How To Sell T-Shirts On Instagram

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yo you're having a hard time selling T-shirts on Instagram let me try to help you out Batman School clook the clam what's up y'all this is Fatman school and right now you watching the Sensei the number one the king my dude big Brando he taught me personally me fat man school all you got to do is keep your mouth closed and your ears open listen to the man talk that's knowledge personified right there and I wouldn't trust nobody else but my dude big Brando and I said it Batman School Big Brand let's go s everybody boy big Brando and today let's talk about selling T-shirts on Instagram now if you've been following me for a while you know that I post my Instagram selling strategy all over YouTube all over Instagram all over Tik Tok this is something that I've been doing for years and I still do till this day but as everybody knows technology evolves these apps change and we as the business owners have to adapt so I want to talk about some of the new strategies that I've been using and also touch base on the old strategy that still works for me till this day and kind of make an updated version of this video cuz you've seen this video on my page before now let me start by saying I'm not a professional I didn't go to school to learn how to sell t-shirts I don't have some crazy marketing degree or branding degree or advertising degree or any of that I didn't go to college whatsoever everything that I've learned how to do is done through experience I've tried a bunch of different strategies and this is the one that's worked for myself and that's why I'm sharing it with you guys if I seen a little bit of success in this I'm going to share it with you guys so you guys can do the same now the second thing I want to say is this isn't the only way to do things this is not the only way to sell t-shirts on Instagram this isn't the only social media marketing strategy out there this is just what works for me this is what I found to work for myself and this is why I operate this way now with that being said let's get into it first things first you need to have a business page now I'm not talking about about a business Instagram page I'm just talking about an Instagram page with your business's name on it the reason I say that is because a lot of people post business related stuff on their personal page and because their personal page might have a bigger following that's why they want to do that but all you're doing is creating business and brand confusion between you and your customers so I like to keep things separate I like to keep a personal page separate where that's where I post family stuff that's where I just post personal related things and then my business page or my Brands pages I keep those separate from everything now the reason being is because when I want to sell something to a customer or a new potential customer I want them to come to my page and only see business and brand related stuff only the customer doesn't need to see the spaghetti that I ate on Saturday they don't need to see that I had a flat tire on Tuesday they don't need to see that it was my dog's birthday they don't need to see what concert I went to they don't need to see my family's Christmas photos if a potential customer is coming to my page I want them to see only business related things hopefully that makes sense to somebody out there so first things first don't post business related stuff on your personal page or don't post personal stuff on your business's page keep those two things separate next thing is on your business's page don't make it private the idea is for people to find you in your business if your page is private they're not going to find you so make sure your page is open to the public so everybody can find you everybody can see you now after you have all that done you have your business page it's open to the public public it's not private now what do you post a lot of people first thing they do is they just want to lay t-shirts flat on a bed flat on a table flat on the floor and take a picture and post it and say Here's this t-shirt that I just made and then they do it again and again and again and again now you have 15 to 20 pictures of the same exact thing repetition is bad in this sense because the customer does not want to see just the same exact picture every single time that gets boring they get numb to it they start to ignore those types of posts and instead what I think people should be doing is using their social media to tell their brand story to tell the business's story this is very important to myself and very important to the customer it's like a lot of people put all this thought into like a brand name or into their business's logo and they're like man I want my brand name to mean this because I believe in this this and this I want my logo to look like this because it incorporates this and this all of that thought process should be put onto your social media page why did you choose that brand name why does the logo look like this what does it mean to you this is your chance to brag about your business and your brand what you created so use your social media to tell your brand story if I had a brand that was all about pizza that's all you would see on my page different pizza places my favorite pizza places Pizza related t-shirts Pizza related memes if you clicked on my page and my thing was Pizza Lovers clothing brand you would know that's what you're going to find on my page Pizza related stuff now if I just posted a t-shirt with a pizza design 50 times people's not going to care about that but if they come to my page and find out this new pizza place or my favorite toppings or my favorite pizza spot my favorite late night pizza spot now they're getting pizza related information it's driving in other Pizza Lovers like yourself and that's your target audience those are potential customers these are the people that are going to be buying your t-shirts so if a pizza lover clicks on your page and they see a bunch of different Pizza related stuff and pizza related t-shirts your t-shirts are now in the face of a potential customer somebody that relates to your brand and that's what you want same exact thing if you had some inspirational quotes or or positive influential brand or whatever it is then that's what should be posted on your page your t-shirts your designs there should be nothing negative on there if it's all about positivity it should always be about positivity because this is what your target audience is into it's always better to know who your target audience is so then that way you can cater to them people always want to start these uplifting influential type brands but then they don't know who their target audience is when I ask them who their target audience is they're like oh you know I want to uplift the people and that's cool but who do you want to uplift why should somebody buy your T-shirt to be uplifted by you this is your chance as the brand owner to tell your story on your social media that's something that