How to Send an Email Using Power Apps and Power Automate | 2023 Tutorial

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hey how's it going everyone Michael back another video in this video I'm going to show you how to send an email from powerapps if you enjoy SharePoint teams power bi powerapps and power automate tutorials feel free to subscribe so we put on more videos in those areas now for my intro all right so I had a pretty cool idea when I was just thinking in my kitchen of uh sending an email and powerapps using a power automate flow so basically I need to gather what the email needs and to do that let's go ahead and create a new instant Cloud flow sending an email our apps and this will be a powerapps trigger and we just want to see what the send an email needs because I'm going to request this from powerapps so send an email V2 so I need a email address a subject and a body to basically just send this email so we need to create a little template in my PowerApp to gather this information send it from powerapps Power automate and then uh the flow will send out the email so I just want to create this because I think it'll be a pretty cool cool little project in uh cachulo familiar about integrating a flow to powerapps and Gathering data so in my powerapps I have a little I just have a rectangle and a header on top it's basically just spreading the rectangle across the screen and the label the same length so now let's go ahead and gather some of this information so for the two we need to gather some email addresses and there's two ways you can probably do this is just having an info box and then having a combo box where you can select the user from people field so we'll go ahead and try and do both of those so for my labels I'm just going to have um I'll probably have them like right here I'm not going to worry too much about the the X and Y values in this one so I'll probably just manually hand do it so for this one we want the um sunder what was it two oh we'll just do two here even though it's pretty small um flattering and I kind of want it to be bigger so we'll set these to like 20. two okay now we want a we'll do an input box right now so text input and then um we will have this ax after the label actually we'll do like 700. and we'll make the height the same as the label the label two got height and we need definitely need some borders around these so our users know that it is the info box so this one is good to go and we'll just have it extend all the way to the end of the screen and let's put a little border on this one so the users know two we'll have it like that even though I don't know it doesn't look the best but we can fix the UI later so label two x input we'll do input email all right now we need a heading let's actually stretch that to that and then um we'll make this a little bit bigger that looks a little bit better all right so next I'll just copy this paste it put it right underneath and now we need a a subject so subject you have a subject and again this is going to be a label this is going to be a input box so a user will go in and input some information that we want to send to the users I'm just going to turn the the Border radius to zero so the borders are straight lines because that was bothering me for a second let's actually turn off this border see if it looks a little better uh yeah that looks fine and then for the I think it's in text default maybe yeah default we'll change the default and all things I don't want anything to show there okay and then we need a body so whatever I want in the body of the email go ahead and give these some label names so label subjects input subjects I can't spell today okay just copy this place array underneath label body and then um need another input box this will be input body actually instead of having the default let's go ahead and do the hint text because it'll display like a little hint and users won't have to delete that text when they go to another information in there this will be under body and we need to change lists to body body to subject body under body change the syntax to any subject and that we will do for the email enter email okay we got our three Fields right here let's make the body a little bit bigger because um be a lot more information for the body perfect and let's have a bun to activate the flow so that'd be bun let me just be like send email a text on email but you just click on that and then uh we'll also have one two clear contents if the user let's say they didn't want to send the email at all we can clear out the contents for them clear we'll just have it clear so send email clear and if these bonds some names so button clear bottom on email go to you can enter in an email here Michael at subjects please submit timesheet and then for the body I want this to be at the top so let's see if I can change that I think it might be display mode multi-line okay that's better so the body we have a subject and we have a two basically I need to send all this information over in a power up so let's go back to create our flow we have powerapps right here I don't need to do anything for this step but I need to gather that information so let's go ahead and make some compose statements because I will use these compose uh actions to store that data so the first thing I need to store is this email so input email I will just go ahead and rename this I recommend renaming your power automate actions for these composers ones so it's easier to see in power apps what that field is actually going to contain so instead of it just saying compose data it's going to say email data so when I click on ask and powerapps I'm going to say email inputs if I didn't change that name it would say compose inputs and you just have to remember that the first one you're looking for is an email so definitely rename those so the second one we need is the subject so compose rename this subjects and then again you just want to ask in powerapps right here so for the third