The Ultimate #WSL2 Guide - Part 1 - Tour

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hey you vlad here welcome to another video are you someone who doesn't have the time or the patience to figure out all the bells and whistles of wsl if you are i'm glad you're here because i've done all of that for you let's get right to it if you're new here you should probably know that this is mostly a scala channel however if you check out the about section you will see that it's all about professional software development which is the reason why i don't make videos about scala alone the key takeaway here is the professional part i consider myself a professional software developer and because of this i haven't touched wsl with a 10 foot pole for a very very long time seriously i'm making this video in september of hashtag best year ever long after all the hype for wsl settled down long after double esl 2 has been released and also long after all the other content creators created their content why because i'm not interested in playing with toys i needed to be production ready i needed to be my daily driver and so i waited and read the blogs and watched the videos and even though it finally seemed ready i still had millions of questions and so i put together this one-stop mini-series for you and here's the plan there will be two videos in this one i'm simply going to show you my setup we're gonna talk about wsl about what it is and about what it's not and about all the issues that i had setting up and in the next video i'm going to show you step by step how i did it so the first video is the what and the next video is the how now i kind of assume that you're someone like me who already watched a couple of tutorials or maybe you know seen a couple of videos and you know you still had a couple of questions so even though i'm gonna explain what wsl is we're not gonna start there for now you should at least know that wsl is a way for you to run linux inside of windows that's like the only prerequisite and so before we dive into wsl allow me to explain what i want it to be or in fact what i need it to be i've been a windows user since i started using computers not because i love it or anything like that it's simply for historical reasons in fact i wish that i could switch to linux full time however there are still a couple of things that are holding me back in any case even though i'm on windows since around 2013 anything remotely related to software development i was running inside of oracle's virtual box and that includes my professional work to this day i don't even have git installed on windows so i have been a very very happy user of oracle's virtualbox since around 2013 even though it was a little bit slower than a native linux installation however trust me when i say this it was good enough for my full-time job in fact with the exception of the previous couple of videos i've been running a linux vm and pretty much all of the other ones and so what i want wsl to be is a better virtual box even though it was absolutely not designed to compete with it which is also why many things are extremely painful to set up which is also one of the reasons why i'm making this video so that you don't have to go through the pain that i went through i wrote down a couple of wishes that i have for wsl allow me to read them to you first one i wanted to start quicker than the virtual box which it does second one i want it to be smaller in size which it is the third one i wanted to consume less resources which it does number four i wanted to be able to run multiple instances of the same distribution which is does but not out of the box uh the fifth one i want port forwarding to be as easy as in virtualbox and it is in fact it's uh it's even easier all ports are forwarded automatically uh number six i want backups to be easy and they are seven i want the backup and restore process to be fast which it is eight i want to use wsl for any linux distribution i want which in theory is possible but practically speaking i will probably never find the time to figure out how to package the distributions which are not available on the windows store number nine i want it to be stable which it is for the most part but honestly microsoft has dropped the ball on the updates so many times that it's just a matter of time until they break wsl and 10 since i'm using it for work and not just as a toy i need the ability to go back to virtualbox if i desire to do so which is mostly possible but there is a huge caveat to that please notice that i didn't mention speed i don't care if it's faster than virtualbox which it is by the way but honestly for my needs virtualbox was fast enough all right so before i show you my setup i would like to mention that i'm pretty happy with it you know it doesn't do all the things that i would want it to do but for now it's good enough for my needs in fact i've been using it in production you know from a full-time job in the last couple of months and i didn't encounter any showstoppers at no time did i wish to go back to virtualbox let's begin the tour by simply opening the virtual box so at all points in time i have at least three virtual machines this first one i use for my full-time job this is the one that i usually use when i record my videos and this is simply a workspace it's an outer space right so i use this machine to prepare my videos they're all running and ubuntu 1804 even though 2004 is already out and it's like my wsl instances they already run 20 or 4. i simply didn't bother to to update now i know that ubuntu has been frowned upon in the linux circles but honestly if it ain't broken don't fix it i've been using it since 2013 even though i don't have a particular reason to use it i also don't have a particular reason to stop using it it just works now if we switch to my other virtual desktop i already opened a couple of directories for you so this is a directory with my three vms and if you look at the size of them you're going to see that it's around like 350 gigs and the issue here is that uh most virtual virtualization solutions similar to databases they they never give up the free space even if they don't need it so if you take like a large file