you as the business owner have to figure out who you want to sell to who's your target audience got to do the research and find that part out you can't just ask hey who should I sell shirts to I don't know you need to be able to understand who you want to sell to who you're going to be designing for that just makes the sale that much easier for you so now that you know what to post you got your page it's not private no more how do you get the people to come check you out now one of the newest strategies that I've been using like I said we have to adapt whenever these social media apps start to change we have to adapt with the times one of them is Instagram reels if you watch my Tik Tok video you know exactly what I'm talking about so with Instagram reels this is where the reach comes from if you just post something on your timeline like a regular picture just a regular post your following is the only people that's going to see it and they're not even going to see it in chronological order they're just going to see that post randomly but when you post the real this is what gets thrown out to the people this is what the masses see this is how videos go viral this is where the attention is at so I like to use Instagram reels now if you looked at my big Brando TV Instagram page you'll notice that majority of what I post is on reals because that's where the reach is that's where it's going to the people's for you Pages that's what people are actually just scrolling through and watching this is how people are starting to find you so as a brand owner business owner you should be tapping into reals too so I've been doing it I've been testing it out I've been on Tik Tok I've been on Instagram reals I've been on YouTube shorts and I've been doing the same exact thing where all I'm posting is myself creating t-shirts the reason I do this is because when you teach somebody how to do something on Instagram Tik Tock or YouTube it boosts it up and it sends it out to more people so it's like a tutorial tips and tricks some kind of hack a lot of times what I'm doing is I'm pressing up a t-shirt I really want to promote the t-shirt that I'm creating so what I do is I show myself creating the T-shirt here's the heat press I'm using here's the transfers I'm using here's the blank t-shirt I'm using I'm pressing it at this degrees for this long this is the finished product the reason I do that is because I know that Instagram or Tik Tok or YouTube is going to push this out because I'm teaching people how to make shirts but in the back of my brain the only reason I'm posting that is because I want to promote that t-shirt I know that that t-shirt needs to be seen by a bunch of people the way to get it out to the people is by teaching them how to do something even if the person watching the video didn't want to learn how to make t-shirts they're now seeing this t-shirt the reason I talk about this is I tested this thing out with my Westside shirt I never launched that Westside shirt and this is the shirt I'm talking about four fingers up two Twisted in the middle the front says Westside right I've never officially launched that shirt I've only tested selling this shirt by doing what I'm I'm talking about showing me making this shirt in my shop that's how I'm getting sales so people are starting to see that video of even if they don't want to make shirts but they're seeing the finished product they're seeing that Westside shirt if they're from the west side of anything they're going to relate to that T-shirt and the way that I got it out to the people is just showing what I'm doing explaining the process so it sends me out into a different algorithm I guess that's what they're calling it and more people are seeing it than just my following I could have a very small following but I could get 100,000 views on this video because I'm showing people how to make the shirt so that's how I sold this shirt this is the proof is in the pudding I've never officially launch this shirt at all this is a big Brando t-shirt West Side on the front four fingers up two Twisted in the middle if you know what that is chances are you're from the west side of something and this t-shirt would relate to you so the only way I've been promoting that shirt is showing me making that shirt or I'm pressing up other shirts and I'm wearing the shirt I'm using their tactics on How They Roll videos out and how they push it out to the people in my favor that makes any sense so now some complete stranger who knows nothing about me doesn't even care about making shirts that's from the west side of I don't know organ they're now seeing my shirt and they're like oh damn man that's a cool shirt and if they're interested in it then they click the link in my bio and they order it that's the only way I've been selling that T-shirt and it's been working for me so I would say don't focus on your following don't focus on trying to get followers don't do that follow forf follow stuff don't do any of that followers doesn't matter when you're posting reals or Tik toks or YouTube shorts because like I said the content just gets pushed out to the masses not to your following your following will see it but the people will see it people scrolling Tik Tok people scrolling Instagram reals that's where it's going to land on that page so that's something new that I've been doing it's been working for myself and that's why I'm sharing it with you guys next thing I'm going to talk about is my regular strategy that I've been using for years now and that's utilizing hashtags locations this is something that's always always worked for me it still works till this day and basically what it is like I said if I had a pizza brand I'm going to click on the hasht pizza millions and millions and millions of posts are going to pop up of people posting pictures of their Pizza posting pictures of their favorite pizza spots this is where the pizza lovers live if they're using the hashtag Pizza obviously they posted about pizza they have an interest in Pizza this is your target audience so what I do is I click on the hasht pizza all of those pictures will pop up click on any random one I'll click on that person's profile and then I'll just comment randomly on any other picture outside of the pizza post I found them through the pizza post but let's say they got a new car and I hit them up and I just comment something like hey what year is that car or is that a stock color on your car I really like your car planning on modifying it anything I ask any random question I don't even care what color car it is or what kind of car it is or what they do to the car the reason I'm doing that is because I'm on Pizza Lover clothing page right that's my page Pizza Lover lover clothing I know they have an interest in pizza because they posted about their pizza and they hashtag Pizza I know that this person loves pizza and they would potentially love my t-shirts so Bingo talk about their car they answer back and they say oh yeah you know it's a 2023 blah blah blah this is a stock colorway I'm planning on lowering it putting