one we got the body of the email so another compose and let's go ahead and do asking powerapps again oh see I didn't change the name right here it's compose inputs let's go ahead and rename this to a body actually you see how it says compose and put subject inputs equal inputs I'm gonna go ahead and delete this because I don't want the compose and puts the show so because it's annoying we have our compose go ahead and rename it body inputs it's still showing down here but we'll just do asking power-ups I thought it would remove it but apparently it doesn't okay I saved a little too early it's going to ask us for the two subject and body but we can go ahead and remove this for now go ahead and remove the send an email I just had that so I can check and see what I needed okay let's go ahead and import this power automate add flow I have a ton of flow so bear with me trying to find it sending email powerapps all right now this flow is integrated in our PowerApp and I can add it to this button down here so on select I want to do send Sun sending an email power apps so that will be my flow because it removes the spaces in your power automate so sending an email powerapps dot run is a DOT run dot run okay so email inputs subject inputs compose inputs body inputs so it still has that composed there it's looking for that compose I think I might need to redo this really quick um I'm not looking for that compose anymore but it's asking for four input parameters so email subject composed body because I made that mistake so I'm going to go back and redo this flow just so I can get rid of that compose you might have to do that again if you have a way around that or if you have a way to remove it let me know because I can't remember how to do that now and I don't really know if there's a way to do it so I'm just going to redo this flow really quick and get back to you so we're doing powerapps again and let's just see if those composers are still there nope so asking powerapps asking powerapps and ask and power-ups again so you just have to remove the top one you don't that was actually quicker than I thought to be honest so if email subject body and then uh we need to refresh this let's see if it um actually changes this so email subject compose let's go ahead and remove this from our app and re-add it and um see if it gives us the updated parameters so what's back in our app let me remove this sending an email and powerapps Dot run email subject body so now it is working so we're good to go uh it got rid of that extra parameter we didn't need all right so we need to grab the email inputs and this is going to be whatever our label is so input email input email dot text and next we're going to need the subject and that is input subject dot texts and last but not least we need the body so we'll do input body dot text done that and then um we can send and notify saying email has been sent I'm not going to check if the actual email is going to be sent maybe there's something that failed but the only thing that could fail in this email is that the email is in a correct format so if it's starting in correct format this notified message is still going to say that email has been sent usually you want to return something in the PowerApp so let me go ahead and do send an email here so now we can add it in O2 add Dynamic content so I'm adding the email outputs now I'm doing the subject outputs and I'm doing the body outputs and this is going to send from whoever sent that press the E send an email button so let's go ahead and do that email uh subject please submit timesheet and for the body let's go ahead and do please submit your timesheets don't forget so before I press send an email let's go ahead and add a couple resets to reset these fields back to nothing when I press submit so if I press submit right now the send an email Bond all these are going to remain the same and I want those to be reset so reset input email set input subject set input body and I'm going to go ahead and copy that code add it to the on select for clear so now anytime I press clear it's going to reset those three fields let's go ahead and click on send an email so email has been sent let's go ahead and check our flow uh did I even save this we'll see we'll see we'll see all right so it looks like our email is sent uh succeeded let's go ahead and look at my email uh nothing yet let's go back and click on this body yeah so it looks like that email action wasn't included so it didn't send successfully because of that action wasn't there I re-saved it so let's go ahead and click on run I'm going to run from a previous one actually let's click on this resubmit this because now it's going to run with the updated uh send an email action included the resubmit the sending the email action was included two it includes our subject and includes the body check our email Michael to Michael so it's the same account and uh please submit your timesheets don't forget so we sent the email that's that's awesome it cleared all the fields and accomplished what I want to do all right so I hope you guys enjoyed the video about how to send an email using powerapps uh integrating a power automate flow if you like the video feel free to like comment subscribe if you have any questions feel free leave them in the comments down below and I will catch you guys in the next video
Channel: Michael Alex
Views: 31,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, Microsoft Forms, Forms, Microsoft SharePoint, SharePoint, Teams, Power Automate, Power Platform, Microsoft Flow, Flows, Automation, Tutorial, Guide, 2022, Microsoft Outlook, Outlook, Email, Power Apps, email automation, email sending, email integration, app development, business processes, productivity, email communication, connectors, SMTP, email parameters, personalized emails, data integration, tutorial, step-by-step, how-to
Id: teJgN9QjBwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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