How to Set Up a Recurve Bow

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hi folks this is PJ Riley from the Lancaster  archery supply today what we're going to do is   the setup of a basic takedown recurve bow and  we've got the Samick sage here which is one of   the most popular takedown recurve bows when you  get the bow in the box it's going to have a riser   it's going to have you two limbs it's going to  have your limb bolts and a string first thing   you want to do is identify your limbs one limb  will have writing on the back the other will   not the one with the writing on the back is your  bottom limb so you're going to take that you can   see the bolt hole in there and here just going  to slide that in line them up put your bolt in   and tighten it just make sure it's nice and snug  and take the other one is your top goes in the   same spot put your bolt in and you can see that  the curve of the limb is out towards the front   limbs curve this way that's the proper assembly  okay next we're going to put the string on and   when you get your string in the package you'll  notice that one loop is slightly larger than the   other for this string that's going to be this  loop that's going to be the loop that you put   over the top limb of the bow you're just going to  put it over and slide it down take the bottom one   get it in the groove pull it tight and then we're  going to use a bow stringer in order to finish   stringing the bow got one end here it's going to  go over the end of the bottom limb take our top   end we're going to bring it over past the loop  of the bowstring so that the bow can flex when   it flexes I'm going slide this up into this groove  I'm going to take and step on this end of the bow   stringer in order to make the Bowflex so as I pull  back I can slide this up into the groove just turn   it over and check it to make sure that the string  is in the grooves on the belly of the limbs and   now our bow is strung so once you have your bow  strung you're going to want to check the brace   height the brace height is the distance between  the throat of the grip and the string and for   the Samick sage bow the spec recommendations are  seven and a half to eight and one-quarter inches   of brace height so it's a very simple way to check  it you just take any tape measure put one end in   the throat of the grip come back to the string  and check your measurement and you can see here   we are just under seven and a half inches which  means that we need more in the brace height and   to do that you unstring the bow and then we're  going to put twists into the string put a couple   twists in string it back up check the brace height  again so that's what we're going to do now we're   going to put twists into the string using the  bottom section of the string and we're just   going to put in we're going to try eight twists  here one two three four five six seven eight put our string back on we'll string it  back up and test the brace height again so we have restrung our bow and we're going to  check the brace height again we put eight twists   in and now we are just at over seven and a half  inches that's within the specs for the Samick sage   bow you can unstring and put some more in if you'd  like but seven and a half to eight and a quarter   that's what this bow calls for and actually as  this string stretches the more you use it you want   to keep checking because it's going to stretch out  and your brace height is going to shrink so now   what we're going to do is put on a rest and our  knocking points we have a basic stick on rest that   comes with the bow it's just got a peel off back  and we're going to place it right over the hole   for the cushion plunger in the riser we're just  going to match up this hole over it it's pretty   failsafe line that up so that's level the top of  it is level on the riser now you've got your arrow   rest knocking points are next to get your nock  points in the right place we recommend using a   bow square because that's going to give you the  best spot for your knocking points you're going   to put your bow square into the rest clamp this  end onto the string you can see when you're level   because the both square will set into the rest  of so just like it's an arrow and then what we   recommend is for your nock points to go 3/8 of an  inch above the center line here on your bow square   and that's going to be the top the knock is going  to be three inch 3/8 inches to a half inch high   that's our recommended setting so we're going to  put our knock point on the string here you can see   that it is at the top here that's 3/8 inches high  we got our knocking pliers just going to clamp   this on take this out clamp all the way around  to make sure that it is good and tight what we're   going to do is take an arrow that we would use put  it on the bowstring and then that will allow us to   set the second knockin point because we're going  to go below the nock we want to make sure that the   nock has a little bit of wiggle room we're going  to put it on the string leaving just a little   bit of space below the nock the arrow nock then  I'm going to clamp it on just like the other one so now our bow is set up and ready  to shoot we thank you for watching   today if you have any questions you can  check us out at Lancaster archery calm
Channel: Lancaster Archery Supply
Views: 329,042
Rating: 4.8498721 out of 5
Keywords: Lancaster Archery Supply, Recurve Bow, archery
Id: 0bOcsWGf_HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2015
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