How to setup/install DiscordAcePerms into a FiveM Server 2024

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hello every my name is trooper and welcome back to another video today I'm showing you guys how to set up and install AER Discord API and Discord as perms and pretty much Discord perms for your 5m server on a whole first thing you guys are going to want to do is open up the links down in the description below so Badger Discord API Discord developer portal Discord a perms and also the Discord Ace perms documentation from here what you guys are going to do go to the first link which is Badger Discord API and this is what we're going to install first this is basically the framework if you put it for setting up Discord permissions on your guys's 5m server so what you guys going want to do scroll on down and click the download link on the GitHub page for Badger Discord API cck code and then download zip and once you guys have downloaded it open the download folder on up like so from here what you guys are going to want to do is navigate to your 5m server folder so mine is on my desktop right here it's the same folder folder and server that I've been using for the whole of the creating a FM server in 2024 series open your fm server on up go to TX data cfx default and then resources in here going to right click new and we're going to create ourselves a new subcategory folder and we're going to call this one Discord very self-explanatory why we're doing this because we're going to put all of our Discord related scripts into here makes us our lives a lot easier and also makes our 5m server look a lot more organized from here open the Discord folder on up grab our Discord API and drag and drop it into our Discord folder from here we can close this now we don't really need it and we're just going to delete the main part so from here what you guys want to do open the badger Discord API folder on up and open up the config DOL this is where we're going to make all of the changes to work with our 5m and our Discord server so what you guys are going to do first of all is set up the script to work with our Discord server so obviously the first steps is going to be opening up your Discord and making sure you guys have a Discord server that you want to link to your 5m server set up then go to the settings icon your user settings scroll on down and select the advanced settings and just make sure developer mode is ticked we can escape from that and also obviously make sure you guys have some roll set up so I've only set up one but obviously you guys can set up more than one if you want and that's going to be owner so in this video I'm going to be making sure that every time someone has the owner role automatically going to be given the admin roll obviously you guys could link that to pretty much anything you guys wanted as well you could link it to vmenu and almost every single menu that uses Ace perms so from here what you guys are going to want to do right click on your server and copy server ID go back to our config DOL and this is where we're going to put it into the guild ID just in between these quotes paste that on in Guild obviously meaning Discord server and if Guild is just another word for Server basically and from here what you guys are going to do if you want to have more than one Guild set up then just select true instead of false so just type in true and then from here we're going to want to name our Guild so for me you guys can see it's HTT server and once you guys have done that what you guys are going to want to do is hit save to make sure everything that we've done so far is set up and saved and then from here we're going to be setting up our bot since that is very very important in order to get all of our roles to work to do this go back and open up the Discord developer portal link down in the description below if you guys already opened it up like I said to do in the beginning of the video Hit new application name call it whatever you guys want so I'm going to do HT YT bot hello and create then from here what you guys are going to want to do is very very simply go to the bot section right here and you guys are going to want to grab yourself your server token so for me for some reason it never gives it to me and I have to reset my token each time I want it so just hit reset token or just copy token if it's there for you just briefly I wanted to tell you guys about my new website HD network. one which actually sets up a 5m server for you if you guys cannot be bothered to deal with all the management and having to add in mods and things like that you can literally just check out my website down in the description below ww. HT network. One and you can set up a 5m server in literally just a couple of seconds using the included Auto installer and it will have already over 120 plus mods that's custom Vehicles custom maps custom menus literally everything you guys could need and you literally did not have to do anything so check that out down in the description below ww. HD network. one and then once you guys have got your token just copy it go back to our lure our config and then paste in the token in the bot token section just in between the quotes like I've done right here and then we're going to save that go back to the Disco developer portal couple more steps we need to do head to the O or2 section scroll on down down to the bottom right here select bot to bring up the little bot permission section and then hit administrator grab this little generated URL open a new page in your browser paste in the link to your url bar going to bring up a little page on Discord asking you where you want to send this bot to and obviously we're going to send it to the Discord server we just made click continue allow administrator permissions and click authorize do the little capture and in a couple of seconds it should join your your Discord server you guys can see here it is my HTT bot is in our Discord server so from here we are done with the Discord side of things so we can just close that on down like so and now we're going to go back to our config DOL and we're going to set up our rols this is actually not too difficult so all you guys are going to do is in between these two brackets here press enter a couple of times so you give yourself a bit of space and then bring up your Discord server go to your server settings and then your roles and all you guys are going to want to do is right click and copy the RO ID of the role that you want to enter into so obviously there's only one for me if you guys have more than one then just do this one step at a time so first of all we're going to do the first rle we're going to copy that ID and we're going to go brackets and we're going to type quote the name of the role so for me that is owner quote and then closing brackets and we're going to do equals and then just paste in that ID we just copied which is basically the ID for the role and then if you guys want to add a new line for another role just make sure you guys put a comma on the end and then do the exact same steps so just go back to your Discord server copy the ID of your next role and pretty much do the exact same format and that is your roll list