let's say a video file like 15 gigs you copy it over into one of the machines then even if you remove the file they're not going to give up the free space and wsl well technically wsl 2 suffers from from a similar issue there are external tools though that allow you to shrink the virtual drive back this over here are my backups they have a similar size they're a bit smaller because uh you know i exported them a long time ago and i have a similar setup for my wsls they're much much smaller well they're also kind of like new i've been using them for only for a couple of months so it's uh 21 gigs and the backups are only uh only 18 gigs by the way the virtual drives for wsl well technically wsl 2 because in wsl1 they're not virtualized and we're going to talk about it in just a second but they're limited to 256 gigs and i'm gonna leave a link down in the description with instructions of how to resize it but i've never tried it so there might be dragons now before we dive into one of my instances i believe it's a good time to talk about wsl in general the initial marketing term for wsl was bash on windows and it was released in the summer of 2016. the idea was simple windows shell sucks let's give people bash which is the default shell on the linux distributions and it has been around for over 30 years later the project was renamed to windows subsystem for linux but honestly it still smells like just a shell now what do i mean by that well wsl was not designed to replace full-blown virtualization solutions like the virtual box so running multiple instances of the same distribution or specifying the initial disk size or even you know renaming them or even deciding where to install them those features are just not available and you know they're just workarounds and hacks and some of them i'm going to show you in the next video it was supposed to be just a shell in fact one of the cool features about it is that you could pipe things from powershell to bash or the other way around from bash to powershell as we will see later in this video the primary target audience for this were us the developers and we wanted more firstly io was slow too slow and secondly wsl 1 translates the linux system calls to windows system calls and so it doesn't run an actual linux kernel which means that we can't just assume that any linux application would for sure run inside of ws01 which was a big deal because docker became popular and he couldn't run docker inside of wso1 in 2019 microsoft announced a full-blown redesign of wsl and they called it wsl-2 and wsl-2 feels more like an actual virtual machine virtual machines run on a thing called the hypervisor and wso2 runs on a subset of microsoft's hyper-v hypervisor wsl 2 now runs a full-blown linux kernel which was a big deal as already mentioned since now we could run docker and also the file system is virtualized there's a virtual hard drive and the file system is ext4 and you can still access the virtual drive through a network driver in fact let me show you this real quick if i go to another workspace this one we can actually close this guy okay so if i press windows r which allows me to run commands then i can just do backslash backslash wsl and then the dollar or the money symbol then i will arrive in my network now because all of my instances are now closed in fact let me actually run one of them for example i'm going to run diy and i'm going to explain you what i just did so in you know in a couple of minutes but for now let me just run it real quick like this this is just the windows terminal let me minimize it and it should appear here there we go refresh this is the dev inside your virtual machine so i go in there and you know there's my home folder you know vlad and was a typical with the typical linux stuff in there the i o operations in wsl 2 are much faster now however if you need to interact with the windows file system a lot then wsl 1 still might be faster and the good news is that you can run both of them at the same time however you can't say the same for the uh for the virtual box c the problem with the hypervisors is that you cannot run multiple of them okay and if we if i open um the oracle virtualbox again if i click on one of these settings well in fact you see it over here okay so it says the acceleration is the hyper-v uh power virtualization okay so if you go over here i believe under system and then acceleration the default hypervisor that the oracle virtualbox is using is the kvm hypervisor i believe i'm actually not 100 sure about it but i believe it's the kvm and the thing is that because we need hyper-v to run wsl um we're forced to switch it to to hyper v as well as well which is what i did and even though it technically works since the virtual box version six something so i'm running six one fourteen or something okay so it technically works it's gonna boot up but it's so slow that it basically became unusable so um there's still a way there's still a way to to to to sort of like go back to virtualbox remember this was one of my requirements however it would basically mean to um to disable the wsl you know for a moment and then you know reboot the machine uh you know use your uh use your virtualbox for a bit and you know and then once you're done you know reboot back you know re-enable the flags and so on it's a bit painful but at least it's possible by the way hyper-v is a windows pro feature however there is a way to run it on the windows home edition and i'll show you how to do it in the next video i haven't tested it though since i'm running the pro edition another thing that you should probably know is that wsl only works on a 64-bit version of windows which should be most of them these days but you know you never know now i don't see myself switching to wso1 or going back to oracle virtualbox anytime soon it's it's you know wsl 2 is good enough for my needs however your mileage may vary and also you know the feature parity is not really there or case for example wsl 2 doesn't support ipv6 or you know running gui applications is not that straightforward it's possible i'm going to show it to you in this video and also how to set it up in the next video but still in any case microsoft is working