How to Write Perfect Cold Email Using AI | Email Strategy

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hi guys today I'm going to show you how to write the perfect cold email so whether you're a salesperson a job Seeker freelancer or just looking to expand your network mastering the art of cold email is very essential you can send email after email but you'll never get the response that you want the thing is these people receive a lot of emails every single day so your message often gets lost in the shuffle but don't worry you can change all that I'll teach you how to grab the attention get them to open your email read it and even respond to it so in this video I'll break down what cold emails are and how to write the perfect cold email also by the end of this video I'll introduce you to a fantastic tool which will help you write the best cold emails and boost your response rate so I'm brand forsite Learners and let's get started why are cold emails call so to begin first let's understand why these emails are called cold emails it's actually quite simple they're meant for reaching out to someone you haven't met before think of it as this way imagine you're organizing an event like a charity fundraiser and you have a list of potential donors but you've never met them before so a cold email is like sending a friendly message to these potential donors looking for a positive response now you have to understand that the main goal of a cold email is not about expecting immediate action instead the idea is to initiate a conversation and get them interested in your cause now you might be wondering how do I even find the email addresses if I've never had any contact with them before well that's a good question if you're connected with them on LinkedIn you can often find their email that the other option is to check their website because they might have left the contact details there if all else fails there are some handy tools like and zoom info that can help you track down the emails now that we've covered the why and what of cod emails let's dive into the how how to actually write compelling Cod emails that keep your reader interested first things first the subject line think of it as your golden ticket to getting your email opened and ready if it doesn't catch the eye chances are no one is going to bother opening it so how do you craft the perfect subject line here are some tips to help you out tip number one personalize it when you're sending cold emails one of the best things you can do is make it personal and I'm not just talking about adding the first name you can check out their businesses interests social media or even the dreams and hobbies if you find something unique do mention it in your subject line it'll make them feel like your email was just for them and that's how you stand out from the crowd now for the second tip keep it short and sweet people often check their emails on their phones so if your subject line is too long it gets chopped off and that's why it should be short it needs to be attention grabbing and full of value and that's why we need to keep our subject lines concise and to the point about the third tip make them curious you want your email to be like a puzzle that they can't resist solving so make the value you're offering crystal clear for instance a subject line like this is where your post are getting enough fles is like a hook that makes them want to know more right but please avoid using clickbait subject lines you know the ones that praise a lot but deliver very little they are sure to annoy your reader keep it Honest by matching your subject Cent to what's inside your email now that your subject Cent has done magic and the recipient is inside your email next let's see how you can keep them engaged keep your email short and to the point we know people are busy and don't have enough time for lengthy emails that's why you need to get straight to the point in the first two lines tell them briefly about how your product and service can solve their issue just as you entered in the subject line and then you can introduce yourself or your business moreover adding bullet points in your email can be a big help as long paragraphs can be offputting now moving on to the next point which is to grab the reader attention right from the beginning the trick here is to make the email about them and not about you let's take Sara's passion for eco-friendly products as an example you could start your email with something like hey Sara I've noticed is your remarkable love for eco-friendly pet stuff your social media is the proof of that after that you can introduce yourself or your company keeping it simple and Casual no need for any biger fancy words just connect with what matters to them lastly let's address a common Pitfall in cold emailing you write a fantastic email but miss a critical element the call to action it's that specific Next Step that you want your recipient to take in the case of Sara our call to action can be as simple as Sara can we schedule a quick call to discuss friendly pet products a short and clear CTA makes it easy for your recipient to understand what you want and take action it's all about simplifying the next steps in your conversation and without it your recipient might be left wondering what to do next and that is a missed opportunity right following up now even if you've done everything right and still haven't received a reply don't be discouraged you can still send a followup email to express your continued interests it's entirely okay to send three to four follow-up emails if you haven't heard back after all all you've invested time getting to know the person and crafting a personalized email remind them that you're eager to hear from them all right now that you've covered the valuable tips of crafting the perfect cold email it's time to introduce you to an AI tool that makes it easy for you to implement all these tips and generate the perfect cold email once you're in search for cold email here you'll start by filling in some key details begin with specifying the primary goal for reaching out next you will provide the details and the highlights of the person you're interested in reaching out so let's go to LinkedIn to gather this information copy the key information from the recipient's profile and paste it here once you've got that covered take a moment and describe yourself briefly so that they know who's reaching out to them then click on create content as you can see grav creates the perfect and personalized email in seconds it's pretty impressive how it covers all the essential details but wait there's more let's take another example this time with a different primary goal let's say you're approaching a potential client for a project so let's fill in the details and click create content and there you go your cold email is ready to go this is how you can use gravity right to write your cold emails now you can also change the tone of this email and make it sound professional casual or even friendly to do that click here then click here and choose the tone you like I'll select friendly and click create content now remember I mentioned earlier about the importance of followup emails if you haven't heard back from your recipient don't worry there's a tool in Gra right for that simply search for cold emails click on followup emails and fill in the details and here we need to paste the original email that we have sent and you can use gravity rides history feature to find the previous generated content so let's go to history here we have the email so let's click this to view the full content now I'm going to copy this and paste it in the followup email tool you can make it even more personalized if you want to after that click generate content and you have a well- written followup email that aligns perfectly with your previous email and that's it you now have a fantastic tool with you to streamline your cold email process and grab the attention of those recipients whom you've been trying to reach for a while that's all for this video guys if you found this video helpful please please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to website learners for more content like this so thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video Until then take care bye-bye
Channel: Website Learners
Views: 16,863
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Keywords: cold emailing, best ai tools, cold email lead gen, how to write cold email using ai, ai cold email writing tool, best ai tool to write cold emails, cold email template ai, increase cold email response rate with ai, ai sales email writing, the future of cold email with ai, how to write a cold email using ai that gets replies, personalize cold emails with ai and increase conversions, cold emails that get responses, best cold email strategy
Id: fmZqjuvqmSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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