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[Music] good morning good evening good afternoon MZ Works LZ Works free roamr playay it's mix RP server we don't care about that you know what we do care about though setting up vmenu so let's go over this very simply if you have not already watched how to set Discord Ace perms there will be a video linked at the top right or the top left one of the corners and what I want you to do is I want you to set up Discord Ace perms because we're going to be setting up menu with Discord Ace perms the V menu is very simple once you get the hang of it so basically we've just set up Discord Ace perms and we're now going to set vmenu there is going to be a link for this in the description uh what you'll have is you'll have a RAR file being the main V menu if you were to install it from actual VP uh but from the link in description it will come with a link to vmenu what you need to add to your server. CFG and vmenu itself now you also need your permissions. CFG file do not worry though I will already have moved this into here for you and just so member actually do this I'll drag that into there for you so your permissions. CFG file and all that is very simple to set up so we'll go and open up the test server quickly go ahead drag that put that there and now that we've done this we'll go into here bang here make sure you have your permissions CFG we have one in there already H I believe this is older videos yes that's been there for a while so we draging the new permissions CFG file so this is exactly how you're going to receive it we're going to go into here we're going to execute I'm going to copy the execute command go to server.cfg file and I cannot stress this enough same with how we have these at the very top we'll have that for V menu right there you can close your server. CFG that should done with that for now now what you're going to do is you're going to drag and drop your V menu that is a lie you cannot close out your server. CFG you're not finished with that uh you're going to want to start the resource you know you kind of want to have the menu don't you so we're going to go and start V menu up right there now we're done with Ser CFG only thing we're going to need now is our permissions. CFG file and we're going to quickly go run over simple things in vmenu so inside of your config this is the only thing besides permissions that you should be touching so for add-ons this is your add-on vehicle pads with weapons and components now this shows exactly how it does so this will be the spawn code for the add-on Vehicles so say that is not how you spell Adder if Adder is one of your p is one of your custom cars and the OB 9f sure they two are custom Vehicles you'd replace them there and put them there simple as that uh and then for add-on locations you have the ability to actually do this via the in-game V menu if you have on our perms so permissions. CFG now a lot of people do get tripped up in this so we'll keep it nice and simple we'll keep it nice and easy and we'll go over it so you're going to scroll down until you find the setting up group inheritance and this is a very simple one so what I'm going to go ahead and do is make three quick lines uh we're going to make so it will be owner and once you have owner you'll have staff now St staff is going to take the inheritance from Civ s CV and then Civ is going to take its inheritance from itself just like that nice easy simple so on all these things that you want to set up it is going to be very nice easy and simple so if you want only staff to have no clip you'll copy the ad principal group. staff and what you'll do is you'll replace where it says here you will not copy that sorry you go to your no clip if you want to disable no clip entirely add a hashtag to it that makes it so the script just reads right over it and ignores it if not then uncp it and allow everyone to use it or if you want it to be under certain roles like staff you would change it to group group and then it would be Dot so for us it's staff but for you it could be something entirely different uh so what we'll do just for the video sake is we will show you with these so we're going to give staff members the ability to do everything in player options but for players we will only give them God mode invisibility run stamina fast one and we'll save that so this is very simple if you're wondering how you should set up your server.cfg your permission. CFG file this is not this video for you we are entirely going over stuff like how to actually use it and how you go forward with using it and how it works so for this video sake we're going to go and show you with just being a member in the Discord and then I will show you just having the staff roll as well so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and jump into the Discord uh that's the wrong Discord it's this one I'm going to go to my roles remove staff so I don't have any extra permissions over what members we'll have and we're doing all through player options so we can minimize this we can go over to the server quickly go ahead and start it and just go and cover up where the IP is y we're fine and then we're going to quickly go ahead and launch up the server which tends to be the longest process in making these videos is not the amount of mistakes that I make during them but it is actually starting the server up but no so nice and simple we'll jump into the server and once we were in the server we will go ahead and go over everything all right so now that we're in the server for the first time we'll have the menu all this stuff now myself is going to have admin permissions maybe I don't know actually what why do why why why does one have well there we go this is what we were showing so player options as you see we have god mode invisible unlimited stamina fast run fast swim and commit suicide but now what we can do as we're going to go quit out of here we're going to go back into the Discord and we're now going to give ourselves the staff r I'm like why why is this permissions not set up like that I'm like I'm too used to having them already set up and everything's already done but no so if you are wanting to test uh your actual scripts out for yourself what I am going to say is inside of your server config file I cannot stress this enough where you have your 5m identifier if that is set up to your account what that will do is that'll give you all add ad been perms for all menus so what you want to do is change that and have it so it's not matching your ID just so you can test this yourself and to get someone else on or anything like that so now what we'll do is we will be right back in the server and literally 2 seconds so I will see you when we're there all right so now that we're back we're in the server with a fully invisible character I ain't going to question we have our guns obviously but most importantly if we open up V menu now player options we now have everything so that's a very simple case on how you set them up now this is fully interchangeable so what we'll do is we'll go into our server permissions and I'll quickly go run through some other things so for here we have the car spawner which is here now if you want to disable everyone spawning everything in add a hashtag and rename this to whatever ones you want them to allow to spawn in so like you can see that's select few of them now whenever you restart the server and they have any role that is well won't be any of them because this is tagged out uh what you can do is if you want to allow yourself to do spawn everything in you can add this and go into group. owner and now you can spawn in all the cars however everyone else can only spawn in a certain type of car and that is going to be appliable since when you do your next server restart and as W and shielded with the add-on Vehicles there is now two new cars in here we'll have the adder which will spawn in from there H however apparently the spawn code is not OB 9f for the 9f it is just 9f so that did not go very well to put oh I can't tell apparently I don't actually know the spawning code for the for the ob9 F but oh well so that is how you install your vmenu perms if you do need any support at all what I can say is if you join the Discord it will be the link in the description at the very top if you go ahead onto Discord go into the support channels and create yourself a player report or bug report ticket I will get on top of them and I will help you to the most that I can so yeah if this video helped let me know in the comments and if you want to see more let me know uh we will have a few more tutorials coming out over the next few days what we will mainly be having coming out is how to add custom card and how to add deliveries to them CU a lot of people get do get confused with that that'll be the main one that we do get over is that we will also have easy admin set up coming out shortly when don't quote me on hopefully by tomorrow we should have easy admin all sorted out so yeah I'll see you guys in the next one take care and once again need any support come into Discord make a take it peace out
Channel: zwrks
Views: 1,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aO72OOsEJbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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