on improving all of these features and hopefully one day uh you know the feature parody is going to be there all right so these were the basics so now we can jump into one of my instances and play around with that a little bit and for this we need a terminal and i played around with like six different terminals and ended up using the windows terminal not the default built-in one but uh you know the new and shiny one that you can get from the microsoft store and i'll show you how to do it in the next video now what happened a couple of seconds ago was that i pressed windows r and i pressed and i pressed diy well i typed in diy okay and what happens here is that i have a folder on my path if i type in path this is not going to happen for you this is you know this is something that i did let me actually show you so if i show my desktop icons and i go into properties and i go into advanced system settings and environment variables and we're going to find uh okay so these are mine these are the system ones i'm not sure which one i changed probably this one okay if i go to edit then you're going to see that one of the folders that i have is this one dvdsync edge on that util path common so this is this is the one that i that i opened over here right so this is common one and this folder just contains a bunch of uh shortcuts for example see this one fc so if i just type it in i have z then filezilla is going to open okay this is usually what i do and so a couple of them that i have here is this one for example diy and what it does is it simply launches the windows terminal and it basically tells it to fill one of the panes was of one of my instances in this particular case it's the uh dev inside you um instance all right so let me close all of that cancel cancel cancel cancel so we already did this a couple of seconds ago because i wanted to show you the network drive and as you have seen it it launched in full screen so let me actually bring it back and by the way um one of the cool things about windows terminal is that it has this built in arrow over here and you can click on it and it will show you all of the um all of the wsl instances over here and it will show you um you know your powershell and command and whatever so for example if i click on space it will just open it in a different tab okay so similarly to what happened over here uh was that well i'm using zsh and and all my zsh was updated and also i'm using uh keychain which allows me to cache my ssh key which is why every time i log in it just asks me to enter my passphrase which is what i'm going to do over here and then it's going to be cached for the entire length of the session and by the way if i if i close this it doesn't mean that um that w the wsl instance was actually actually closed it is still running in the background so if i open it again this one it will not ask me for my ssh key actually run it and full screen real quick all right so uh what you see over here is biobull and i already have a video about be able if you uh if you're interested it's simply a wrapper for uh things like either tmox or screen by default it's t-mux which is a screen i'm sorry it's a it's a terminal uh multiplexer all right um curiously enough this is still probably like one of the very few issues that i haven't figured out in wsl um for some reason in windows terminal and in fact in most other terminals that i have tried uh when it runs together with uh bobo or or tmux if you see my zsh it has actually a prompt which contains an empty line okay and sometimes it has like some sort of a weird race condition that the empty line is not rendered um however it only happens inside of tmux or you know inside of the oboe i'm going to see i'm going to keep saying be able for now and the oboe has you know has a shortcut for us simply like refreshing the screen and so it doesn't bother me that much it's still a bit annoying but at least i can press f5 and then it's going to be refreshed i'm sure that we're going to encounter encounter this this issue later today also another issue is that if i if i run a bim for example i have a have an alias vmc that will simply open my um my vim configuration notice that my my cursor is the pipe over here and it's configured in the in the windows terminal and if if i go into into bim which is in this particular case this is a new bim and then it it changes the cursor because you know where in the normal mode if i press i then we're going to be in the insert mode and it changes the cursor again i press escape we're going to be in the normal normal mode again now if i exit them for some reason um it's going to keep keep this cursor right so it's going to forget that my setting was actually actually just a pipe it's a bit annoying and in the regular bim you know there is a different issue it's simply not gonna i'm not gonna change the cursor at all right so it's gonna it's gonna stay the pipe in the right you know in the regular mode in the normal mode or in the insert mode okay a bit annoying like usually when this happens you know i just press ctrl d and because it's already opened uh over here let me actually keep all of them um all of them in the same windows terminal instance okay i basically just reopen it and then i have my my pipe back it's a bit annoying like usually like in most cases it doesn't bother me much and then i and then i'll let it stay and you know hopefully it's going to be fixed in the future all right so let me run lsb lsb release okay hey so that you can see that this is uh ubuntu 24. and this brings me already to one of the first issues that uh you know this is the minimal version of ubuntu which unfortunately you cannot see from this uh from this output but this is the minimal version it's the one that you would use if you would run it inside of docker you know inside of a continuous integration server for example and as a minimal version it doesn't have like all the bells and whistles for example you know i had to manually go and install a keychain and configure it so that it would cache my ssh key so if i were to run for example htop you're going to see that it actually uses all of my all of my cpu cores i have directx diagnostics i have six cores and six