some rims on it blah blah blah now we're having this exchange we're having this conversation curiosity is going to get the best of them and they're going to say who the hell is Pizza Lovers clothing why are they asking about my car do I know this person we've all done it somebody likes a picture that we don't know or somebody comments on our page that we don't know we click on their name just to see that little picture to see if we know this person same thing goes for them we're talking about their car they click on Pizza Lover clothing and they see my t-shirts my pizza post I know that they like pizza because that's me doing my homework I clicked on that hashtag I found them through the pizza post they're going to look at my pizza related t-shirts now it's up to them to look at your designs and be like oh damn this is cool I actually like this they click the link in the bio they end up ordering the T-shirt this is how I run all of my Brands I've showed it with the churo squad I've showed it with leftovers the proof is there I've been doing this for years it's all over my YouTube page I've been documenting this I have playlists talking about this strategy showing you how it works and it's just the business owner or the brand owner doing their research on the target audience that they want to sell to if I have a low rider brand obviously I'm going to click on low rider related hashtags because chances are somebody that's posting about low riders either owns a low rider or has an interest in low riders and then I can narrow it down I could talk about Cadillacs and Impalas I could talk about bombs I could talk about Daytons people using fake Daytons using real Daytons the list is Limitless when you understand who you want to sell to right so if I'm talking about low riders and I make Low Rider themed shirts or low rider related shirts and I want to get my shirts in the faces of low rider owners most guys that own low riders are posting about their cars click on the hashtag find their car find what they're posting about and just start talking to them you don't have to go in there and say hey buy my shirts or you don't need to go in there and be like hey I got a shirt that's made for you or you should check out my shirts no you don't got to sell them on nothing curiosity will do the selling for you I'm on my low rider page I got low rider related content on there they see my low rider related t-shirts on there I found them through a low rider post but let's say I'm commenting on their dogs post maybe they got a cool French Bulldog and I'm like hey what color is that dog how old is your dog whatever I'm just asking a random question they respond back with oh yeah blah blah blah they notice hey do I know this person they click on my name then they see my low rider content my low rider t-shirts I know that they like low riders I know they own a low rider because that's how I found them now I have a potential customer looking at my t-shirts at my page at my content organically it just happens curiosity gets the best of everybody this is how I run my brand Brands this is how I use Instagram to make all of my sales and it's worked over the years without paying a dime for advertising without paying a dime to run ads or boost my post or any of that stuff I just put in the fingerwork getting on my phone clicking on the hashtags and creating engagement with potential customers if you want to see more on how this works I have playlists that are already made Back to Basics talks about this starting from scratch talks about this and shows this the playlists are there for you guys to learn more and understand exactly what I'm talking about and like I said this isn't the only way to do this but for myself this is where I see all of my profits All of My Success is from these strategies and does this work for everybody no there's people that try it out and it doesn't work there's a lot of people that try it and it does work for them but it's worth a shot and it's a numbers game the more you do the more people you hit up the better chances you have of them seeing your stuff and you could be using the bathroom I say this all the time you could be taking a dump you're already on your phone searching and looking at stuff might as well use that time to try to engage with some customers click on that popular hashtag of whatever your brand is related around go in there and just start targeting people start creating Engagement start commenting start talking to them and that's it hopefully this information right here helps you guys out I hope it rings a bell in somebody's head just to recap you want to be able to create a business page do not post personal stuff on your business page you want that page to be open to the public and not private you want to tell your brand story you want to be able to talk about your brand and show things about your brand or your business make sure you get your Brand's DNA integrated into that page so people understand and know what it's all about utilize Instagram reals this is where you're going to find a big reach to get to the people and when I say doing that get creative with your post don't just do a picture of your shirt on somebody like I said try to get creative the way I got creative was showing people how to create the shirt the idea isn't just to teach people how to make the shirt the idea is to promote the shirt that I'm creating I want people to see that design so then that way they can buy it from me so think outside of the box and try to get creative with this thing remember utilize Instagram reals Tik Tok YouTube shorts all of that stuff right now it's a free-for-all videos are going viral just cuz get in while the getting's good and it's still beneficial to utilize hashtags location and all that stuff that same strategy still works for me hasn't failed me yet if you want to see more about that check out the playlist on this channel now if you guys got any questions make sure you leave it in the comments I know this was kind of a long video but hopefully this is updated version for the people that never heard or seen my strategy before if you want to see it in action check out the playlist and it's all over my YouTube page all right if you got questions leave it in the comments it's always easier to ask your questions in the comments and not through a private message or direct message I see the comments more I see them quicker and that's where I respond to the people is in the comments there's no question that's a dumb question ask them all in the comments and follow me on Instagram big Brando TV you could ask your questions there in the comment section also all right catch you guys on next one man yeah
Channel: Big Brandoh
Views: 24,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sell t shirts, t-shirt business, how to start a clothing brand, social media marketing, gorilla marketing, clothing line, streetwear brand, selling t shirts online, instagram, instagram reels
Id: MgdIt7rgg5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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