setup for your Badger Discord API and obviously here is going to be configurations for the splash screen when you guys join your 5m server you can change what the image is you can enable it or disable it I'm just going to disable it cuz it's not really needed and obviously you can also change how long you have to wait with a splash screen your server name and the headings and the Discord and website link that's up to you how you guys want to customize it obviously just customize it to your liking once you guys have done that we can actually close this config DOL down for our Badger Discord API since that is the Discord API side of things done so just close that on down going to keep our Discord server open and this time we're going to be setting up Discord Ace perms which is going to be actually setting up perms to work with our Discord server and our 5m server so make sure you guys hit the next link down in description below for Discord a perms scroll on down to the bottom for the download link to the GitHub page go to code download zip and then open the zip folder on up pretty much the same thing as we did before minimize to desktop find our 5m server folder go back to our Discord folder that we made and we're going to drag and drop that into here as well since it's a Discord script we're going to put it into our Discord server folder we can close that now we don't really need it and very very similar thing instead of main it's master and we're just going to remove that delete that like so and then open the Discord perms folder on up very very similar there's going to be a config DOL open that config DOL on up and here you guys will be able to configure your server name so for me that is HT YT server and obviously here you can change your Discord link your website link allow refresh command and you don't need to worry about this all this but I just focus on these here just to make sure your Bot is customized to your 5m server then since I only have one I'm going to just delete these right here since I only want to set up one if you guys want to set up two then just delete as many as you need to so for me that's just going to be one right here and we're going to change this to work with the rols in our Discord server going to go back to the roll settings rolls and yet again we're going to right click and copy roll ID and we're going to be doing very very similar steps to what we did for our Discord API but this time in our Discord Ace perms go back to our Discord Ace perms config and change this ID to our ID like so group and we're going to just turn we're just going to type owner or whatever the name you want your group to be so this group part is going to be the actual configuration for the roles and permission in our server.cfg so this is going to be setting the group owner basically into existence so every single person who has this Discord role will be given the group owner and this we can change permissions with in our server.cfg so we could set for example vmenu to work with the group owner only or we could set certain sections of vmenu to work with the group owner pretty self-explanatory from here so what you guys want to do hit save we can close that on down we can now if you want to close our Discord server we don't really need that up anymore just make sure you guys have Discord open in the background still since it does need Discord to actually detect if you're in the Discord server from here what you guys are going to want to do is we going to go back to our server.cfg so our cfx default folder open our server.cfg on up and we're just going to make sure we ensure our Discord category folder so just go down to the last ensure line two hashtags for a c category subheading which is going to be Discord scripts enter type inure and then the name of our category folder making sure the capitals are the same so I'm just going to double check here there you go I actually have a capital D so I'm just going to change it to Capital D there you go that is our subcategory folder in short so everything inside of our Discord folder will automatically start so make sure we save those changes so from here what you guys are going to want to do is actually configure the group that we made just a second ago into our server so do that open up the very very last link down the description below Discord a perms as you guys can see it's going to say put these two into our server.cfg so we're going to copy this going to go to our server.cfg just go right to the top since you guys can always keep track of where everything is going to press enter I'm going to paste in this line we just copied go back and also copy the very last line we need to copy right here and just paste it below that is going to give the permission for Discord a perms to give and take away roles once you guys have done that file and save your changes scroll on down to the bottom and here we can actually set up our groups so you guys are going to see this is very very similar to what we just did you guys are probably going to have from default a group. admin setup and this is something I recommend doing and it makes life a lot easier easier I'll leave this line down in description below you guys want to do is copy this line right here addore principal group. owner group. admins this will set it up so that every single person who has the role in your Discord server it will automatically give them the group admin permission which is set up by default with TX admin so that would mean that it will automatically give them permissions for admin on vmenu and pretty much every single other script that uses the admin group to give admin permissions and obviously you could do a very very similar thing with other roles so if you set up a different group you would just put a very very similar line change the group here and if you wanted to set up a different group that you've already used then you just change the group there so from here what you guys want to do file save and we are done so now we should be good to start our 5m server on up as you can see right here it is found at Badger Discord API and it is also successfully connected to our Discord Guild that's how you know everything is working perfectly as planned so I just connect to our 5m server and see our permissions working with our Discord roles now if we load into our game and going open up V menu for example since that is a menu that works with the admin permission that we configured open V menu and we can go to online player select ourself and you guys can see our app permissions are working perfectly so we can ban kick and kill and that's because we assigned everyone to have the owner role in your Discord server to automatically be given the admin role that was previously set up by TX admin in your 5m server so hope you guys find this video useful if you did be sure to like comment and subscribe and be sure to check out my new website HG network. one down in the description below I'll see all of you guys in the next video cheers and goodbye
Channel: HighwayTrooper
Views: 1,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jk8wlcqKMik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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