of them are virtualized over here well it says 12 cpus okay but i'm running in i7 whatever i bought it like uh one and a half years ago i don't remember um in any case so these are not like some virtual escorts these are like the the real course and if i go into full screen you will actually see that um almost nothing is running over here right so this is what i wanted to show you that this is like the minimal version there's like there's like nothing over here another thing that you need to know is by is that by by default it runs 80 of your uh you know it can occupy only 80 of your ram i have 64 gigs and 50 gigs seems to be around 80 i think right let's close this one i'm just pointing this out simply because uh you know since this is a minimal version are you constantly gonna run into some issues that you know some some parity issues that was it was a full-blown version for example i have docker installed but there is no systemd support there are hacks around to to enable it but basically there is no systemd support and so uh sometimes you know you need to not forget to start docker right say hey i cannot connect to the docker daemon so you just do you know the regular pseudoservice.start all right and now it's now it's actually running so now it's now it's actually all good um another thing for example is that you know if you do like hostname you're gonna see that it's using the um the name of my windows machine which is agilent because i'm traveling and over here you you see space though right so the way it works is that i simply configured my prompt to show whatever i want and i'm going to show you how to do this in the next video however you know in typical linux you would you would just be able to go and you know change your host name right or you know you would be able to go into uh into into edc hosts over here and change stuff over here however every time you do this like the next time next time you boot uh wsl is simply going to regenerate this file and your host name so basically what i'm saying is that uh you cannot you cannot change your host name okay it's one of those annoying annoying things also like similar to all the other virtualized solutions um they all run under the same ip so um luckily you already see ap over here but we can also do like you know the regular uh on the regular route like this is the ip where is it i believe it's this one right was it this one two to two one four eight yeah it's this one uh where did it go where did it go hold on yeah is this one okay so it's exactly the same one the same one over here and so you're gonna run into some issues if you're developing some web server and you know you run it on port 8080 right and then you go to another instance you you start like some other development server if it's or also on port 8080 it's simply not going to start because it's going to tell you that the port is occupied because they're running under the same under the same ip and i'm not a super you know linux expert i've been using it for you know eight years or so but i don't consider myself an expert i google around a little bit and i believe that you can actually work around this a little bit you can assign like an additional ip address or something but i haven't played with it because i you know so far i didn't i didn't need it all right so uh what you can also do is you can run some gui apps however this requires some additional setup in the future wso is going to support gui apps but for now you basically have two ways the first one is that you install you know the full-blown ui you know for for ubuntu in this case uh whichever you want and then you would use some you know uh remote uh connection tool uh you know like and then connect it over over xrdp or something similar it's so sort of like a team viewer you know just connected and another one is the one that i went through is i went um was it was in uh with an x server right so you install an x server on windows and then all of these are become x clients and they simply send uh gui stuff uh you know gui requests back and forth between the server and the client for example i believe in this one i actually have sublime text installed so if i just run it as you can see like x server started over here and it runs over here uh you know it shows my my home folder and uh you know you can type and it's all it's so good it seems a bit uh a bit slower for some people um i haven't played around with it um uh enough to actually tell you if it's actually slow or not but it's supposed to be slower apparently um also like this is the issue that that i was talking about as you can see it didn't uh like this empty line was supposed to be rendered over here and so if i press f5 it's actually gonna fix it for me in fact i tried like six different terminals on windows and and they're all you know they all had weird issues and bugs i had uh big hopes for alecri uh but electricity actually has an issue in fact i can actually show it to you so if i run alacrity okay and i connect to um well it doesn't it doesn't even i don't even need to connect to to anything to show you what i mean is that what i mean is that if it's in full screen then for some reason whatever is in the back it doesn't get focused so for example um um where is it um for example this is the windows terminal right so if i if i release it uh it should have popped up what's happening is that it's actually behind the scenes you know it's actually in the background and it's actually uh you know accepting like i'm gonna type uh hello so i typed in hello okay but uh i i don't see i don't see the window in the case if i um go out of the full screen and actually close alacrity powershell doesn't understand control d as you can see i just tapped in hello okay so this this one this one issue like with electricity uh pretty much makes it unusable for me and also it doesn't support ligatures this is one of the cool things about the windows terminal it actually supports signatures maybe i can actually yeah i can actually show it to you so see like this is for example like a a fancy uh fancy arrow maybe maybe like this it's gonna be an arrow no like that well anyway you see you see it over here another general thing that