can check real quickly  - is to open up windows powershell,   and we'll type in "wsl -l -v" for listing and  verbose. And in my case you can see I have exactly   one instance of WSL built today that I'm using...  it is a Debian image that is currently running,   and it does show that it's version 2 -  so we're good to proceed with that image.   Next we're going to scroll down just a little  bit, just to grab the download link - and we'll   go ahead and click that and get over to the  download page. Easy enough all we got to do   is click "Get Docker" and wait for the download  to complete. This will take just a second..... All right - once that download is complete we'll  go ahead and click on the installer to begin the   installation of the docker desktop client. And  since we're intending on using this with WSL2,   we do want to make sure that the configuration  checkbox for "Install Required Windows Components   for WSL2 is checked. Lucky for us that is  the default so we'll just leave it as is. All right, once that install install is  completed we can go ahead and hit close.   Next we're going to jump over to VS Code, where  the next step that we're going to need to do - is   go ahead and install the docker extension  for WSL2. And so on the left side of VS Code,   we'll see the little extensions icon. We'll  click on that, we will search for docker,   and the first link is going to be the  Microsoft package for the docker integration.   We'll go ahead and click "Install on WSL Debian"  since that's the image I'm using. This install is   actually pretty quick. Once we're done with  that, we'll hop back over to our explorer.   So in order to test this, we'll build a quick  nginx container just to host a simple web page.   So in order to do that we'll create two files  - the first is going to be "index.html" which   will contain the text data that we're going  to display on the page. And next we'll also   create a "DockerFile" that's going to contain the  configuration for the container itself. Starting   with the index.html file we'll just go ahead and  put in "Hello there! Built from our container" We'll save that file and we'll move over to  the DockerFile. Now since this is going to   be a pretty lightweight test, we're only going  to need two lines in our configuration file.   However I did want to show that VS Code now does  the command completion and autofill to help you   out in building this config file. Makes life just  a little bit easier, especially if you're like me   and you're a little bit more unfamiliar with  how to build containers. The first thing we're   going to do is specify the base image that  we're going to build our container off of.   So as you can see, once we start typing "FROM" -  VS Code already prompts to show that the correct   usage is going to be "FROM" and then a base image.  And once we begin typing in the base image name   of the container that we intend to use - in my  case nginx - only the first two characters are   required for it to pop up the autocomplete. This  is going to show a list of base containers that   we could use from the docker registry. We have  any number of images that we could use, but I'm   just going to be using the official nginx image.  So we'll just auto complete that and move on.   Next, we're going to need to specify that we are  copying our index.html file into the proper web   directory on our container. So we'll do that using  the copy command. And again as we start typing we   will see that VS Code will prompt us to show  that the correct syntax is going to be "COPY",   the source file or folders, followed by the  destination. So real quick we'll just put   in index.html - and we'll be copying that to  the nginx html directory within our container. Now not everything we're doing is limited to  just within VS Code. When we installed the docker   components earlier, this did install a desktop  client that we can go ahead and open. And if we   look here we can see that there are no containers  and apps currently running. And we can also jump   down to the images and see that we currently have  no local images stored in our docker environment.   So to make building containers simpler, we don't  even have to go look up what commands might be   required to compile our container - instead within  VS Code, we can right click on our DockerFile   and click "Build Container" and VS Code will  handle that for us automatically. It will prompt   us to go ahead and tag what we on our image as  - but for now I'll just go ahead and leave that   as the default. Using that build function, VS  Code is going to go ahead and download the base   image that we're working off of - which is the  official nginx image - and then it'll go ahead   and apply any additional configuration settings  we have to that container. In this case our only   configuration is that we're copying our index.html  file to the nginx web directory. And then it'll   finish by compiling all of that into a brand  new container that we can use for our testing.   All right - once our container is built, we  can go ahead and click on the docker icon   on the left side of VS Code. That's going to take  us to a new tab, that is going to show us all of   our current running docker containers, available  images, any registries that we're connected to,   and the docker networking. All of which we  can manage and see straight from VS Code.   And under images we can see that we have our  docker test image, and we can expand that and   see that we have the build "latest" - that  we just completed a couple of seconds ago.   And if we wanted to go ahead and test our  container, all we have to do is right click on our   image and click run. That will go ahead and start  that container locally within the docker engine.   Now we have a couple of things we can do,  for example if we want to make sure that   our file was copied correctly - we can go  up under running containers, right click,   and click "attach shell". This is going to give  us a bash shell running in our container - so   that we have command line access to go ahead  and check to make sure that our file is there.   So we'll go ahead and check real quickly... and  yep, that looks good - just what we'd expect.   And so next we'll go ahead and launch a web  browser, to go ahead and see that everything   is working as we intended. Again in our  running containers inventory in the upper   left corner - we can right click on a running  container and just click open in a browser.   And that will go ahead and pop up my browser  locally and redirect automatically to the URL of   our container... And sure enough we see the text  that we had put in our html file. We can also jump   back over to that docker desktop client and see  what is being shown in there now. Since I left   this on the images tab, we can see that we do have  our local repository. It shows our docker test   image that I just built - and it shows that it's  in use and running. If we go ahead and switch over   to the "Container / Apps" tab, we're also being  shown here that there is that container running,   it is running on port 80, and similar to VS Code  we'll have our options here - if we wanted to go   ahead and open this in a web browser and view the  page. Or if we just wanted to pop a CLI bash shell   to run commands locally on the container. All  that being done, once we're done we can hop   back over to VS Code - we can right click on a  running container and go ahead and click stop. Okay and that's about it. I just wanted  to take a couple of minutes to show what   the docker integration to VS Code and  WSL looks like. And how easy it can be   to make container development a little bit  simpler. Alright and thanks for watching!!!!
Channel: 0x2142 - Networking Nonsense
Views: 3,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: docker, wsl, wsl 2, wsl2, windows subsystems for linux, debian, ubuntu, visual studio, vscode, vs code, visual studio code, kubernetes, k8s, nginx, development, coding, development environment
Id: mavO5LgfYSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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