you should probably know about wsl is that the path is shared between well they're they're merged right so the path from the path variable from uh windows it's actually the one that i showed you before well actually it's it's close to what i have been what i showed you before so advanced system environment variables this is mine this one right so this this variable is shared uh with well it's it's merged was was the one from um from windows okay so if you do echo dollar path you're gonna see that you know you have like the regular you know user local s pen use local bin and whatever and then you know the windows uh path is also attached you know by the way the the windows stuff it is mounted under you know under m t so you can go to m t c for example okay this is my c drive you know and the same for you know d [Music] you know this is my my d drive and so on all right so uh what i wanted to show you is that because the because the path is shared you can actually run windows apps right so if you do like uh explorer explorer dot exe okay and open it in the current folder then it will actually go and remember it went to this you know backslash backslash wsl dollar went into space went into m t and this is where we are so this is where you know c d e uh these are my drives uh this is where uh this is where they are mounted right cde these are my drives all right and this is the thing that i meant in the beginning of the video that you can uh pipe things to powershell and back so for example if i do something like echo dev inside you and as you can see i was playing around with it already in this vm so if i if i pipe it to clip dot exe which is you know the clipboard tool in windows so if i just do this and i open notepad for example and i'll be able to to simply paste it you can also do the other way around so if i if i simply launch my windows terminal okay then i do a wsl list and verbose then you're gonna see that uh one of them uh well actually i don't see it here uh maybe just without the verbose thing yeah so just just without you know just with the l uh you see that one of them is marked as default which means if i um around for example you know deer right so which you know runs you know it shows you my my folders like one of them for example is called videos so what i can do is i can take deer and i get pipe it into wsl and the instance that is marked as default is going to be used so i can pipe it and i can do grab videos for example okay and so it grabbed grabs the videos it's a bit fiddly every time you know every time you're you're playing around with it so for example i'm running you know i have a fuzzy finder installed inside so if i do something like this wsl fzf then it's gonna say you know that that it that the command not found and the issue is that for some reason doesn't load my my zs hrc um however there still is there is still a way to to get there right so you can do like you know the full path in this particular case and then bam i'm running i'm running fzf over here so it can do something like um videos okay see so for some reason now it doesn't accept my input so as already mentioned it's a bit it's a bit finicky um maybe the issues that i'm like in a folder which is kind of weird so let me let me switch to d for example let me do it over here maybe i can do something maybe you can type over here no i cannot hmm it's a bit weird like when i was when i was practicing for um for this video let me actually go in here for example what do i have in there so i have only three things let me let me actually try to run it over here okay let me try somehow like i don't know somehow i actually managed to type but as you can see it's a bit it's a bit finicky it's a bit of you know there's a bit of um you know fiddling around i said a couple of things about networking before uh one of the things that i sort of forgot to mention is that ipv6 is not supported well i actually mentioned it before but uh one of the things that you need to know about this is that if you're running a java server you know some something on the jvm you know scala closure or whatever whatever you have you know java kotlin um and then for some reason the jvm it prefers the ipv6 stack and so um even though wsl sets up uh port forwarding for you uh it's actually not gonna work unless you explicitly uh ask the jvm to to run it under ipv6 and um i'm gonna i'm gonna show it to you i'm gonna show you the flag like somewhere over here okay i'm not super sure if we're gonna play with it in the next video or not um but you know the other like the other regular poor forwarding uh works out of the box let me actually close this one uh so over here where for example in in space then i could for example go into my my website over here this is a project from my website and i could run the live server uh live server no css and jack so as you can see it it just launched automatically so it runs on one twenty seven zero zero one eighty eighty you know so it's it's all good so this is my website okay however as already mentioned like for java you would also need a special flag let me actually close this one uh let me kill the server over here in fact let me actually show you this um this java thing so um i believe that i should have [Music] i should have a project over here let me just pull again like as you can see like over here i had like an empty line again man come on i want to have it in full screen um right so uh i press f5 okay it has some merge conflicts what is it uh whatever just ignore all of them all right so one of the things that you need to know is that if you run through through visual studio code and visual studio code sort of splits itself and runs the server i'm going to show this to you in just a second then you actually don't need to do this thing that i'm going to that i'm going to show you in a second okay so let me actually run visual city code and so what is going to happen is that again you know i have it installed on windows and because it um because the pass is merged it simply uh and simply started the video still visual studio code that it runs on windows if you run it for the first time it will actually suggest that you install the wsl remote extension which is hold on where is it wsl remote my laptop is starting to overheat it has nothing to do with wsl though okay so it will suggest you install this extension and this is exactly what is happening here at the bottom over here you see that it's actually connected um to um to the wsl instance and also you see it over here it's the remote explorer so you don't even need to run the terminal you can go and directly connect to to one of them right so you can just open the folders that it opened before in a different machine and we'll just close this one and open the other one all right so um this is a a simple to do application that uh we wrote in the tagless final series if you haven't been following along don't worry about it but uh one of the versions of this to-do app can be delivered via an http server so this is also the one that we're going to run in just a second so what i want to show you is that when you run a server through vs code you actually don't need to uh to specify this extra flag like for some reason vs code is going to is going to manage this for you and uh yeah also like the first time that that you're going to start it as you can see by the way it's kind of slow now it's it's not because of wsl it's because my laptop is overheating and you know it's like 30 degrees outside okay so uh let me switch to this one for example and let me actually uh run it so it will run on uh 127.001880 i believe uh which is over here in case if i just alt click over here and then i'm gonna see that it's going to work in a sense that uh you know at least it loads so uh over here we don't have any any to-do's over here however if i were to start it without bs code which is what i'm going to show you over here so i'm actually just going to kill it and close it and you know close the entire thing over here so if i go into into space and if i go just into sbt and by the way if you're not a scholar developer sbt is just a build tool similar to maven it's just that it's in directive so you just kind of go in there and you sit there all day okay so let me start real quick all right so let's do the same trick and let's start it let's wait a second for it to start and there we go come on there we go okay so as you can see it's like it's still the same ip but if i go over here and i reload the page it should simply not be available because i simply don't have this ipv ipv6 stack enabled so if i go back over here and i kill it and i actually um include this the system property prefer ipv4 stack so if i start it now as you can see it says you know i picked it up by the way notice the underscore over here you can use the um you know the underscore java options or the java tool options okay java underscore tool underscore uh options and then it's gonna pick it up and then it's gonna prefer the ipv4 stack and then it's gonna work out all right the same trick and run it and there we go it's running again like usually it's even a bit faster as already mentioned i'm really having some some thermal throttling issues all right so now it's running i should reload the page and it should work please work i sometimes saw that it didn't work but it actually should work no it does work as you can see ta-da but again if you're using vs code then everything should work out for you all right let me close this let me close that let me actually kill this one we're pretty much at the end of the video um the only couple of things that i want to mention is that you know in windows terminal you have uh you know you have ligatures uh also you have you know like mouse support works fine if i open this um this whole thing was uh them for example and i don't know i go into some um some file you know mouse support works you know like i can like drag things around i can you know click on things um again like for some for some reason as you can see like it jumps around a little bit yeah like windows has some has some you know uh random issues um also you have you have a mouse support and um whereas if i do this and i do that and i do that and actually enable um the support uh like this then i will actually be able to you know drag things around as you can see like my hyper throttling issues it takes forever to even like start the shell this has nothing to do with this has nothing to do with wsl it's actually really fast all right let's close this close this uh close them it's important build we actually don't don't care about this all right as you can see like this is one of the issues in fact electricity has this as well that you know when you exit them it doesn't it doesn't restore my original you know pipe cursor one last thing specifically for uh scalar uh developers if you're using uh metals you know with vs code or something then i remember because all of the instances they they all use the same ip uh sometimes metals gets confused to which bloop to connect you know if you have like the same project and in those multiple instances as i do for example i prepare my videos in one and then when i'm i'm recording another one and so i'm having like exactly the same project same name same path and all and everything then sometimes it gets confused it gets confused all you need to do is restart the bloop server and uh the metal server okay there's no need to re-import the build or to remove the blueport.metals directories or anything like that all right i believe that this is all that i wanted to show you today i hope you enjoyed it and as already mentioned in the next video i'm going to show you step by step how to set all of this up for now as always it's been vlad don't forget to like this video if you did subscribe if you want to improve the developer inside you and if you learned something today consider support me on github sponsors or patreon whatever you prefer and that's watch my videos weeks and sometimes even months before everyone else and most importantly take care
Channel: DevInsideYou
Views: 20,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scala, software, development, programming, tutorial, dev, tutorials, code, learn, education, knowledge, diy, dev inside you
Id: hRrKPWSE-wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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